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AoA Contest: Classic American Cuisine for the GFCF Diet

Classic American Cuisine

Stephanie Hemenway has given us two copies of The Autism Mom Cooks Gluten-Free Casein-Free Classic American Cuisine for a contest.  Leave a comment with your email address in the email field to enter. If you have trouble commenting send me an email at [email protected].

You can order this book and learn more at Stephanie's website, Autism Mom Cooks GFCF. Stephanie sent me a batch of the brownies and a loaf of the white bread. Both were delicious and few would ever guess they were GFCF. I really think my kids would have liked the brownies...  ;)

Gluten-Free Casein-Free food that is inexpensive, easy to prepare and utterly delicious!

You shouldn't have to sacrifice taste or your family's grocery budget to enjoy (yes.....enjoy!) a GF/CF diet.  Those on the GF/CF Diet because of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Celiac Disease or severe allergies, no longer have to settle for unappealing food.  The days of crumbly, dry bread or gritty, odd-tasting cookies are over.

The Autism Mom Cooks Gluten-Free Casein-Free Cookbook Series is dedicated to providing simple, cost effective and delicious recipes that the whole family will enjoy.

All recipes are taste-tested on individuals who not on any sort of restrictive diets, those on GF/CF diets and finally...... some of the pickiest kids out there.



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Athene Kok

I've been waiting for a book like this but my kids are also corn and soya free so I pray there are recipes that don't include this. Two ASD kids under the age of 8 who are picky eaters anyway... mmm challenge here we come!!

Kathleen Reardon

Id love to have this book. My autistic 3 YO.
will only eat cereal and peanutbutter.
IM worried sick.I will try every recipe.
I want her to be on the GFCF and I have only 2 recipes. She is a triplet and her brother has PDD so IM going to implament the GFCF diet for him as well.MY plans are to do the diet along with them to see how I feel ect..Thank you.


I hope I'm not too late -- I'm catching up on e-mail reading! Please please pick me! We've been gfcf for two years -- half of my 4 yo's life and our little bank of "will eats" is getting really stale!!


Please enter me. Thanks.


Please, please, please pick me. I need all the help I can get my son is so picky.

Eileen Cooper

I always have such a hard time finding GFCF foods that my kids will eat. Please enter me as I had been thinking of buying this book.

Margaret R.

Please add me.


I would love to give this a try! Please enter me. :)


Oh, I could use some new recipes!


Another great idea for my dear husband - he's the cook in our house!


OH PLEASE let me win this book!!! Enter me too please!

Joan L.

I'd like to enter the contest.

Susan O'Hale

Please enter me too!

Karen Fialkoff

Ive been trying for 4 years to cook within the confines of gf/cf cooking for my 7 yr old.
I love love some new inspiration and Ill bet he would too. Please enter me too. Thanks!

Jennifer Nichols

I would love this cookbook to come up with more ideas for my son. We have been doing this for almost a year now and he is eating more than he ever did before so I would love some new things to try with him


Would love to try this book's recipes. With the autism, my grandson's diet is extremely limited. Let's face it, we all need as much help as possible. We live in such a rural area it takes an hour to get to the nearest health food store that carries fixin's for gfcf foods, then the cost is almost not worth it. Thank's for your site.

Barbara Bucknam

Yum, Please enter me!

Maria M.

Please enter me too! Thanks. :)
I could use some new ideas.

Simon's OT mom

Please enter my name in this contest. I would love to have more food options for my son, as well as this could be a resource for students with autism in my school.

Big D

Loks like a great cook book - please enter me as well!

Sparrow Jones

Please enter me in the contest! It has been so hard making separate food for picky family members and I'd love to have us all eat the same meal together.


I would realy like to have the book as i am trying my best to learn all i can before starting my austic 20 yr. son in hopes &prayers that when i get something that is easy for a 54 yr. old mom to understand.


Please enter me in the contest. I am really tired of serving the same old gluten free chicken nuggets and hot dogs!

Brenda Gibson

I would LOVE to have this book. Going GFCF hasn't been easy financially or recipe wise and we could use all the help we can get. This book looks great and my son wouldn't run from it as soon as he saw the cover!


Enter me Please!!

Janine A

Please enter girls would be happy for Mom to have some new recipes.

Deborah Hoyns

My extremely picky,SPD, limited food choices son would love for our family to win this cookbook we could make new versions of his old comfort foods :)
His sister also gf/cf totally agrees.
Thank you for spreading the word about this cookbook and having the contest!

Heather  Brescol

I love the chance to win this book. It looks like it would be a great addition to my growing autism library!!


I'm always looking for something new. I'm hoping to find some new corn free, egg free, quinoa free, chicken free, yeast free, soy free, peanut free, GFCF foods.

Eric Thornsburg

Our family of four has been GF/CF, corn-free for over 2 years now. My wife has celiac disease, my six year-old has autism, 4 year-old has food allergies. My wife has learned (from the ground up) how to prepare delicious GF/CF meals. Please enter us in the contest.

Frank for Aidan

My son would love some new options. I think he's tired of kosher frankfurters and mustard (lots of mustard) for lunch!


Love reading this blog, and I think I would love reading (using) the cookbook even more.


Would love to try this book out! My son has been gfcf and soy free for almost 10 years, and keeping his pre-teen appetite satisfied has become a challenge.

Lisa Hunter Ryden

I would love to enter this contest and then give it to a mom/dad just starting the GFCF diet in our NAA chapter in Central Texas.

Benedetta Stilwell

That is blackmail Benmyson, but it gave me a laugh all the same!


Please enter me in the contest. We are just about to start GF and my 10 yo Asperger's son has been crying and screaming about it for days. I need all the help I can get! This would be a Godsend.


Nanci [email protected]

Jack's Dad

Three boys on the diet - they can't take another day of Bell & Evans chicken nuggets!! Keeping my fingers crossed.


Please enter us--thank you!


Yummy! I would love to win this book. Thanks AoA for such great contests.


OHHH! PLEASE put me in the drawing, I have been drooling to buy this book and try the recipes! I have been trying to save my pennies (literally!) to buy it!

Crossing my fingers! ..and toes..and eyes, arms, legs, and everything we can cross over here :)

Mom to Ethan, Alex, and Megan


I just found out this summer that my son has ASD. I am tearing even now just thinking about it all. What a journey. We stumbled upon this diet when, as vegans, our 5 year old son had stomach problems that caused us to look at eliminating one of the only things left... gluten. One week later, his digestive system responded and put him in the ER with feverish constipation.
Looking back, I'm actually glad that happened as we never would have seen the child we do now, 4 months later. What a difference it made!. Of course, we now stumble upon this diet all over the internet when before, we hadn't even heard about it.

I would love this book. I have three children ages 5,4, and turning 3 this Saturday. It's not easy trying to feed all of them on the same diet and have all of them enjoy it all. I could use some help.

Thank you for considering me.


Carol Jines

Throw my name in for the book! I'll take any help I can get, GFCF is so hard to do!

Becky Synan

I have been so frustrated with putting things on the table that I'm told, please don't make that again! I'm fortunate to have family members willing to eat what I make, but am overwhelmed with constantly having to come up with new recipes.
Please enter me for the cookbook contest!
Thank you.

theresa gates

I have a 4 year old autistic child with sensory issues. I read everything I possibly can to help me. I have raised two healthy little girs who would eat the table if I let them. My son is extremely difficult to feed. Looking foward to reading through this book.

K Fuller Yuba City

Please enter me...thanks


This books looks amazing! I can't wait to see it!


Please enter me in the contest. Recipes that look and taste like what the NT people are eating would be great to have.


I am going to buy this book today!!! I cannot wait to get started.

Bernie Moxley

Please enter me in the contest


This appears to be an awesome book. I have been doing this diet on and off more on for the past 7 years, and it is tough to come up with new recipes with such a picky eater. Although, my grandson has come a long way since starting on this long journey that sometimes can be a very lonely road but we get through it with the grace of God and great internet friends and people like this author to help us through the days and nights. I would be the happiest "Nana" to win this book and my lil guy would love new recipes..........

Best of luck on your book.



I'll take any inspiration I can get!!

Julie C

Ok I am really intrigued by the "cheese" recipes. I haven't found a good gfcfsf one yet. Sign me up!


I would love to have some new ideas.

Lisa Thompson

This would be a fabulous prize to win! I'm wishing and hoping!

Michi Medley

I would love to be entered in the contest to win this cookbook. We're just about to start the diet again, and I need all the help I can get!

Amy in Idaho

Oh, oh, oh!!! This will go great in the new kitchen - a kitchen that will be large enough for me to actually cook/bake something! Ian's chicken nuggets are great but really, I'm tired of supporting just one segment of our economy.......


This sounds like fun!!

Holly, Ohio

I am always looking for better GFCF recipes. I love the contests that A of A sponsors. Thank You!


This looks like the GFCF book i have been waiting for!!! And I am desperate for new recipes!!


Although Ben has been tested and is free of any allergies I suspect that I am not. I love southern fried American food and Ive been sick all my life because of it. I'm too lazy to buy the book, too fat to want it, too old to change but my wife thinks she can fool me into eating healthier food if she could find the right recipes.

If you send me a copy I swear I will stick to the diet for a month and give you a report, if I don't get a free copy I'll eat a plate of biscuits, fried chicken and gravy, followed by a big fat brownie and ice cream... let it be on your conscious.


Sorry meant to say Enzymes not Autism.....I give my child Enzymes because I could never find foods that tasted like anything!


Please consider me to receive this book....I give me child AUtism ( I have two children on the spectrum) because the diet is so difficult to sort through and the items tasted awful. Im willing to give it a go with a good cookbook!!!


Sign me up - I've hit the GFCF wall...

Linda Wynne

I definitely could use the help in the kitchen.


Please enter my name. I would love to try out these recipes to see how well they would work for us and for my friend. :-)

Kathleen Helppi

I have been struggling to keep up the GFCF diet! Please enter me! and thank you!


I read it yesterday, too, and I don't know what to try first. I live in the midwest, but my roots are southern, and the biscuits look sooooooo good. I'm with Kim on the mac-n-cheez and the grilled cheez sandwiches -- I've never seen a recipe for a sauce to use like Hemenway does. My girls (one NT, one ASD) looked at it with me last night with excitement -- it's filled with recipes that we can all eat together!

Penny (


Always on the lookout for ways to expand the current menu selections I can offer the little guy. Thanks!

Maria Buchta

I would like to be entered. Cheese sauce - yummy!

nancy smith

This looks like a great book! Would love to win one, thanks for the chance!

katie kelley

Oh, I am so ready for some new ideas.

Chrissy Weber

Please enter me for a chance to win this book. I am always looking to increase my knowledge, and now that we have added even more restrictions to my son's diet, I am starting all over in many areas.

laura shuler

cant wait to see it!!!


I read the book cover to cover last night before bedtime - dumb, I got really hungry! I especially like the cheese sauce substitute. I'd love to give the girls grilled "cheese" sandwiches again. We all need comfort food, right? Thanks, Steph. We'll announce the winner early next week. Share the link on your blogs, won't you? Click the headline to pull the URL.


Benedetta Stilwell

On a GFCG diet is sugar allowed? Just curious about that one.

Craig Willoughby

Sign me up, please. I've been looking for new GFCF stuff for my little guy.


Would love to have this book . . . looks wonderful!


Looks like an awesome cook book!

Alison Davis

Need new recipes!

Tanners Dad

Need help with my GFCF Cooking. I am very thankful for the frozen food people.

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