ABC News to Cover Extreme Sports Camp for Autism
Dear Friends of Extreme Sports Camp,
We are pleased to announce that ABC News will be airing segments on Extreme Sports Camp this upcoming week. Our contact at ABC says they are likely to air on Monday night on ABC World News and ABC Nightline. The World News piece will be shorter, a few minutes, while the Nightline piece is longer, about 9 minutes. The crew filmed the camp during the week of August 10th.
We are very excited about these shows, and appreciate the time and interest on the part of ABC to feature our summer program. If we receive word that the program time changes, we will let you know.
Thanks for all your support and help in making Extreme Sports Camp the success it is. We had a fabulous summer and can't wait to announce our upcoming winter and summer line ups.
To learn more about Extreme Sports Camp, please visit our website at
Exterme Sports Camp
I wish Liz Birt, one of the original camp founders, could see this. Or maybe she can...
Posted by: Amy Becker Clark | September 01, 2009 at 07:39 AM
What a great show. Thank you.
Steven Sims
Go Bike USA
Posted by: Steven L. Sims | August 31, 2009 at 11:07 PM