Amanda Copeland on "The Autism Underground" on HuffPo
United We Stand, Divided We Fall


Kathy Blanco

Being he is from connecticut, he probalby has lyme, not kidding, know many with lyme who have prostrate cancer, it is connected...

marcellus lee

nice article!i would love to see more of your articles


Please, sir.... I knew our smart readers would get the photo.


I appreciate the picture, Kim.

Oliver, Oliver
Never before has a boy wanted more!

It's a great idea. I know it's dicey, but it's so important. Every time someone in the House or the Senate has a medical treatment, we should be sending in these letters, reminding them of the have-nots.


The double irony is that Senator Dodd's life is more at risk from over-aggressive (and very profitable) treatment of prostate cancer, than the cancer itself.

Having "good insurance" can be a double-edged sword since the hospital will use you like an ATM machine. Our medical system is so back-asswards it's not worth saving.

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