A Letter to Senator Dodd on Autism Insurance
Click HERE to read "A Letter to Senator Dodd Following His Cancer Diagnosis" on Huffington Post. If only we had such a clear treatment path and were "allowed" to have such hope. And insurance coverage.
Comment at HuffPo if you have a moment, please. Thanks. KIM
Being he is from connecticut, he probalby has lyme, not kidding, know many with lyme who have prostrate cancer, it is connected...
Posted by: Kathy Blanco | August 02, 2009 at 11:47 AM
nice article!i would love to see more of your articles
Posted by: marcellus lee | August 02, 2009 at 04:53 AM
Please, sir.... I knew our smart readers would get the photo.
Posted by: Stagmom | August 01, 2009 at 08:53 PM
I appreciate the picture, Kim.
Oliver, Oliver
Never before has a boy wanted more!
It's a great idea. I know it's dicey, but it's so important. Every time someone in the House or the Senate has a medical treatment, we should be sending in these letters, reminding them of the have-nots.
Posted by: Gatogorra | August 01, 2009 at 08:50 PM
The double irony is that Senator Dodd's life is more at risk from over-aggressive (and very profitable) treatment of prostate cancer, than the cancer itself.
Having "good insurance" can be a double-edged sword since the hospital will use you like an ATM machine. Our medical system is so back-asswards it's not worth saving.
Posted by: julie | August 01, 2009 at 02:00 PM