Autism Perception: "A Bump in the Road?"
Speaker Pelosi: Please Include Autism!

Podcast on Autism One Radio: David Kirby and Mark Blaxill At DC Autism Briefing Today

Click HERE for the podcast on Autism One Radio.

The first photo is of David presenting, Mark is seated facing the attendees. The second photo is of Mark presenting. Waiting for updates from today's briefing by Reps. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Christopher Smith (R-NJ) all week.  You can view the PowerPoint presentation in full HERE. The podcast will be available after the event at Autism One Radio.

Maloney presentation

Mark DC

DC 2009


Kathy Furtner

My grandson (13 months) was just diagnosed with GAMT deficiency. He was showing signs of autism but after 2 weeks of treatment...those signs have disappeared.
He still has symptoms of GAMT but we are hopeful that with treatment ( diet and supplements) he will be a normal little boy.


Just heard from David. Over 80 attenedees...Excellent!

Kent Heckenlively

David and Mark:

There are times in this Age of Darkness when it's easy to despair that our leaders in government and the medical community will ever take notice of the autism holocaust.

But then there are moments when people rise up to accomplish extraordinary things and I am so happy to be a small part of this amazing community.

One day all of this will be over, and the children of the children we rescued will ask us what we did in the vaccine-autism war. And we will have a simple answer.

We fought.

All the best,
Kent Heckenlively


Any news on how many attendees are in the room? How's it going? Come on... throw a dog a bone (did I just call myself a dog?)!

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