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End of an Era?

Millvina End of an Era?

K Paul Stoller, MD, FACHM

On May 31, 2009, the last surviving passenger of the RMS Titanic, Millvina Dean, passed away in her sleep at the age of 97. She was only a nine week-old infant when her family boarded 3rd class to steam to a new life in the USA (when her father lost his life on that fateful night her mother and her older sister returned to England.)

She, like the rest of the ships passengers, never knew that the steel that was used to construct the ship’s hull had contaminants  in it that made it especially brittle at low temperatures and it would never have passed quality control today and couldn’t take the stress of the collision that awaited her on April 15th 1912.  Millvina never knew that there were design flaws in the ship itself . She never knew that when warnings of ice bergs ahead was conveyed to the Capt that the response was to be full speed ahead, nor that the ship had an inadequate number of life boats should something go wrong.

The marvel and tragedy that was the RMS Titanic was a short-lived monument to ego.

The analogy to the ship of fools we call the Infectious Disease Division of the CDC is striking. The CDC was created to fight the scourge of Malaria – that fact alone should tell us something given that malaria is alive and well. To fight most infectious diseases, the CDC has adopted a medical practice, vaccine,  that has its roots in the 19th century – the science was not well understood then and on a certain level that fact hasn’t changed.

The largest and most infamous vaccine was polio – this vaccine was foisted on the public by scientists who were warned that an environmental factor was causal in the epidemic experienced in the first half of the 20th century, but all the blame was put on a virus alone which may have been nothing more than an opportunistic player. Even today the fact that pesticides, specifically organochlorine pesticides, may have caused the vast majority of the paralysis called polio is not something widely known. That lesson  was lost along with the true price we are paying for the ever-increasing use of pesticides.

The polio vaccine, both the original IPV and then the oral OPV were contaminated with the SV40 virus, which is now recognized as a carcinogenic agent and this virus is now found in many types of human cancers. This disastrous mistake that infected millions may continue to affect many despite claims it has been cleared from OPV. The true impact of the SV40 virus on humanity was never honestly dealt with nor has responsibility been taken.

The late Maurice Hillerman, who had been the head virologist at Merck, is video recorded addressing the issue of another infamous virus that was distributed in vaccine we now call HIV.  Don’t expect to see the true history of HIV presented to the public anytime in our lifetime. Today, all egg-based vaccine, such as the MMR and flu vaccine, are contaminated with Avian Leukosis virus and reverse transcriptase – so a virus known to cause cancer in another species along with an enzyme that can write viral DNA into our own DNA is being injected into millions, but since 200 recipients failed to show any seroreactivity it was deemed not be a problem.

Small short term studies, often conducted by those with conflicts of interest, show smooth sailing ahead -  no long term follow-up… no reason to change vaccine policy course.

Then there are those warnings of the icebergs ahead. The CDC, in its illegally held secret meeting in June of 2000 with all the major vaccine manufactures, revealed and discussed the results of their evaluation of the impact of mercury in the Thimerosal preservative used in vaccine and how it increased neurobehavioral disorders 11 fold. Too bad the Captain of the Titanic didn’t have the option that the CDC took next. They had the epidemiologist dilute his data 5 fold until all statistical significance was lost, then the made sure the data itself was lost, and then they had it published in the most prestigious American pediatric journal three years later. The journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics was never told that the epidemiologist had actually been working not for the CDC but for Pharma giant GSK from the very day his data was presented at the secret Simpsonwood meeting in 2000. Full speed ahead!

Should epidemiologic data show a clear correlation between a vaccine and ASD, such as the data published in the Honda/Rutter paper you have psychiatrists with overt conflict of interests to Pharma say, "No effect of MMR withdrawal on the incidence of autism: a total population study." (Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry [2005]), yet the data actually shows just the converse was true.

The CDC did run into icebergs as all the children diagnosed with autism attest … now about 1 in 60. But by calling what they have autism instead of what it really is, an environmentally triggered neuroimmune encephalopathy, they can avoid (for now) dealing responsibly with the damage their policies have caused.

Then there are all those lifeboats… you would think that at least there might be some safety net for all the children who would not be able to tolerate these dirty vaccines, but that would mean taking responsibility and the FDA and the CDC will never admit they have any responsibility for what has taken place. Instead, we have fear mongering and obfuscation, such has the fear mongering that took place surrounding the H1N1 Swine flu virus epidemic. The appearance of H1N1 followed just months after the revelation that Baxter shipped flu vaccine contaminated with H5N1 Bird flu to some European countries… now how did that happen?

Release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences. While H5N1 doesn't easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people. The procedures they were required to follow make it impossible to mix the current bird flu, H5N1, with regular flu viruses to be used for the production of vaccinations. It was an attempt to create a mutant virus in humans. All it would take would be for a single human-to-human contact, highly contagious, to create pandemic fears.

 That would be like the Captain of the Titanic knowing the ship was going to run into icebergs and purposefully sailed into an ice field at full speed in the hopes of causing a disaster. I do not believe this is what took place with the Titanic, but we need to look very closely at what is taking place with the unholy alliance between Pharma, the CDC, and the FDA. Public health policy has gone rogue and our only defense is to educate as many people as possible.

With the passing of Millvina Dean an era comes to an end, but there are other titanic disasters that still need to be averted.

 1) In the early 1900s, manufacturers in the United Kingdom commonly produced steel in open-hearth, acid-lined furnaces. This process yields "semikilled" steel, which has relatively high concentrations of phosphorus, oxygen, and sulfur, and a low concentration of nitrogen and silicon.

 2) The guides for the watertight doors were mounted directly on the bulkhead, instead of being mounted on a separate baseplate, meant that the guides could be warped if the bulkhead suffered any deformation, thereby increasing the risk of a door jamming open while being lowered. The other design characteristic was the watertight Fireman's Passage that was allowed to penetrate two watertight bulkheads. Any compromise of that tunnel could allow water to enter the watertight compartments aft of Bulkhead "D."
"It was even known by 1945 that DDT is stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in the milk. With this foreknowledge the series of catastrophic events that followed the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history, should not have surprised the experts. Yet, far from admitting a causal relationship [for polio and other diseases] so obvious that in any other field of biology it would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite, the overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign." Morton S. Biskind, M.D., "Public Health Aspects Of The New Insecticides"
American Journal of Digestive Diseases, Vol 20, p330 (1953)

4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgBBwOnmy3w
Japanese Autism Article

K Paul Stoller, MD, FACHM is President of the Int'l Hyperbaric Medical Assoc. and medical director at several HBOT clinics.


kathy blanco

This sums up my feelings, it may sound unrelated, but it isn't trust me...

kathy blanco

I'm with Maggie, you can't clean or grean or safe schedule any vaccine, period. As a receipient of my childhood vaccines back in the dinasour age of the sixties, I don't think they were that great either, in fact, I have the proof. I have circulating SV40 in my system, from the good ole sugar cube (which I thought as a child, score, love sugar)...sigh...then I had my kids in the early eighties, mind you, when the schedule was much slower but exasterbated even then, whala, two with autism, myself with CFS/ME and thankfully a dwindling MS diagnosis (thanks autism biomed). My mother was also tested for SV40, and she died of Myeloma, a known stealth virus cancer. I glommed onto SV40 because when I read Dr Martins Stealth Virus page, I almost fell off my chair when they were describing a generational family of SV40 infliction, starting with the grandmother having myeloma, and her grandchildren, autism....I thought? WOW, are they talking about our family? I immediately tested our entire family, my mother and father, my siblings etc. ALL OF US, the worse inflicted had strong positives, the less shadowee, moderate. Which, interestingly, explained even my brothers whom today I feel have some slight overlay of autism and learning difficulties.

I think it all comes down to this. The numbers for autism haven't QUITE reached the alarm bells of many of the psyche of parents. All they think as I walk by with my very damaged children is, see, it's genetic, there are two of them. Well I have some splainin to do....it's not genetic, it's epigenetic, in other words, we are doing something to our gene pool, unimaginable, irreversable and futuristic harm. Many years later, my mother related to me how she immigrated from Australia and received her first do harm vaccine, the smallpox vaccine. She said, that she never felt so sick, was bedridden for two weeks and "never quite felt back to normal again". I am sure she also had the polio cube as well. I cannot tell you how angry this makes me feel. My mother was in prime health I tell ya, and she even went before my Dad who had reason to keel over, being he had issues with obesity and a heart attack at fifty (probably some munchee MTHFR). My mother would have outlasted so many years had she not partaken of the bitter cup and did shrink.

Something has to give here. The only thing that I can think of, is the fence sitters of vaccines have SOME value, will have to come over to the side of vaccines don't have value, therefore there would be insenstive to show the public vaccines are safe because they are losing funds and stocks and perceptions. Until then, they will continue with their lie upon lie upone lies, and, as those who sit on the fence partake here or there with vaccines, still propogate, and hold up their killing machines. It's anagolous to the drug wars. We wouldn't have them if people didn't partake of them...it's not about being better at detection of the traffic flow, it's being better realizing that WE, the PEOPLE, are pons peons and useless eaters in those wars. Just as the drug trafficker can care less of how "you got here", or "how you will succomb" to drugs, so it is with our Pharma religion of we don't care if they harm as long as people still keep on believing the GERM IS ALL lie.

I don't know what it will take, a devastation to someones own family that has deep influences, deep pockets, or is famous enough that people listen, or, that it must become one in two, for us to waken up to our awful situations? What will it take until the perception that it's not healthy to vaccinate to oblivian a new human being? What will it take until our president (hint hint), feels that our personal liberties matter? What will it take until their house of cards fall into themselves? A nuclear event? Or occupy the pharma? Seriously?


Thank you, Dr Stoller, for being a voice and for being a resource for all of our kids!

K Paul Stoller, MD, FACHM

the link is the 5th footnote at the bottom. For some reason the footnotes did not survive formatting.


A friend just sent me this 2003 link about speculation that Franklin Delano Roosevelt may have had Guillain-Barré syndrome rather than polio.


Could someone provide a link to a critique of the Honda/Rutter MMR paper?


Thank you for this article. I think it's important for everyone to realize that vaccines are safe for no one. Autism is only ONE sife effect, not the only side effect. There are so many unknowns about what is coming through the needle. SV 40 just happened to get named, the others are ignored. So many animals organs and aborted babies used and toxic chemicals added that's it makes me want to vomit that this witches brew is injected into beautiful innocent children and babies. Just say no to vaccines.

michael framson

I don't worry about terrorists, Al Queda, or Osama ben Laden anymore. The CDC, FDA, AAP, and Pharma are doing a splendid job of doing us in; and the media is dutifully doing its part as well.

John Stone


So very perfectly stated. And here we are - everyone knows what has really happened and the National Institutes of Health are just tentively looking a 10 year programme of research. In the meantime the pharmaceutical industry plan to more than double the size of the vaccine sector in the next four years.


And in 10 years perhaps the NIH will report with ambiguous conclusions (as they always do over public health policy related studies) and nothing will certainly be done. But by then the vaccine burden will have again grown beyond recognition.


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