Linderman Live From Autism One
On Media: The Chicago Tribune Fails Children with Autism

Mark Blaxill at Autism One

Mark speaking live at A1 on Bettelheim and "homicidal mothers." Bernie Rimland dispelled the myth of the homocidal mother. Bettelheim committed suicide. Fascinating pres on speaking out on behalf of our kids where so many have failed them.

(It's not easy to live blog a speaker!) KS

Not yet...Mark Blaxill at Autism One




Your presentation this past weekend in Chicago was amazing. I thank you and all of you guys at AoA from the bottom of my heart for the endless support to us and our kids.
I cannot wait to read your book!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Teresa Conrick

This was a mixture of intellectual and emotional messages for me that spoke volumes on where we are right now in this autism epidemic.

The pictures and parallels were thought provoking and disturbing but the reality of autism as the years pass.

Thanks Mark, as this was an excellent presentation and a correct summation of the moral aspect of this continuing saga.


Mark, it was so great to get to meet you guys this weekend. Your presentation was excellent, and you continue to give us so much to think about re: what our children's injuries mean in the context of a much bigger picture. As I told you guys, AoA has been a God-send to me ever since my twins were diagnosed last year. I truly credit you guys with helping to keep me sane (which, as my husband will attest to, is no small feat... =)) Thank you so much for your work (and I can't wait for the book!!! =))


Apropos of a certain female doctor on Huffpo, there are none so blind as those who will not see. She could use a big dose of Mark Blaxill right about now.

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