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Has Dr. Healy “Let Slip the Dogs of War?”

OK City Insurance Rally 4/21

Ok seal By Wayne Rohde

We are an alliance of Oklahoma citizens and businesses united in the fight for fair and quality healthcare coverage. We believe that health insurance companies have controlled the Oklahoma State Legislature for too long and operate with no accountability or transparency.

We aim to change that.

We are rallying Tuesday, April 21, at 12:30 p.m. on the Grand Staircase at the state Capitol. Legislators, activists, health care providers, clergy and others who have suffered from health insurance company delays and denials or have seen others suffer.

The health insurance industry’s playbook includes canceling policies when people get sick or seek care; placing woefully insufficient lifetime caps on care; denying coverage to all but the young and healthy; selectively covering certain conditions and not others; and, when all else fails, killing life-saving legislation.

Legislators will unveil a health insurance reform agenda, which includes ending the immoral practice of paying bonuses to deny care, and Oklahomans will tell their stories of abuse from an industry that is happy to take their money but does everything possible to keep from paying for their care.


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