Winner A of A Contest: It's Hip Hop Baby DVDs
Olmsted on Autism: 1 in 10,000 Amish

Winners: Autism Treatment Contest from Lee Silsby and OurKidsASD!

The winner is 4 winners will win $40 worth of supplements from OurKidsASD. Congrats to: Cathy Jameson, Tereza Real, Victoria Santucho and Jennifer Nichols

20 winners for $50 off of prescription medications from Lee Silsby. Congrats to: Mary Price, Patti Carroll,  Andrea Keller, Valerie Holstein, Adrienne Isaacs, Katie Kelley, Melanie Glock, Michelle Bondy, Julie Cook, Meredith Hodge, Maureen Wirth, Warren Henschel, Denise McQuade, Dorothy Galvin, Jennifer Gazda, Martha Gabriela DeVelbiss, Delores Goneau, Kay Jones, Tiana Scott, Cindy Chavez

Lee Silsby logo 09 The treatment category is sponsored by Lee Silsby, the leader in quality compounded medications for autism.


Julie Swenson

I didn't win, but I still love you guys :)

Cathy Jameson

Yea for me :) Thank you Age of Autism and You guys are fantastic.

Stagmom for Semaxtics

I'll ask! Good question. Book and DVD contests certainly are - Kim


Hey, are these contests open to Canadians? I never enter because I assume they aren't but just in case....hope, hope, hope.....

If not, that's okay. I'll just sit here and weep into my Timmy's.

Managing Editor for Chrissie

Chrissie, you'll need to enter at the links in the post provided by Lee Silsby. Thanks. KIM


Enter me please!


Tanner's Dad, nyah nyah! I'll assume you haven't had two cups of strong coffee as I have this morning. Two off to school and one to go. Isn't this a great contest? Very generous of Lee Silsby. I love OurKidsASD. Easy shopping. Amen!


Tanners Dad

Sorry, It helps to read the whole post before being a smart alec... there still is a chance to win!

Tanners Dad

So Kim the first poster can never win. Since I won the DVDs I will help everyone out by taking that spot...:)!

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