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Why Should Anyone Listen to Dr. Wolynn?

Yellow light Managing Editor's Note: Anne Dachel points out that Dr. Wolynn's bio at the end of his editoral reads: Dr. Todd Wolynn is a Pittsburgh pediatrician, a clinical vaccine researcher, medical director of a national vaccine physician buying group, a consultant to vaccine manufacturer advisory boards and a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

By Anne Dachel

Sunday, Mar 8, pediatrician Todd Wolynn had an opinion piece in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette entitled, What vaccine dilemma? (HERE).  Dr. Wolynn was emphatic: "THERE IS NO VACCINE DILEMMA!"  

To really make the point, he kept repeating the claim: (emphasis Dr. Wolynn's) "NO epidemiological study has shown a link between autism and vaccines or vaccine preservatives."

"While these explanations may not account for the entire increase in cases, science has firmly established the role that vaccines and vaccine preservatives play NONE!"

"There is NO LINK between vaccines and autism."

"NO LINK has been shown between autism and the MMR vaccine

"NO LINK has been shown between autism and multiple vaccines administered at the same time."

"NO LINK has been shown between autism and vaccine preservatives, including thimerisol and aluminum."

"In spite of all the evidence showing NO LINK, a vocal minority still believes that vaccines cause autism."

"Autism is on the rise and NO LINK has been shown to vaccines."

"There is a misinformation dilemma in regards to vaccines. But there is no 'vaccine dilemma.'"
Shades of Nancy Synderman on the NBC Today Show Oct 31! (HERE).
She was so emotional in her response to Matt Lauer, several times saying, "It's not controversial!"  Actually, both Synderman and Wolynn remind me of little kids who want something to be true so badly that they keep repeating it over and over to make it so.  It doesn't work for children and it's clearly not happening with the vaccine-autism controversy.  Officials have been denying a link between vaccines and autism for years, but the debate rages on.  
What really got my attention in Wolynn's tirade was his reaction to experts who don't follow lockstep with him chanting "There is no link."  Wolynn charges,  "Unfortunately, a handful of infamous scientists and physicians blame vaccines for causing autism, but they have, at best, conducted lousy research, or, at worst, lied."

Wolynn believes it's a waste of time to look at vaccines. "All the money circulating in the anti-vaccine movement would be better spent in search of the true causes and best treatments of autism. Instead it's used to spread unsubstantiated information, often with the help of complicit media. This, in turn, forces doctors and scientists to squander time and money disproving their unfounded assertions."
So who are among the "infamous scientists and physicians" linking vaccines to autism?  That list would have to include the likes of Dr. Bernadine Healy, former head of the National Institutes of Health seen here, CBS News Exclusive: Former Head Of NIH Says Government Too Quick To Dismiss Possible Link (HERE).
And a lot of top people are mentioned in David Kirby's story, US Health Officials Back Study Idea on Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Children - Will Media Take Note? (HERE)  Kirby listed Roger Bernier, Ph.D., MPH, Senior Advisor, CDC, Elizabeth Skillen, PhD, MS, Policy Analyst, Immunization Safety Office, CDC, and Bruce Gellin, M.D., MPH, Director, HHS National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) and Executive Secretary of NVAC, all calling for more research into vaccines. 
Dr. Peter Fletcher, former chief Science Officer of Great Britain, is also alleged to be either incompetent or else lying by Wolynn because he has publicly linked vaccinations to the explosion in bowel disease and autism in children in Britain.
Wolynn has a striking double standard when evaluating expert opinion.  He complains, "Many of the anti-vaccine champions of autism have made a lot of money from the anti-vaccine movement."  Evidently, people like Paul Offit who are out there proclaiming the safety of vaccines and trashing anyone who disagrees, are credible sources.  We're just supposed to overlook the fact that Offit has personally profited millions of dollars from the mandated schedule because of his rotavirus vaccine.
And I couldn't help but notice that at the bottom of the piece, Wolynn is described as "a Pittsburgh pediatrician, a clinical vaccine researcher, medical director of a national vaccine physician buying group, a consultant to vaccine manufacturer advisory boards and a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics." 
Excuse me? "A consultant to vaccine manufacturer advisory boards"?  We're supposed to listen to someone financially tied to the vaccine makers when he tells us that vaccines are safe--vaccines don't cause autism?  He somehow has the right to criticize "the anti-vaccine movement" and accuse them of being in it for the money? 
Wolynn presents a false and simplistic picture of the vaccine controversy.  In his world, all the science disproves any link between the vaccines kids receive and the epidemic of autism.  If there are experts who challenge the official denials, they're incompetent or else they're lying.
Wolynn needs to realize that there's nothing out there to substantiate his vehement denials.  For instance, he writes, "There is NO LINK between vaccines and autism," and "NO LINK has been shown between autism and the MMR vaccine."
However, in March 2008, we learned that the federal Vaccine Court conceded that vaccines were directly responsible for autism is the case of Hannah Poling.  And last month, Robert Kennedy Jr. and David Kirby reported that this court ruled that in the case of Bailey Banks vs HHS, the MMR vaccine caused his PDD [autism].  In Vaccine Court: Autism Debate Continues, (HERE) we read, "But last week, the parents of yet another child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were awarded a lump sum of more than $810,000 (plus an estimated $30-40,000 per year for autism services and care) in compensation by the Court, which ruled that the measels-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine had caused acute brain damage that led to his autism spectrum disorder."
Wolynn charges, "NO LINK has been shown between autism and multiple vaccines administered at the same time."  In truth, there has never been a study that has looked at the cumulative effect of so many vaccines so soon on the health of a developing child.
Wolynn: "NO LINK has been shown between autism and vaccine preservatives, including thimerisol and aluminum."  Again, as Dr. Bob Sears discovered, there's never been a study done on the use of aluminum in vaccines. (Also see: Aluminum in Vaccines: A Neurological Gamble (HERE)). 
Like many people, I couldn't help but notice that thimerosal was spelled incorrectly in Wolynn's piece.  He cites the endless population studies on the use of mercury in vaccines, but he doesn't admit that they haven't settled the issue.  There are just too many questions about conflicts and flawed science whenever one of these studies comes out.  In addition, officials can't point to a single FDA safety test that was done on thimerosal before it was allowed in our children's vaccines.
In addition to "infamous scientists," Wolynn blames this controversy on "emotionally ravaged families," "ill-informed celebrities,"  "band-wagon politicians," and "sensationalistic media."   And he tells this to parents, "They must follow the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control. And families must educate themselves."
Parents will hardly turn to the AAP and the CDC with any sense of trust when they have done nothing to address the autism crisis.  Neither organization has a single answer when it comes to autism.  According to both, there's been no real increase in the disorder.  It's all just "better diagnosing" by doctors and "an expanded spectrum of ASD."  The CDC and the AAP cannot tell us the cause of autism or how to treat it.  They say that it's impossible to cure autism.  They both however vehemently deny any link to the mandated vaccine schedule and they urge everyone to vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate.  
We seem to be left with a medical community that is hopelessly confused and helpless when it comes to autism.  Wolynn needs to understand that parents are educating themselves as he urges.  What they're finding is that more and more books are out there raising serious concerns over vaccine safety.  This is a listing of just some of the books I've found.  One thing is clear: These books are not filled with wild claims and junk science.  
In addition to the work that brought national attention to vaccine-autism connection, Evidence of Harm by David Kirby,   the list grows exponentially.
Here are just a few examples:
The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child by Robert Sears, MD (HERE)

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations by Stephanie Cave, MD and Deborah Mitchell (HERE)

 Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective by Neil Z. Miller (HERE)
Don't Vaccinate! Before You Educate by Mayer Eisenstein MD

The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults by Randall Neustaedter (HERE)

Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives by Aviva Jill Romm (HERE)

Against Compulsory Vaccination: Why Hpv Vaccines Are Dangerous to the Lives of Girls, Young Women and Everyone Else by Kevin A. Muhammad (HERE)

When Your Doctor is Wrong, Hepatitis B Vaccine and Autism by Judy Converse, MPH, RD (HERE)

Sacred Spark by Lisa K. Sykes, Epilogue by Mark R. Geier, MD, PhD and David A. Geier (HERE)
What The Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know by Dr. Todd Elsner (HERE)

Saying No to Vaccines by Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny  (HERE)

Vaccines: The Risks, the Benefits, the Choices, a Resource Guide for Parents by Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny
Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives by Aviva Jill Romm (HERE)

Vaccine Alternatives An Essential Guide for Patients, Parents, Travelers, and Healthcare Workers: How to Prevent and Treat Illness Using Natural Remedies by Ervin Davis
Parents browsing for answers quickly discover that there is a huge dilemma and little to support the claim of "No link."  Many of the books with real answers on vaccine safety are written by well-credentialed scientists and doctors.  They cite the legitimate science supporting those who fear that when it comes to vaccines, it's far too many, way too soon.

Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism.



Anyone consider autism to be caused at least in part by all the chemical additives, pesticides, and preservatives in pretty much ALL of our food in this country? Ever read the ingredients list on any of your packages? Also could be the abundance of wheat and gluten for example which if you think about it, most of us eat (and feed our children) something wheat based for every meal. It has been proven to cause concentration issues when too much is in our systems over a period of time even in adults. I know their have been children whose only "treatment" for their autism was to change certain things in their diet (go organic and gluten free among other things) I'm pretty sure one of the celebrities who were blaming vaccines for her son's autism later found out that they were able to almost completely reverse his autism with said diet change. Makes you wonder??

Mama Moose

Dr. Wolynn is my pediatrician and I find him to be a caring and excellent doctor who has won the best pediatrician award from Pittsburgh Magazine for 5 years running. He is one of the few pediatricians in the country who is also a board certified Lactation Consultant and works tirelessly to support infant and child health both here in Pittsburgh and around the country. I agree that the OpEd piece he wrote in the Post-Gazette did not seize the opportunity to move the vaccine discussion forward, but he is not some big Pharma Monster that you who do not know him would like to believe. Do I totally agree with his stance on vaccines? No, not entirely. But he worked very hard with me to get my child fully vaccinated on a modified schedule because I believe that not vaccinating my son is of greater risk to him and other children than vaccinating him, but I see no harm and some possible good in breaking up the heavy vaccination schedule currently prescribed by CDC.

You don't have to agree with his stance, but I think you should take a moment and think before you accuse another human being of being such a monster as to profit off of harming children. He's been nothing but endlessly kind to me and my family, and I know many, many other families that feel the same way. We don't all have to agree on this issue, but how about a little civility in our disagreements? Even doctors have feelings too. :-)

Cherry Sperlin Misra

To Ann M Benson, Tho I agree with you in general, I would like to weigh in on HRT because it illustrates our bizarre medical system in a new way. What no one mentions is that in fact there are TWO HRT systems and they are very different. In one method the woman takes hormones which mimic the natural cycle and in the other she takes a combination pill which combines two hormones in a decidedly unnatural dose. Truly, it amazes me that any scientist thought that you could tamper with a natural cycle and get something good out of it. And it seems that when the multimillion dollar study of HRT was done, only the unnatural method was studied. I would appreciate anyone weighing in on this and telling me why this was done or correcting me if I am wrong. At the same time, from what we know of vaccines and autism, I will not be surprised to hear that the ways of big pharma and medical researchers are most mysterious.Meantime, I shall continue to take my HRT as I have for nearly 20 years. (My angiogram was super and I dont have cancer so far, but , of course thats just anecdotal evidence and as all autistic parents know even a million anecdotes add up to zero )

Ann M. Benson

Remember, we have so many experts voicing their educated opinions. Many of these experts are the ones who gave us Thalidomide, HRT, which gave us cancer, MSG and Splenda and Aspartame, which are toxic, Viox, which is deadly and on and on.

I retired with a group of 7 women and every one of them had breast cancer but me. They were all on HRT. To me that is a red flag.
Now, who is responsible for that? Who pays the price?

These doctors, who insist on the safety of vaccines, have no credibility as far as I am concerned. Credibility lies with the parents of children who are reporting the damage caused by vaccines. I thank them for speaking out.

I believe that there should be a class action suit, "Wrongful Death and Debilitation", or "Attempted Murder", against physicians and pharma who have been responsible for the deadly and debilitating effects of vaccines and their additives.


Does anybody really believe that these are this guy's real opinions. I bet this was written by pharma and he loaned his name for money to it. I'll bet the good doctor never even read it. Just like most everything else involving a pharma product - ghost written and faked. Medicine is just so corrupt.

Joe  Harris

This is for you bensmyson; I wrote this Dr.
last week here is the letter I wrote to him with a few changes, to date no reply.

Dr. Wolynn, I sent this to my cousin a 30 yr nurse. It explains that there was no reason the special masters ruled the way they did. Because they had nothing left it had been stripped away from them by the NIEHS, and this proves it. But Dr. wolynn you know, when you write the rules you win the game!

But after reading this, you will have to come to the conclusion Dr. Wolynn. Is this the kind of science you can be proud of,? to present as proof that vaccines don't cause autism and are safe. I think not! And if you have a shred of integrity and compassion for children, and you went into being a pediatrician for the right reason you would have to agree. On all that you are reading, I can give you documentation just ask.

Dr. Wolynn there appears to be some things that according to your article you did not know. I am sending you these emails, to hopefully educate you in this matter.

Dr. Wolynn isn't it funny how all those crack reporters at NBC ABC CNN and all that's out there,and apparently you never got wind of. Something of this magnitude And this important, would be as they are always say BREAKING NEWS!. Wouldn't you think the U.S. CDC Dir. admitting that all the flag ship studies she had maintained was of well design, and good Quality and Robust, were in fact useless. And she even suggested that the VSD, well I will just let her speak for herself. Dir. of the CDC adding that her agency "does not plan to use" the database in question, the Vaccine Safety Data Link, (VSD) for any future "ecological studies" of autism.In fact, Gerberding's report said, any continued use of the VSD for similar ecological studies of vaccines and autism "would be uninformative and potentially misleading." ( And were told, were misleading the public )By doing this, she is insuring that it the VSD will never be used against her in future litigation. That was a tactical move by the Dir. to protect herself from her incompetence.

What ever happened to the well designed good quality robust studies in the VSD and over seas, that she the Dir.of the CDC claimed they had ? Answer is simple, they never existed!You talk about being duped by junk science, this example! should be considered the gold standard, of junk science. ( And one of the worse cases of incompetence, in medical history. ) Where is all the competent journalist? Answer asleep at the switch and with good company the CDC FDA IOM and the AAP


"CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding has delivered a potentially explosive report to the powerful House Appropriations Committee, in which she admits to a startling string of errors in the design and methods used in the CDC's landmark 2003 study that found no link between mercury in vaccines and autism, ADHD, speech delay or tics. Dr. wolynn this is the studies the IOM used to conclude that vaccines are not associated with autism. It seems that mountain of evidence they claimed they had was in fact a mirage. Could someone deliver this email to the Not So Special Masters and inform them, that they have apparently made a huge mistake. Maybe they weren't privied to this kind of information! These next lines say it all, and proves my point (what science is the special masters referring that in their words was so overwhelming????)

Dr. Wolynn One of the government CDC witness on the issue of Thimerosal had to bail because of a paper he had written a while back, and it was just the opposite of what they wanted him to claim. And he said he might even be committing purgery. so he bailed on them and with good reason.

Dir. of the CDC 's response to the allegations that their flag ship studies were fatally flawed according to congress and the NEIHS "CDC concurs," Dr. Gerberding wrote in an undated mea culpa to Congress,

Dr. Wolynn lets not forget the statement from the chair of the NIEHS panel ordered by congress to look at the evidence of the CDC. I will just let her speak for her self also. Dr. Irva Hertz-Picciotto, As questionable as the US thimerosal study was, "it was an improvement on other studies, including the two in Denmark, both of which had serious weaknesses in their designs," Dr. Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Professor of Public Health at UC Davis Medical School and Chair of the NIEHS panel, told reporter Dan Olmsted at UPI.That leaves very little for the CDC to go on in terms of proving that thimerosal and autism are not associated in any way. It doe's appear Dr. that the NOT! so special masters are confused in who had the, in their words Overwhelming evidence.
Dr. wolynn as you can see even a Fifth grader can figure out, it was not the CDC. The Question of the day, Dr. wolynn are you smarter than, or at least as smart as a fifth grader? Dr.is truth at all relevant to you? My very very sick son that may have to spend the rest of his entire life in an institution because of people like you that will not acknowledge the truth, would like to know. Dr. Wolynn you said "Unfortunately, a handful of infamous scientists and physicians blame vaccines for causing autism, but they have, at best, conducted lousy research, or, at worst, lied." . Dr. Wolynn if what I have written is true, then you are the one lying to the public. For as I have proven the population based studies you site as proof that there is no link, were discredited by the NIH's NIEHS. Now Dr.I would like to ask you something personal do you have a conscience left?? Dr. people like you need to remember what is written out side the building of the National Academies of Sciences.

“The right to search for truth implies also a duty. One must not conceal any part of what one has recognized to be true.”

Albert Einstein (engraved on National Academy of Sciences building in
Washington, D.C., location of NIH & IOM)

Albert Einstein would be appalled if he could see how corrupt & uncaring our government health agency's have become today,

It seems to me that there is no integrity left at the CDC, for who could know of this Holocaust of the American children through a broken and very unsafe vaccine program and do nothing because you fear for your job.

Julie Swenson

Kim, agreed but I would HOPE that there are a percentage of parents who can see through the unmitigated anger of folks like Dr.NO LINK. Not many, a few maybe...enough to wonder WHY such vehemence needs to be directed at the vaccine issue and why new parents, timidly asking their mainstream pediatrician about the safety of injecting the Hep B vaccine into their healthy newborn, might be met with the anger of Dr. NO LINK, so much so that it may set them back on their heels enough to ponder WHY. I was just being my usual flippant self ;) Sometimes I feel like I have to crack jokes or I’ll spend the day tearing out my hair. Good thing I have a lot of it.

There were a small number of people who had issues with Good Ol' Bernie before his 'fall from grace', but similar to our issue, it was easier to fall back on 'it's someone else's problem' and pooh-pooh the naysayers.. Reminds me remarkably of AoA...you speak the truth, you have the knowledge and the tenacity but yet the majority of the world goes blindly about its merry way. But you have reached a number of us, and we spread the word.

Millions or investors only stood up and took note the second their financial world crashed. Millions of parents only stood up and took note when their world crashed into the autism wall. As much as I do not want to admit it, I am beginning to feel that the only way Average Joe Parent is going to stand up and take note is for their world to come crashing down like ours did: 1 in 80 in Oregon...1 in 60 now in England..1 in 27 in the Somalia community in the states...soon it will be 1 in 50, 1 in 20, 1 in 4. Soon everyone's lives will be touched. I can't tell you how sad this makes me.

Only today, I spoke to a young mother of a precious 3 year old boy who has all the symptoms of vaccine injury. She was despondent, looking for answers from all the ‘right places’…guess what her neurologist told her (after they told her they had no idea what was wrong): “Why look for a cause, anyway? There is no magic cure!” This is the nonsense we are up against.

Maureen O

The only way this will end is when the children and grand children of these arrogant pediatricians are affected by autism too. And sadly it will happen.

Julie Obradovic

Seriously, Dr. Wolynn? You can't even spell thimerosal correctly? And you're an expert? Sorry dude, you lost all credibility right there.


Every day of my life I pray for a whistle-blower. If that person steps forward God help him or her because they will try to destroy that person like they've done to Wakefield.

Theresa Cedillo

Dr. Wolynn - you should be ashamed of yourself.

Thank you Anne for the great piece.

Maurine Meleck

Anne, you have done a fantastic job with this article. I wrote to this doctor last week. Thanks to the biographical comments above about Dr. Wolynn, I see that he likes science fiction and fantasy. Need I say more?
And Kim S, you are right about the doctor having public opinion behind him. Even my
best friend from grade school who lives in Wash state---(and I hve been educating her for years) said that the media reporting of the 3 lost court cases really confused her and she didn't know what to believe. Course, now she knows of the winners in court too.

Alison F.

Wonderful article! I hope that Ann Dachel has submitted this as a letter to the editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.


look at this rude, uninformed principal commenting on an article about my family and saying we don't give "a rip about anyone else's kids" while quoting Brian Deer:
comment away if you so see fit!


Kim, the comparison to Madoff is brilliant, and sadly soooo true.


Dr. Todd Howard Wolynn

Pediatric Alliance Squirrel Hill
4070 Beechwood Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
(412) 521-6511

Dr. Todd Wolynn is a board certified pediatrician (1996) and internationally board certified lactation consultant (1995). Dr. Wolynn's areas of interest and specialty, beyond general pediatrics, include breastfeeding, pediatric sleep disorders, vaccine research, complimentary and alternative medicine, and healthcare policy reform. Dr. Wolynn is also the founder and medical director of the Pediatric Sleep Disorder Program at Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh. He has been actively involved in clinical vaccine research for over nine years working with studies that have helped bring such vaccines as the Human Papilloma Vaccine (HPV) to the market. For the past six years, he has served as a medical consultant to the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries. He serves as a staff pediatrician to The Children's Institute and also serves as the consulting medical director to the Allegheny Intermediate Unit for their Center-Based Schools. Currently enrolled in Carnegie Mellon University's Master of Medical Management program, Dr. Wolynn will graduate in March of 2008. He plans to use his combined experience to make effective changes in healthcare. His focus is on improving resources and the quality of care for pediatric patients and mother-baby breastfeeding dyads. Dr. Wolynn helped to create the Breastfeeding Center of Pittsburgh (which will hold a grand opening of its central Squirrel Hill site during the first week of August 2007).

In his free time Dr. Wolynn enjoys time with his wife, children and wacky Jack Russell Terrier. He likes science fiction/fantasy books and movies. Hiking, swimming and volleyball are all things he enjoys when time permits.



Julie, we need to remember that Dr. Wolynn has something very big in his favor - public opinion. Typical Moms and Dads and docs do NOT want there to be a problem with vaccinations. It's too frightening. It's too big a decision to have to make every 2 months for the first year of your precious child's life - to vax or not to vax. It's so much easier to just hear, "No link" and sleep well at night until, God forbid, the worst happens, and your child is injured, maimed, or dies.

The AAP et al know very well that they have the easier job. Just keep saying "No link." Most people will buy it.

No one questioned Bernie Madoff when the getting was good. It wasn't until their precious money was gone they started to say, "Maybe those returns every year were false." That's human nature. Every horror movie is predicated on the concept. No one wants to believe the worst. Thus the pretty teen asks her boyfriend, "Is the killer gone!?" and he nods "yes" moments before they are both slayed.

We are the monster sized fly in their ointment, though, making people think twice about vaccine safety and necessity. Buzzzzzzzz.

Julie Swenson

Are Dr. NO LINK his ilk going to resort to jumping up and down and stamping their feet next? I can just see his seething fury as he pounded angrily on his keyboard while writing his article.

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