Jenny McCarthy on Oprah "Fridays Live" Today
The Sky is Falling. Autistic Boy Arraigned in Mother's Death.

March, 24 is Autism Epidemic Day in New York State

New york AED!
Autism Epidemic Day!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
11:00 AM
The State Capitol
Albany, New York

New York Autism Community: Have You Had Enough?

We have a few questions for our fellow New Yorkers who love someone with autism: 

Have you had enough of a State Education Department that repeats the big lie that there is no “real” increase in autism even though their own data shows an explosive increase over the past 15 years? 

Have you had enough of being told by politicians that your child’s special education needs are driving up property taxes?  Have you had enough of those politicians making claims like that without even talking to you? Have you had enough when they put those claims in a report to the Governor calling for the dismantling of autism special education regulations? Have you had enough when our Governor, himself a man who has overcome a disability, declares that the report on “Property Tax Relief” should become law?!

Have you had enough of an educational system that is not addressing the autism epidemic and not developing programs to help children with autism learn?  Have you had enough of educational services being cut in contentious Committee on Special Education meetings? Have you had enough of a special education system that continually fights you when they should be working with you to help educate your child?

Have you had enough of the continual assaults on the funding streams for vital services – such as Early Intervention - for children with autism? Have you had enough of the endless paper work and administrative waste that endlessly delays and restricts services from reaching your loved one?

Have you had enough of a State Health Department that refuses to collect data on autism and instead collects data on malaria and dengue fever?  Have you had enough of a State Health Department which quietly tried to double the number of mandated vaccines in 2008? Have you had enough of a State Health Department that covertly arranges for Pharmaceutical interests disguised as not-for-profits to privately lobby Senators and Assembly Members in meetings away from the view of the public?

Have you had enough of Residential Facilities and Schools which abuse children with autism and a State oversight agency that acknowledges thousands of abuse complaints but does nothing about it? 

Have you had enough of mandatory vaccine laws that allow school districts to act like members of the Spanish Inquisition?

Have you just had enough?

If you have, please join Autism United in our declaration of Tuesday March 24, 2009 as the world’s first ever “Autism Epidemic Day.” Join us for a day of unity and advocacy with our elected officials at 11:00 AM at the State Capitol in Albany, New York.

11:00 AM Speakers: John Gilmore, Robert Krakow and Louis Conte
11:45 AM until departure: Meet with Assembly Members and Senators

The day will include a special presentation for Assembly Members, Senators and their staff on by Louise Kuo Habbakus on the need for vaccine choice - place and time to be determined. 

RSVP to: [email protected]

Submitted by:

Louis Conte, father of two children with autism
Katie Weisman, mother of three children with autism
Lisa Rudley, mother of a child with autism
Lisa Colin, Mother of a child with autism
Robert Sparling, father of a child with autism
Robert Krakow, father of a child with autism
John Gilmore, father of a child with autism

Autism United.   



Hi, I'm Dare, I'm new around here. Been reading your articles, and appreciate what you're doing.
Good idea, Autism Epidemic Day. I live too far away for this, but I will send emails to politicians on that day. Any suggestions on which appropriate departments I can email to? I have some favorite sites I frequent, and can pass this message on.
Also, on the 24th is the 20th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil-spill disaster.
Thanks You.

Maureen O

If i hear or read another story in the paper, radio, tv, book that includes the statement"... My son( or daughter) is on the autistic spectrum" I am going to scream or cry or both!!!!!! It is becoming as common as saying my kid is in preschool. How many more children are we going to lose to autism before people wake up? Are there going to be any neurotypical boys in 25 years to marry and have children with our girls?
On a side rant.. I was listening to a MD talk show and a father of a 4month old baby called concerning his sons ezcema that flairs up when others hold his baby. Well the bright doctors said it could possibly be some metal the person was wearing such as watch or earrings, "because metals can be very allergic." ok so grandma cant wear her watch, but the nice pediatrician is ok injecting the babies with aluminum and mercury. Stop the insanity!

Terri Lewis

I think Autism Epidemic Day is a perfect way to counteract the pathetic idea of "autism awareness."

I won't be able to join you in New York, but I will be there in spirit.

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