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The DAN! Conference for Autism Treatment: Listening To Parents

Ari Why Atlanta? Why this one conference if you're new to biomedical treatment?

Because Defeat Autism Now! conferences are the most responsive to your follow-up evaluations -- we pay close attention to them when designing our programs. 
Sixty-three percent of the people who attended Defeat Autism Now! in San Diego last fall had never been to an autism conference before, and many of them commented that they wanted even more basic information, especially on dietary treatment.

Nutrition is the cornerstone, and since it's always good to begin at the beginning, we're devoting Friday afternoon in Atlanta (April 17th) to nutrition. (Remember that higher-level treatments might not be as successful if the diet isn't sound.) 

The Friday program is designed to provide the best solid foundation for the presentations on Saturday and Sunday, and it's a great refresher course as well for you "old-timers."

Registration is online at:
Jane Johnson
Director, Defeat Autism Now!

Lee Silsby logo 09 The treatment category is sponsored by Lee Silsby, the leader in quality compounded medications for autism.


ENT doctor

I agree with the conference,this will help to people a lot to be aware in this kind of illness.


Gail C.

The biomed approach has saved my son as well. I would really love to attend the DAN! conference but it is so far from home and I have two young children. Does anyone know whether there will be an upcoming conference or miniconference anywhere near NYC anytime soon?


To: 'So much for the measles fear mongering ',

Wow. That Denmark study is amazing. That's a study everyone advocating for vaccine safety needs to see.

I had noticed that my friends whose kids were vaccinated according to the aap schedule tended to have chronic ear infections (and most of them needed tubes) and that these are also the children with allergies.

The survey results also showed that the unvaccinated group had MANY less visits to their general practioners and ENT doctors.

Maybe this information should be shown to insurance companies. Some insurance companies judge a doctor's "qualitY" based on immunization rates because they believe that the cost of the vaccine is less than the cost of treating the diseases.

The Denmark study strongly suggests that the unvaccinated kids would actually be cheaper to insure because they need less doctor visits. (Think how much $ insurance companies could save if they didn't have to pay for so many tonsilectomies and ear tube surgeries.)

The study also shows the unvaccinated group is not getting several of the vaccine-preventable illnesses (including tetnus which isn't a contagious illness so they can't attribute that one to 'herd immunity').

So this study might be useful for changing the way insurance companies view vaccinations. And since they're the ones usually paying the bill for the vaccines this may be an effective strategy for fighting today's overly agressive vaccine schedule.... The study certainly indicates that excessive vaccination is very unhealthy for kids and very costly for insurance companies.

Thanks for sharing this!

Here's the link again for anyone else who's interested:


A@T - That is a wonderful post. I hope you tell your story far and wide -- to politicians, journalists, doctors, scientists, parents, (they really need to hear this!), Newsweek, NYT...

So much for the measles fear mongering

"Dutch Association for Conscientious Vaccination
Independant Vaccine Study
Roosendaal, 1 December 2004"

Boo Hoo - MORE measles in the vaccinated kids versus unvaccinated. I am crushed, NOT.

Maria Durci


Boy does your son sound like my son 6 years ago. No sense of pain, smiling while he hit you, running off and not looking back, no real play, WOW! Jordan is 10 now and DIET WAS THE KEY! Yes supplements helped too.
He is fully included in 5th grade and is in the Gifted program. When his allergies are flaired up his behavior can be off but now that we have that and diet controlled it is minor (some mild oppositional attitude or overly verbal) Really not much different than many 10 year olds. Keep plugging away and your little Sam will continue to impress you and others! Best Wishes!

Lucien Beauley

Don't we want to prvent Autism?

Please take a look at independent data that was carried out in the Netherlands. Note the absolute comparisons of vaccinated vs. not vaccinated. It was basically monitored by the parents like you...They have no reasonto lie. Please observe the chart I believe on page 2 that shows Autism incidence. Who knows, maybe it's just a typo?

Dutch Association for Conscientious Vaccination
Independant Vaccine Study
Roosendaal, 1 December 2004
We need totally unbiased participants such as parents of Autistic children or adults. No one on evaluation panel can be associated with vaccine mfg. or related group.All participants must be screened just as was in Dutch Association for Conscientious Vaccination study.
Or, just visit their Home page at:


I thought I'd write something for the new people coming here.

Dietary intervention and correction is the single best intervention we have found/used in recovering our son from vaccine injury. It simply cannot be over emphasized.

Supplements have been big and enzymes have been big as well. The subcutaneous b12 and trans-dermal glutithione from silsby has been tremendously rewarding and beneficial but DIET has been the key. We are cruelly reminded of this simple fact whenever we stray-our son and indeed our whole family pay the price for my weakness-oh a glass of chocolate milk won't hurt-it's his birthday or Christmas. The result is always the same. BAD. TANTRUMS, HITTING, SELF INJURY AND AGONY FOR SAM AND PLENTY OF GUILT FOR ME.

In our case the dietary restrictions are fundamental and if not followed you might as well forget additional treatment and therapies.

We learned the hard way - a granola bar on the way to speech or occupational therapy resulted in him getting nothing accomplished at all, a waste of the therapists time. A stop at Mac Donald's and fifteen minutes later my sweet little boy is a hyper active and anxiety ridden whirlwind and I'm his punching bag.

Get your child tested for allergies and food sensitivities. Implement dietary changes and you have a chance of getting your baby back. Be strong. It's HARD. Attend the conference-you may be able to heal your child. Don't give up. Dietary changes and biomedical treatments have saved my son.

After he regressed he was totally nonverbal, In two months he lost all his words and phrases , no eye contact-you couldn't MAKE him look you in the eye.
He played with NO toys. NO imaginative play.
He couldn't feel pain. He didn't like to be touched. Diarrhea so acidic it ate his skin off in minutes. Constipation so bad the acidic diarrhea was being forced around the blockages. At 24 months of age Sam would hit without warning-hard enough to split my lip on time and blacken my eye another. My wife fared no better. He would do it with a smile on his face. I was afraid to have my 5 year old daughter around him. He would take off in any situation and he never looked back-we had to keep him on a leash. When we repeatedly went to our pediatrician they poo-pooed us and that was when I knew we were in deep shit.

Thank god in heaven for Generation Rescue and JB's rescue angels. I feel great loyalty to JB Handley and the rescue angels as well as Autism Research Institute. I love this site for many reasons but mainly because it validates my strife and my mission-I am not alone. Information I accessed and utilized from those sites have saved our family. Two years latter Sammy still has major issues but he is now a loving and interactive part of our family. The DAN protocol works. No more diarrhea and constipation, no more 45 minute screaming melt downs. Perfect eye contact and you never met a more loving snugly little boy in your life. We have re-written his IEP twice in the past year as he blows by the goals. His speech pathologist uses Sam as a mentor for other non-verbal autistic children and has told us several times he loves Sam. We now dare to dream he will enter kindergarten without a full time aid. I'm very proud of Sam whatever happens.

Autism is treatable and reversible and biomedical is the way-my son is living proof.

Holly Austin

Defeat Autism Now! was my first conference and I drove all the way from Mass to Maine with a huge smile on my face! I recommend all newly diagnosed or newly bio-med parents to go. I really believe it saved my sons life and saved my sanity!-

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