Alison Singer No Longer Speaks for Autism Speaks
SafeMinds: Federal Members of Advisory Committee Block Vaccine-Autism Research



I think Every Child by Two needs to just think twice!

Ray Gallup


Ray G. -
This is also announced on Autism Speaks web site at

See fourth paragraph:
"The evening prior to the vote, Singer submitted her resignation to Autism Speaks – which was accepted – based on her intention to vote on certain Strategic Plan vaccine safety matters in a way that diverged from Autism Speaks' position on this issue. Thus, in casting votes on January 14, she was acting as an individual public member of IACC and no longer as a representative of Autism Speaks."

Twyla. That is true but the above PDF file that is the main focus of this article is a press release by Every Child By Two, a pro-vaccine organization.

Why would they have a press release on actions by Autism Speaks? Why would they be interested in Alison Singer's resignation when it didn't concern the Each Child By Two organization? I saw this press release on Thursday evening and it seems very strange.It raises a lot more questions, with no answers.

If someone has answers I would be glad to hear from them as would everyone else on this site.

Ray Gallup


That is good that Singer left Autism Speaks the day before she voted against research on vaccine safety.
This vote would have made AS look bad.
Autism Speaks would look like they say one thing ("we are at some point going to research vaccine safety"), but do another.


AS has been a lightning rod for a very very long time on a wide variety if issues at Autism Speaks. She had a long professional relationship with BW that, in my view, blinded him from the the deserved criticism her policies and approach to communications have created.

It is also obvious to me that this move at the IACC is a last gasp attempt to subvert the accountability and progress that the new Administration will surely demand. They bureaucrats are trying to change the benchmarks...pure and simple. It ain't gonna work.

I hope and believe that the many reasonable criticisms of Autism Speaks from Katie Wright played a role here. And, in the words of the PEOTUS, a loud "Enough!". Autism Speaks needs to change course. I hope this turns out to be the first step.


Ray G. -
This is also announced on Autism Speaks web site at

See fourth paragraph:
"The evening prior to the vote, Singer submitted her resignation to Autism Speaks – which was accepted – based on her intention to vote on certain Strategic Plan vaccine safety matters in a way that diverged from Autism Speaks' position on this issue. Thus, in casting votes on January 14, she was acting as an individual public member of IACC and no longer as a representative of Autism Speaks."

Ray Gallup

Robin. If you look at who is announcing the resignation of Alison Singer it isn't Autism Speaks (AS) but this pro-vaccine organization called Every Child By Two at

I have heard through the grapevine that Eric London left AS. I hope so. I hope Andy Shih does too. Time will tell.

Ray Gallup

Amy in Idaho

That didn't take long. Almost makes one think it was already in the works......


Maybe Andy Shih will be the next to go?

A thorough housecleaning at AS is WAY overdue. The departure of Alison Singer is an excellent start!


True story.

I know a college student who recently spoke with former President Jimmy Carter as they both traveled to DC from Florida aboard a commercial plane, Carter to attend a White House meeting the next day
and the student to return to school after winter break.

Again, that's former President and Nobel Prize winner, commercial flight, chance encounter, shaking hands with and speaking to admiring college student.

There might be an incredible opportunity here for AoA to inform the Carters about the issues raised on this website and to enlist their help. Until it is confirmed that they are disregarding this information, it should be assumed they do not know about it.

Innocent until proven guilty, and all that.

Robin Nemeth

I'm confused. Has Alison taken a position with ECBT? Or are they just announcing her resignation from AS?

Cindy Waeltermann

Love the BIG ZIT. ECBT -- Amanda Peet and Allison Tepper Singer = pure evil. I bet you she'll show up either there or the CDC or somewhere else she can be effective at hiding the truth.


...oh, and LOL at the photo!!!!


I have always loved Jimmy Carter, and have looked at him as a true Christian. Now, head hung in shame, he is no longer on the figure I thought he was. Greed. It seems to get everyone in the end.


Oh for Pete's sake! How can anyone make a case for no research into a potential cause? I can understand having the opinion that vaccines are safe and don't cause autism (though obviously I do not agree) but how can someone possibly make a case for not researching. So dumb.

Ray Gallup

If you check the main website
you will see one of the co-founders at ECBT
is First Lady Rosalynn Carter at

If one searches for her husband, former President Jimmy Carter, by putting in jimmy carter, merck and one will find links between Jimmy Carter and Merck as well as WHO

Ray Gallup


Notice, that's not the AS press release, it's Alison Singer's OWN press release....


Interesting that ECBT would post that message. Good catch!


Is that a zit on a nose? Great visual!

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