Talk About Curing Autism Faith, Hope & Recovery Project
TACA is blessed to have friends and supporters who are celebrities and professional athletes, and who care deeply about people with autism and the TACA mission. Many times they asked us how they could help. In response to that question, the FAITH, HOPE & RECOVERY PROJECT was born.
The Hope, Faith & Recovery Project consists of artwork developed by TACA special friends along the theme of three very important words for families living with autism - HOPE, FAITH and RECOVERY. Each artist has been asked to be inspired by infusing hope for families affected by autism and for the finished project to have a child like flare.
Current artists include:
- Lance Armstrong
- Jenny McCarthy
- Ryan Scheckler
- Jim Everett
- Brian Lopes
- Jonathon Schaech
- Clifton Colins Jr.
- with more artists in the works
The art work will be displayed in the TACA office and on the TACA website and events, along with a personal message from the artist to TACA families.
The art work has been made into note cards that can be purchased in packages of 8 for $15 + shipping to help support the TACA mission and message.
When parents of a child affected by autism send a thank you, birthday wish or a hello note, you can do this with the message from heart. Click HERE to see the artwork, place your order and learn more about the project.