David Kirby on HuffPo: UC Davis: "Autism is Environmental"
Is There a Vaccine Booster for TV Ratings?

New Autism Study Conducted by Boobs?

Pam andersonA study reports that men with autistic children do not prefer curvier women like most "normal" men.  So is it Dad's fault for chasing down Olive Oyl or Mom's fault for resembling a pipe cleaner (in my case, a Q-tip, thanks to the tangle of hair.) Holy Donut Holes! I knew I should have eaten more crullers in college.... You men can thank me for finding a way to get her (jerking head to thataway) on A of A. Send a donation. ;)

Someone spent money on this study.(Quick, check Autism Speaks' grants list and get back to me, won't you?)  KS

Men who do not find the shape of the curvier woman most attractive could be more likely to father children with autism, according to a study.

Researchers showed 100 men with autistic children pictures of curvy women, women with athletic frames and more rounded women and found that they do not have a preference on which figure they find more attractive.

The new research from the University of Bath suggests that fathers of autistic children do not share the preference of men across the world for the curvier woman.

Read more HERE.


vigrx plus

nice site..


The genetic/Darwinian arguments are always fun.

I personally blame the feminist movement for allowing an environment for weak men to flourish. We now have men who are too weak to oppose societal pressure and go for their instincts instead (go for the curves). Instead men are going after women for their brains and personality. Hey maybe there is even a link between autism and homosexuality. Now, I have proof that we were better off when men just went for the boobs.

It could also be religions’ fault for also producing a good environment for men who don’t give into their basic instincts.

Ahhh, the implications are endless

John Stone

Thanks X973108

Something by me should be appearing on this topic in the near future.



Thanks to John Stone for posting that abstract. Here is a related news story:
"A pre-natal test for autism moved a step closer yesterday with the announcement by scientists at the University of Cambridge that high levels of the male hormone testosterone in the amniotic fluid surrounding the foetus in the womb may serve as an early warning signal of the condition."

The article focuses on the ethical questions raised by pre-natal testing for autism.


Kelli Ann Davis To Miss Kim -- My List of Hotties Pics

"Two titties and 72 comments. My my my.

And FAKE titties at that -- go figure!

(Told ya the guys wouldn't be able to contain themselves :-)

Hey, whenever that penis study comes out (okay, talk about a play on words) can you run a photo of Jack Bauer (cuz brains and braun are totally hot)?? Or that guy who played the lead role in "27 Dresses" (cuz he knows what he wants)?? Or the Chip-n-Dales (cuz well....we all know why)?? Seems the Viagra Pen ain't gonna cut it according to K Fuller.

Oh, and btw: You should have rec'd 40 bucks for the "Kim Fund" by one of the *unnamed* guys at the bar. Let me know if you got it -- otherwise, I'm gonna *pull a Randy* and spill the beans ;-)

Jenny W

Oh yes, b/c those of you who know me know how stick skinny I am... (I just rolled my eyes so hard they fell out of my head).

Back when I was in the Army (when I got PG with my autistic son) they always had to special tailor my uniforms... the waist had to be take in two sizes from the hips. And my boobs are ginormous.


What a seriously bizarre study.


Two titties and 72 comments. My my my.


John Stone

I don't think anyone has posted it, so here is the abstract for the study:

"A Preliminary Investigation into the Potential Role of Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) Preference within the Assortative Mating Hypothesis of Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

Brosnan M, Walker I.

J Autism Dev Disord. 2009 Jan;39(1):164-71. Epub 2008 Jul 4.

"Of particular interest to studying the etiology of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) is the potential for multiple risk factors to combine through non-random mechanisms-assortative mating. Both genetic influences and a high-testosterone prenatal environment have been implicated in the etiology of ASDs, and given that waist-hip ratio (WHR) is indicative of a woman's circulating testosterone level, a man attracted to higher-than-average WHR women is likely to have a higher-than-average prenatal testosterone exposure for their offspring. We show that whereas fathers of children without ASD show a statistically reliable preference for WHRs at the low end of the normal range, indicative of women with low testosterone levels, fathers of children diagnosed with ASD do not consistently show this preference."

On a slightly more sober note, may I suggest that a major confounder would be electing to take part in the study.


This study must be a joke. It has to be.

I mean, why don't they just reverse the study and see if mothers of children who have Autism prefer curvier Men.

What exactly are they trying to get out of this study?

The next study will be... to see if Men who have children with Autism prefer Boxers over Briefs/Whitey Tighties.

Our research dollars hard at work!

Craig Willoughby


Of course, REAL men know that women rule. And if you're implying that I drool over big hoo-ha's and Pamela Anderson's in particular....nah...I'm a fan of bottoms :P

Besides I like natural women. Pamela looks too much like an anatomically correct Barbie Doll for my tastes.....

And, I started the Real Men's club to disassociate us from the scum like Offit, Bush, Reibel, Gorski, Tayloe, etc etc. If they are considered to be men, they give the rest of us the worst possible name in the book. So, we be REAL men!


I think this is just the first of many related studies, because the email invitation to participate I posted was from only a few weeks ago.

I'm not so well-versed in my Epi. terminology, but would implants be considered a confounder in this study?

Cherry Sperlin Misra

Dont have time to finish this, but at least I can start it:
My research showed that the hungry should eat
Then I progressed to a truly great feat.
Finding the autism gene is really fantastic!
But louts at AOA were so mean and sarcastic...

Jim Witte

(from EOHarm list:)
And whoever funded it.. Autism Squeaks perhaps? The only thing I could find in the paper itself about funding was that the schools facilitated the research ("The authors would like to thank the schools for facilitating the research and all the fathers who took part. We also acknowledge the helpful comments of three anonymous reviewers") It was the University of Bath. Make of *that* what you will.. I'd have to hunt a bit deeper to find funding. One of Brosnan's other papers is "Digit ratio and faculty membership: Implications for the relationship between prenatal testosterone and academia" Make of that what you will..
That paper is referenced thusly, "According to Baron-Cohen, scientists ‘by definition are good systemizers’ (Baron-Cohen 2006a, p. 868). Although systemizing was not formally assessed, the university sampled has particular strengths in Science and Engineering (see Brosnan 2006) and the academic staff acting as controls would be expected to be high systemizers." Whatever that really has to do with autism. I suppose it might indicate "autism-like-traits" in the fathers.
J Autism Dev Disord. 2009 Jan;39(1):164-71. Epub 2008 Jul 4.
DOI: 10.1007/s10803-008-0615-1
"A Preliminary Investigation into the Potential Role of Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) Preference within the Assortative Mating Hypothesis of Autistic Spectrum Disorders."
[My God - it's only a *preliminary* investigation? You mean we could see more of this trash?]
Brosnan M, Walker I.
[Hmm.. Given that his last name is 'Brosnan'.. Can anyone think of a good Bond joke here? Perhaps he just didn't 'measure up'?.. That pun was semi-intended..]
Department of Psychology, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK, [email protected].
[I will not be responsible for starting a flame war against this person.. I'll leave that to the 'neurodiverse' anti-environmental-causation political arm. His inbox is probably overflowing with prase from them right now..]
"Of particular interest to studying the etiology of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) is the potential for multiple risk factors to combine through non-random mechanisms-assortative mating. Both genetic influences and a high-testosterone prenatal environment have been implicated in the etiology of ASDs, and given that waist-hip ratio (WHR) is indicative of a woman's circulating testosterone level, a man attracted to higher-than-average WHR women is likely to have a higher-than-average prenatal testosterone exposure for their offspring. We show that whereas fathers of children without ASD show a statistically reliable preference for WHRs at the low end of the normal range, indicative of women with low testosterone levels, fathers of children diagnosed with ASD do not consistently show this preference."
(I have the PDF if anyone wants it.. It *might* be worth the bits that it takes to store it - all 1,898,648 of them.. But surely it's not worth the *paper* that it might be printed on by some unfortunate soul..

K Fuller Yuba City

Kelli Anne,
What??? A Pen?? We got real boobies with this study!

Kelli Ann Davis On Why Women Rule

“We be REAL men!!”

Sure Craig (wink, wink) whatever you want to call it…but changing the name ain’t ever gonna change this little factoid and the whole reason Randy got *kicked out* of the CLUB for sharing it in the first place:


Bottom Line: Can’t put that Genie back in the bottle no matter how hard you try!

Ahhhhh...nothing like the taste of women-rule-and-men-drool (as in literally) pooooowwwweeeerrr: whatever-you-say-sweetie....price-tag, what price-tag?....

And K Fuller:

“I cant wait to see the graphic that Kim uses when they do the penis size study!”

The *pop out* Viagra pen might fit the bill, no?


"Randy and all autism dads who read this blog without trolling it are invited. We be REAL men!!"

Oh, yeah, baby! - doin' the happy dance around living room right now...


Craig - the Julie Gerberding thing knocked my off my chair :-)

Craig Willoughby

Kelli and Randy,

No worries...I have started a new club called the REAL Man Club. This club represents real men, fathers who care for their children, autistic or not, no matter what. Fathers who know how to clean up poop stains. Men who are supportive of their wives and children. Men who adore and care for their women despite and because of any imperfections. We be REAL men. I have dropped out of the Old Men's Club (oddly appropriate for that group) because it contains such monstrosities like Paul Offit, Tayloe, David Gorski, Ken Reibel, Pharma Reps and Julie Gerberding (;-P).

Randy and all autism dads who read this blog without trolling it are invited. We be REAL men!!


I wonder when they will do a study on men
who have three nipples and also have an
austistic child?

When they do announce the study - please send the money for the research instead to AOA to give out to parents
who need it to help heal their autistic children.

Thanks for all the posts that made me laugh
but these boobie reseachers drive me mad.

K Fuller Yuba City

I cant wait to see the graphic that Kim uses when they do the penis size study!


Maybe dads of kids with autism are just too busy supporting their wives to give a damn about their boobs! Oh, no that can't be because my husband is very supportive and he likes my (larger than I would like) boobs! What monumental insanity!


"Ahhhhh...Randy? How could you POSSIBLY know that??? (Unless of course, *sharing* that information is part of the whole "Man Club" thingy!!)"

I get the asleep at the switch award for that post - my intent was a kind of personal / juvenile slant towards the "10 mile radius" reference - but re-reading my post I see how it would only be interpreted the way it was

So I inadvertently "hung" other dad's in the process (pardon the pun) - guess the "reverse correlation" comment is like the final straw then (I'm never gonna get back in the club...)



Julie Obradovic, you are a genius. Thanks a lot for the laugh. I needed it.

Alex's Dad

Interesting concept. With that in mind, how did Jenny McCarthy end being a spokesperson for autism who has an autistic child?

ADPP participant (Autism Dad Protection Program)

I wonder how many times Orac and his crowd took that online survey?

You know you could consider using this picture again if you cover the new saliva test for autism, I mean, just a thought. -although I have to say I'm a little nervous opening AoA at work these days.


Like a few others have said...go to the damn source and stop speculating on the dad's preferences.
Why not just use lab tests to measure testosterone in mothers! But that costs too much...much better to waste a small boatload of money on boob research than spend a boatload of money that could actually lead to something useful.


Just posting for my husband when I told him about this study over coffee this morning...

I like my woman....
Buff enough to clean up all that fecal material.

Diane Farr

Julie....that is the funniest comment I have read in years. It will keep me laughing all the way to April Fool's Day!

"The list just keeps getting longer...I am now a flat chested, schizophrenic, cold and uncaring mother with bad genes married to a dorky, old husband who has no preference for the female shape. Both of us agreed to sit our children in front of the television all day while we bathed our children in toxic dog shampoo. We are the perfect storm apparently. Who knew?"

David LaMont

Thousands of families living with Autism. Millions of dollars spent by said families trying to give a good life to themselves and their affected children. Questions raised, answers begged for, and someone spent money trying to figure out if T&A is partially the cause of autism??? Really?? Here's a clue, TRY LOOKING AT ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES!! For the money spent they could have, I don't know, maybe actually studied something more relevant?!?!?!


This study is a riot, and brings new meaning to the definition of stupididity.
Hey, I wonder if the researchers sit around and watch these kinds of videos-
Baby Got Back (I Like Bigg Butts)


This doesn't make sense to me. I've got plenty of curves, my husband prefers curves, and I'm pretty damn sure he fathered our daughter (make that absolutely sure!), so what happened? Too much Elmo and Teletubbies? Nah, I think it was the vaccines.

Harold L Doherty

What a waste of research dollars.


This is definitely not the first time I've cried from reading a post, but it's definitely the first time I've cried from LAUGHING after reading a post. Too funny (sad, because of the wasted research dollars, but entertaining none the less). Thanks Kim!


My wife looks like an ultra-tan Betty Boop, and I more than prefer it that way. "University of Bath" huh? I think they're all wet. Time to get out of the tub.

This will give you a better idea of my personal preferences :)

I've been with the tall thin model types. It's like wrestling a clothes hanger. No thanks, she gotta pack much back :) (well, not TOO much)

lolol........This study had to be funded by the science weenies at Autism Speaks. Nobody else could be that dumb.

Hey, do you think I could get some funding to carry out my own study? I could go to strip bars and poll the crowd to see if there is a disproportionately low number of dads that have children with autism. You can give me my grant entirely in 1's please.

What will they come up with next?


Elizabeth Soliday

Maybe they just have a little class! But seriously, I think these people need to get a grip because it is likely that the women having adrenal and thyroid issues (leading to their body shapes) have a lot more to do with the children having autism than the stinkin preference of the men!


The study's essentially all about waist/butt ratio? Talk about mudflaps (warning: PG13 rating):


Angela Warner

Ritz Cracker said it best:

"I would guess that with the amount of sex the average father of a kid with ASD gets, the shape of a woman is perhaps the last thing on his mind.

He'll take whatever he can get, wherever he can get it."

Ask my hubby :D Or ask me LOL!!! Whatever, Wherever, and Whenever we can get something - anything on :D

Yeh... the penis size and autism study will follow - LOVE IT KIM! Won't the results of that be interesting!

Then after the penis size study is completed they'll be looking to blame our ovaries... ovary size and autism or which ovary did you ovulate from and conception took place and then autism resulted in the child.

Best laugh I've had in a few days and damn if I didn't need it!!! Thank you Bath and Thank you Kim!

I still can not believe money was spent on this "research". Insane!

God! I love Age of Autism!!!


Oh, I see. It finally makes sense, now. I do have knockers - so therefore, my kid can't have autism. What could it be? Oh yeah.... vaccine damage.


University of Bath. Is that near West Midlands, UK?

So are the Olsen twins keynote speakers at A1 this year?


We have some sort of weird paradoxical reaction around here.
My husband is 4 years younger than me and was in his 20s when we had kids.
We don't have cable and we live in a really sunny state.
It gets weirder I haven't been a B cup since Kindergarten.
Now how the heck did my kid get Autism????
For God sakes, how did Jenny McCarthy end up with a child on the spectrum?
Must just be another anomaly?
...or maybe the dump truck full of toxic vaccines that my kid got.



My husband prefers athlethic build. I was thin, but not buff when we met. He's a runner and loves weight lifting. Shortly after we started dating, he bought me a stepper, some work out videos and some weights and I was hooked. We have a full gym in the basement. Sounds great, but when autism moved in our house, the basement became a ghost town -- no time and no energy.

Christna Liberatore

"The list just keeps getting longer...I am now a flat chested, schizophrenic, cold and uncaring mother with bad genes married to a dorky, old husband who has no preference for the female shape. Both of us agreed to sit our children in front of the television all day while we bathed our children in toxic dog shampoo. We are the perfect storm apparently. Who knew? "


Raymond Gallup

This sounds like the study they did a few years ago at the Duke University Medical Center by Michael Platt. Cure Autism Now (CAN)was involved in funding the study along with NIMH.

It was about monkeys looking at other monkeys asses. Frankly, those doing the study made asses out the NIMH and CAN and those foolish enough to give money to CAN.


By the way, I saw nothing in this study that helped one kid with autism. Nothing, nada!!!
In the end that was definitely the objective of this study....to contribute NOTHING!!!

Ray Gallup

Kelli Ann Davis to Craig -- Randy's Spilling the Beans -- AGAIN!

"Yeah, where's the study of penis length and autism, huh??? Maybe underway at Johnson and Johnson right now? ;)

Every kid within 10 miles of my house would be ASD."

Ahhhhh...Randy? How could you POSSIBLY know that??? (Unless of course, *sharing* that information is part of the whole "Man Club" thingy!!)

Crud. At this rate, I won't have to buy anymore of the Mars/Venus books since I'm learning the insider info right here for FREE!!!

AoA: Get the REAL Scoop! (In More Ways Than One)

Julie Obradovic

The list just keeps getting longer...I am now a flat chested, schizophrenic, cold and uncaring mother with bad genes married to a dorky, old husband who has no preference for the female shape. Both of us agreed to sit our children in front of the television all day while we bathed our children in toxic dog shampoo. We are the perfect storm apparently. Who knew?


Maybe these fathers of autistic children are both exhausted and completely distracted from the usuals that men get distracted with, in taking care of their child with autism? Maybe, in taking care of a child with autism, they realize that having a preference for which womans' body build is sexier is so NOT a big deal on the spectrum of big deal things in life.

Gimme a break. And families and children everywhere are financially (at the very least) suffering from lack of resources, support and care and THIS is what they spent money on? SIGH.


I think jenny blows this theory away

John Stone

Jack's post is very interesting - not only that he should be circulated about the study by the Cambridge Autism Research Centre, but it's inspiration is apparently Assortive Mating Theory, the brainchild of Prof Simon Baron-Cohen. So this piece of offensive nonsense is being sponsored at the highest level.


On the subject of breasts... I'd like a methodical retrospective examination of infant food sources, whether breast milk or formula, and details about the types of formula consumed (specifically, the presence or absence of GM ingredients) since currently 90% of soy consumed is genetically modified.

When was GM soy first introduced and in what foods?


The study is a complete farce and an insult to all of us. I'm sure it will be carried by more news sources than the U C Davis study. It's fricking sickening what autism research dollars are pissed away on, but it is done so we might as well have fun with it.

to Mad dad-my wife would apparently pick a hip to waist ratio of 50% from the photo's instead of one like Fabio because she picked me.

Robin wondered "I wonder why they didn't look directly at the shape of the mothers, rather than the preferences of the fathers?"

I tried a study like that of my own at our autism group but my wife kept punching me..

The pledge.
I'm a Man. I can change. I guess. If I have to.


Any chance they just make more rational decisions, ie, choosing based on other qualities as well as figure? Sure, they saw the curves, but looking at the pictures, they are not going to react irrationally, they know there are other qualities to consider, whereas "most" of the population follow...other socially-driven motivators (herd mentality, gut instincts, "popular" choices). My take on this study is completely different, it's just the chosing mechanism works differently, not necessarily the consequences of the choice.

ScienceDaily (Oct. 15, 2008) — People with autism-related disorders are less likely to make irrational decisions, and are less influenced by gut instincts, according to research funded by the Wellcome Trust. The study adds to the growing body of research implicating altered emotional processing in autism.
Decision-making is a complex process, involving both intuition and analysis: analysis involves computation and more "rational" thought, but is slower; intuition, by contrast, is much faster, but less accurate, relying on heuristics, or "gut instincts".

Perverts studying autism

While hormones play a role in autism this study was so badly designed that it has absolutely no merit other than entertainment. It'll probably be broadcast all over the media, more than the tv watching and old dads studies and we'll have to go on listening it and people will stare at our chests to see if we fit the theory.


"Yeah, where's the study of penis length and autism, huh??? Maybe underway at Johnson and Johnson right now? ;)"

every kid within 10 miles of my house would be ASD

[did I say that out loud...?]

no comments about inverse correlation, please...


Kelli Ann Davis to X973108 ABCDD

"Is this not significant? ***Less curvy*** women have more testosterone, less estrogen and might be more susceptible to diseases. Might this not have an impact on their children's health?"

Yoooo whoooo. Helllloo? Have you not been reading the comments?? [Think: A, B, C...and in my case, what comes next]

You're *assuming* a *study* on a guy's "interest" is actually what he ended up marrying!!!

Bottom Line: If they were so interested in the connection between boobs and autism they should have just whipped out the tape measure and went straight to the source.

Oh and to Kim: Didn't I tell ya the guys were going to come out of the woodwork on this post. Sorry, can't contribute the 20 bucks to the Kim Fund since you lost the bet ;-)

Second Bottom Line: Guys are so damn predictable when it comes to this whole subject. Thanks Guys for helping keep my 20 bucks.

sue cranmer (sparkil2)

I am so relieved!! My daughter, the sibling of a young man with autism, is quite curvy. She has been afraid to have children. Maybe this will change her mind.NOT!!! We need to save this article to run by all those who wonder why it is taking so long to find a cause and a cure. I cannot express how insane this stuff makes me. Who are the idiots who financed this.

Craig Willoughby

Did they ever think that the fathers of autistic kids aren't interested in these types of women because they are just too freakin' tired to get it up (not to be crude).

How many of our tax payer dollars went into this study?

Next study....People who like to eat will likely have autistic children!!!


From your link:
"Studies show that the waist-to-hip ratio of 70% is what the majority of men find most attractive because it correlates strongly with good health and fertility.

Women within this range tend to have optimal levels of oestrogen and are less susceptible to major diseases, while women whose ratio shows their waist is bigger than their hips, or vice versa, tend to have higher levels of testosterone."

Is this not significant? Less curvy women have more testosterone, less estrogen and might be more susceptible to diseases. Might this not have an impact on their children's health?

K Fuller Yuba City

University of Bath my eye...This study must have been done in a *Bath House*, I also think that the men may have paid to participate.
An excuse to look at girly magazines if I ever heard one. "It's research Honey"


Sex and autism? No problem Autism Speaks is going to fund a fundraiser for fathers, "Walk for your C..." : Once you are sufficiently "Aware" of autism, you get a coupon to http://www.realdoll.com/. (Caution, naughty photo on website!!!)

Ok,I have to take my girls to Church school now. Swear to God. Maybe I'll stop inside and say a prayer of forgiveness for my snarkiness. Or not.


Yeah, where's the study of penis length and autism, huh??? Maybe underway at Johnson and Johnson right now? ;)

Ritz Cracker

I would guess that with the amount of sex the average father of a kid with ASD gets, the shape of a woman is perhaps the last thing on his mind.

He'll take whatever he can get, wherever he can get it.


Tee hee! Having run out of ideas to squander valuable autism dollars, I can just picture the jokers on some bogus autism research team scheming to justify looking at some "big'uns" in the name of science. I can see the want ads now. "Wanted, female test subjects needed, must wear at least a 36C." No offense guys, but even NT guys perserverate about certain things. This one made me and DH chuckle!

Kelli Ann Davis -- Hooters Has An Airline

First, I have NEVER met a guy YET who is *NOT* interested in CURVES.

Second, the guys that I know in this community were *DEFINITELY* not the subjects of this study. For example, one time at a popular *unnamed* conference, the discussion at the bar revolved around Hooter's and their planes. Yes folks, that's right. Not only does Hooter's have girls in white shirts they also have airplanes and I NEVER knew it -- until I found out from these two *unnamed* guys (wink, wink and hey, I won't reveal your names IF you contribute 20 bucks to Kim's fund!)

Third, what about us *natural* non Olive Oyl types?? (Cuz let's face it -- anyone can be a non-Olive Oyl if they fork out the money.) Obviously, the curves were a part of the package when our hubbys married us, no??

And fourth, who conducts a *legitimate* study in Bath?? [No guys, I didn't say, "In thee bath" (where of course a study like this would be a whole heck of a lot of fun!)I mean in a city called Bath. Sounds like it was rigged from the start ;-]

Robin Nemeth

Kim, thank you for making me laugh so much today!

I wonder why they didn't look directly at the shape of the mothers, rather than the preferences of the fathers?

Kathy Blanco

This is as about as ludicrous as the monkey butt study and autism from NIH...but, that got me searching, and one thing I cannot deny...high androgen levels may also end up with comparatively small breasts. Androgen disorders are HIGH in children with autism? I don't know what it does in terms of estrogen testosterone balance (it must disturb it), but, there may be some correlation,... that not necessarily the pick they pick as men, but that if you end up with a women with androgen problems, she passes it down to her kids...

I also know a high estrogen women, is also at fates for autism, only because she if more vulnerable to environmental things (high estrogens soak up toxins more readily), such as high copper, low zinc, high iron. Those same women are also at risk for breast cancers. I think it has a lot to do with how you handle metals? These metals are usally disturbed in autism. I have a daughter who cannot do the BCP, because it ups her estrogens even more, almost making her psychotic. Her ObGyn has seen that in some women...which makes me wonder, if the BCP is also at fault for our autism epidemic (the timing is about right as far as universal use), which preconditions the women to be low on zinc and metallothionein (shapes neuron health), high in copper and iron, right before having a baby? Hmmm?

The good thing about that, is we have less chances of breast cancers???

I personally believe the God puts men and women together for some higher design than boobies - especially if he..AKA.. God chooses to place them under stress such as autism...and personally, I think parents of autistic children are exceptional people, regardless of their physical shapes, but the contents of their characters are enormous..THey are usually super smart, motivated, spiritual people...who by some design evil or not, that they are forced to reconnect with why they are here, through their children as an eye on eternal perspectives. Personally, I don't blame God for this situation either (I blame the sin of mankind for messing with mother nature), only that, he knows what kind of people can take it. I have seen this over and over...and I am blessed to be a part of this community who can recognize bogus studies, and truth. But as I say, think of androgens...anyone want to further comment??? Androgens and Autism? Hmmm?

That said, I was flat chested UNTIL MY BABIES???? LOL....


Hahaha. After reading Jack's post of the study invite he received from this clown group - I gotta say that it looks like the parents are just playing with these useless researchers. How much money are these clown researchers making off of parents of kids with ASDs?


i just got home from work where i took patient histories for 3 children with autism who's parents are searching for answers to their autism. this just chaps my a#$. families are falling apart, all hopes for their children dashed (until they found me, haha), homes full of sickness and despair and this is what we get in the department of research for their pain today. i want to strangle these people.


Looks real...University of Bath in the UK


Here are some recent presentations by the lead researcher Mark Brosnan

Recent presentations:

Awakening Cortisol Response in school-aged males with ASD. Autism Neuroscience Conference, The Royal Society, 2008.

A preliminary investigation into the potential role of waist hip ratio (WHR) preference within the assortative mating hypothesis of autistic spectrum disorders. Autism Neuroscience Conference, The Royal Society, 2008.

Examining multisensory integration in ASD using the McGurk Effect. Autism Neuroscience Conference, The Royal Society, 2008.

What is systemising? A comparison with mental rotation and proxy indices of activational and organisational testosterone. Autism Neuroscience Conference, The Royal Society, 2008.

The stress of a new day. Bristol Autism research Group, Bristol University, 2008.

Ethics and Science: Gendered vlue paradoxes and their educational impications. Association for Moral Education (AME) 34th Annual Conference, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, November
13-16, 2008. Presenter Professor Helen Haste.

If girls like ethics in their science and boys like gadgets. Can we get science education right? BA Festival of Science, Liverpool, 2008. Presenter Professor Helen Haste.

Visuo-spatial processing in developmental dyslexia: Magnocellular deficiency or over-activity? 1st Pan-hellenic conference of developmental psychology, Hellenic Psychological Society. 29 May- 1 June 2008. Presenter: Anna Polemikou, in Greek.

Psycho-anthropology. Harvard University, 2007.

Biocyberpsychology. MIT Medialab, 2007.


Anywhoo... I seem to be 0 for 3 as to the latest exciting research finds into how parents make their kids autistic.

Not old parents (27 & 28 when my son was born).
Not first born child.
Never needed to do the double A chant... "we must, we must, we must increase our bust exercises. I was "endowed" by the time I was 14.

Oh well, better luck next time to me.


But what is the waist to hip ratio that mothers of autistic kids prefer?

With stress eating and lack of sleep my hips are probably only about 70% of my waist measurement

Julie Swenson

Ooookkaaayyyy...another "well-thought-out' study! We certainly don't have enough of those (studies, not boobs).


This would be funny if it wasn't so sad that tax dollars were wasted on this.

I'm pretty curvy myself.

David Atkinson

I always knew it was my fault!


When my boys were first diagnosed I signed up for all kinds of research studies you could do on-line; facial recognition, etc. This was before I found better things to do with my obsessed about ASD while at work time, like reading A of A or researching biomed recovery.

Well, a little while back I got an email asking me to participate in this study. I declined and asked to have my name taken off their list of participants.

Here is the email I got:

Thank you for being registered with the Cambridge Autism Research Centre volunteer database at www.autismresearchcentre.com We have been asked by Dr. Mark Brosnan at the University of Bath to send the advert below to parents of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition. Please rest assured that none of your details have been passed to Dr. Brosnan.
If you would like to take part in the project, please go to the websitehttp://www.drianwalker.com/parentsurvey/
If you have any questions about the project, please contact Dr. Brosnan [email protected] Best wishes, Sally WheelwrightDeputy DirectorAutism Research Centre
We are emailing to invite you to take part in some exciting research being conducted by researchers at the University of Bath. We are examining psychological similarities and differences between couples (such as husband and wife or 'partners'). We are focusing upon partner preferences for body shapes and, where the couple have children, we are also focusing on how these psychological similarities and differences may relate to family structure (e.g. number of biological sons and daughters) and autism spectrum conditions, such as autism and Asperger Syndrome. The body shape images include photographs of women in bathing suits and cartoons of naked men and women from behind. The images have all been used in research before but if you are likely to find them offensive please do not take part. The questionnaire does not take long and we would be very grateful if you would take part in this project by clicking on the web link below (you my need to cut and paste the link into your search engine). Anyone can take part, as long as you are 18 years of age or older. More information will be provided after the questionnaire is completed. Many thanks in advance. http://www.drianwalker.com/parentsurvey/


“No preference” is of course the clever answer for any man who wishes to stay married to those of us whose shape changes from time to time. ;~)

BTW, my husband saw Pam Anderson about 8 years ago on the ferry over to Vancouver Island. No make-up, clothed and yes, he says, she looked “nice”. See, my husband knows how to cleverly answer those kind of questions too!


Garbo - I was going to say the same thing. If you showed these dads a curvy woman or a bed they could get 4 hour of uninterrupted sleep - - I think then you'd see a preference.


Well, as a curvy woman who has given birth to 5 children with Autism....my husband would disagree (I assume)...
There are far too many studies out there about what causes Autism. I am amazed by what they come up with.


Hmmm....maybe I shoulda gotten those implants....


Frankly, I hope we find out this was a joke... I mean a genuine joke.


Oh, for crying out loud! I'll bet if you showed those pix to men who had kids with epilepsy, or cancer, or any other terrible condition, those guys wouldn't care about the shape of the women either. They probably all have PTSD and have deeper issues to worry about, like recovering their kids. Sheesh. Did anyone think to study whether the dads had a preference for long-hair cats vs. short hair ones? Or maybe whether they favored chocolate ice cream over pistachio or rum raisin? Because, you know, it could be that people who like all flavors of ice cream are responsible for the autism epidemic.

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