My Old Kentucky Home: More Mercury from Coal Fired Power?
The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home
'Tis summer, the people are gay;
The corn top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom,
While the birds make music all the day;
The young folks roll on the little cabin floor,
All merry, all happy, and bright,
By'n by hard times comes a-knocking at the door,
Then my old Kentucky home, good night!
More Mercury on the Horizon: Help Stop More Funding for Coal-Fired Power Plants
The Kentucky Public Service Commission is evaluating a petition for funding additional coal-fired power infrastructure by Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities. A $1.5 billion coal-fired plant in Trimble County, Kentucky may serve surrounding states as well. In light of the recent study entitled: “Proximity to point sources of environmental mercury release as a predictor of autism prevalence” by R. Palmer, S. Blanchard and R. Wood, we may suffer serious consequences. This study found the risk of autism diagnoses increased markedly as families located closer and closer to coal-fired power plants. The Deirdre Imus conference in New Jersey presented mercury emissions pathways around the globe may explain clusters of autism diagnoses in the U.S.
A recent environmental catastrophe occurred in Tennessee from a power plant spilling coal-ash waste endangering thousands from exposure in that regard.
You may help us postpone or prevent funding additional coal-fired technology if you email the Kentucky Public Service Commission at [email protected] and reference Case #2008-00252.
The case number is not essential if you refer to the Louisville Gas and Electric Rate Increase proposal. These utilities are owned by German, for-profit E.on Inc. so we have little hope of concern for preserving our precious resources on the part of a global mega-corp. Please send studies, facts and personal testimony to the Commissioners and it will make an impact. I feel the utility is pushing to get ahead of the Obama Repower America initiative that wil give our community viable alternatives. We need just a little more time to allow better technology to take root!
Thank you in advance for any assistance. Any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected]
Sincerely,Dr. D. Carlson
Goshen, KY
I am sure that all what you said is true.
My own husband's family from San Bernadino has some issues I think - with too much fungicide.
But it took a DPT shot to make my children react each and every time.
Fathers do contribute to the immune system of a newborn, not just the mother - and that is in old text book literature.
So do not forget that the military loves their vaccines that they give to fathers.
Posted by: Benedetta | January 16, 2012 at 10:48 AM
I was pregnant downwind of coal-fired Gilman Paper Co. in St Mary's Georgia in 1980, I was a Navy wife near the new US Navy Kings Bay Submarine Base there. My son was born with Asperger's Disorder (late diagnosis of course, as it was not taught in American Medical Schools until 1995). Good ol' boy network, you betcha, the paper mill was there for nearly 60 years until its bankruptcy. When my now estranged husband & I first landed there we thought some of the townspeople & children were a little "off" and we attributed it to inbreeding at the time(lol). I found through my research, the owners, Gilman Brothers, inherited the paper mill from their father, and brother Howard eventually became the sole owner of the family empire. He frittered it away by living the high life in NY City and Yulee, FL (of all places)
I found out years later that the US Navy was aware of the mercury problem in Cumberland Sound according to a Georgia Tech study which referenced U.S. Navy's Environmental Impact Statement of Kings Bay (Navy 1975) even before Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base was commissioned in 1978. Also, I found a NATO study online which shows that Kings Bay was built on top of a toxic dump called Old Camden County Landfill. The St. Mary's waterbasin and Kings Bay area were both declared as two seperate Superfund Sites.
Posted by: aspiesmom | January 16, 2012 at 09:56 AM
Leo Kanner ("father" of autism)and Hans Asperger ("father" of Asperger's Syndrome) are both from Austria.
The most famous mercury mine in the world is in Slovenia, bordering Austria, and used to be under Austrian rule.
What a koinkydink.
Posted by: aspieresearchmom | September 22, 2009 at 11:49 AM
Being raised in a PA coal mining's no wonder I had cancer at 30 and have a child with autism. I will be happy to email also.
Posted by: rileysmom | January 10, 2009 at 07:08 PM
Good Luck swating the good ol' boy network around here. My husband's family lives down from TVA(Tenn Vallley Authority) and there is disease rampant in his family. Interestlingly enough all the familial problems are also things that show up on mercury exposure lists.
I'm glad to email:)
Posted by: kathleen | January 10, 2009 at 08:23 AM