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Autism Sibling Finalist in CMT Contest: We're Mad about Maddie!

MaddieManaging Editor's Note:  This beautiful young woman needs our votes!

By Cindy Waelterman

Maddie Georgi is one busy (and talented) 16-year-old.  In addition to being a high school student (her schedule would boggle the mind of any parent, business person or person on the planet) Maddie is one of the final two contestants in CMT’s Music City Madness Contest.

Maddie, whose younger brother Jake was diagnosed with autism at the age of two, has typical feelings of a sibling to a child with autism – the frustration of wanting to help, but not knowing how and the angst at watching others being downright nasty to him affected her deeply.  She wanted to express those feelings and share them with others, so she picked up her guitar and wrote her first song.  “Take My Hand”.  (Visit her MySpace page at www.myspace.com/maddiegeorgi please.)

Take My Hand was written and produced almost two years ago.  Maddie’s soothing and soulful voice speaks of reaching out to help children with disabilities.  The uplifting Baptist choir rounds out this spiritual ballad where Maddie urges others to “put on a smile and help a child….the rest is up to you..”.

Maddie donated 100% of the proceeds of the song to Autism Link, an autism organization based in Pittsburgh.  The song has generated thousands of sales. 

First inspired to write songs by her brother Jake, Maddie continued the trend and now has written many original songs and ballads.   She has played the Hard Rock Café, countless other venues and often makes appearances at autism-related events, free of charge.  Her passion for autism is clear.

Over the summer Maddie submitted a video with a new song, “Gone Away Again” to Country Music Television’s annual “Music City Madness” competition.  Her song was chosen, along with 64 others, out of more than 60,000 submissions.

The contest, which allows internet users to vote for their favorite competitor in a NCAA-style “playoff”, started back in October with 64 hopefuls.  The contest is now down to two – and Maddie is one of the final two.

Maddie is passionate about helping the autism community, and at AutismLink, we are passionate about helping her.  Won’t you help her too?

Please take the time to vote for Maddie at www.madness.cmt.com.  You can VOTE AS OFTEN AS YOU WANT!  Choose the "Music City Madness" link and then click on "vote for the winner."  Maddie gives autism a voice – and this platform will help her spread the word.

Vote as often as you can!  We’re Mad about Maddie!

Cindy is a graduate of the University of Pgh with dual BAs in Marketing/Communications & English Writing. She has two children with autism and is the founder of Autism Link and the Autism Center of Pittsburgh. 



IF anyone is having trouble voting or anything, just email me -- [email protected]

my computer sucks

anyone else having trouble viewing the video at the CMT site?

sign lady

Great tune Maddie - you've got my vote!

Ben's Dad

Maddie - There is a little girl that can thank you for getting me off of my keester and signing her up for the guitar lessons she has been asking for (she already has a Hannah Montana guitar). This little girl is also crazy about her little brother who has autism, and our Christmas card from when he was about 2 was a picture of her leading him though the stars by her hand. So needless to say, I particularly liked "Take My Hand", but the one you sing in the competition is probably even better. I see the downloaded song said "instrumental version - is their an acoustic version out their also?

Great songs and great performances - best of luck, you've got the votes in our house!


What a talent. I would have voted for her anyway.



It can be a little tricky. When you get to www.madness.cmt.com -- go to "WHO WILL WIN MUSIC CITY MADNESS" and click on the link.

A blue box will pop up with rules. Close it in the upper right hand corner. Then, click in the MIDDLE OF THE PAGE -- the grey area that shows the last two contestants of the contest. Maddie will pop up against a guy named Kurt. In the bottom right corner of Maddie's screen click on "CLICK TO SELECT" and then click on "CLOSE" in the upper right hand corner.


(I know, could they make it MORE complicated?)


Maddie -- the autism community is behind you 100%. Remember everyone, there is *NO* limit to how many times you can vote, and we need THOUSANDS of votes.......

Footage will air this Friday on Maddie and her brother Jake, I believe it will be on CMT. I'll let everyone know!

Jeff R.

I have tried to vote but it will not let me, I click on vote, but it does not let me know who I am voting for.

Cathy Jameson

The song "Gone Away Again" is just moving. I was down in the dumps because of Ronan's increased stimmy behavior this weekend--it just is so unlike him lately. I had horrible thoughts of his earlier regressions and lots of 'what ifs' like what if he never gets better? What if I can't continue to be positive and upbeat about life?

Maddie is a wonderful blessing to her brother--those lyrics are beautiful and very appropriate for me today. Thanks for sharing this link--I hope she wins!

Cathy Jameson

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