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A of A Contest: Win The Kid Friendly ADHD and Autism Cookbook

Adhd_cookbookLila White is the winner! Lila, please email me your home address at [email protected]. Congrats!

We have a wonderful new book to give away (and several other goodies to follow!)  This is The Kid Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook, The Ultimate Guide to the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet by Pamela Compart, MD and Dana Laake,. RDH, MS, LDN. The foreword is by Jon Pangborn, PhD and Dr. Sid Baker, two men we all know and respect.

Enter a comment with your name and email in the email line of the commenting form so I can contact you if you win.  We'll draw our winner next week.

You can buy the book at Amazon HERE.  Good luck!

Lee_silsby_no_tagine  The "Treatment" category is sponsored by Lee Silsby, the leader in quality compounded medications for autism.



Great cookbook. I would also highly recommend "Nourishing Hope for Autism," by Julie Matthews. It shows how to successfully implement diets and cook creatively for families of autism. My son loves her cookbook DVD as well.


Jonell Fonderhide-Stumpp

The book looks great!I would love to have it here at our middle school to refer to for our students who have ADD, ADHD and autism.

Please let me know if I win this fabulous book!

Thank you,


Tracy Ruggiero

What a great contest! I would love to win this contest because I have just recently started the diet for my son, and in the past when I tried the diet I did not have enough information to be successful, and now I am reading everything I can, and joining every group I can to get it right. Since I also have a big network of friends & family helping to make this time a success it would be a WIN, WIN for everyone in my network.

amy wallace

love it!!! always looking for fresh ideas since we have been GFCF and more for almost 7 yrs.


This book looks awesome, please enter me in the contest. Thanks, Amber


Hey--count me in. I need to spice up my gf/cf cooking.

Thanks AoA.


Thank you


I hope I win this book.My 22 years old Autistic son is just startin to learn how to cook,Thank you for creting this book

Stagmom for SUE

Hi, Sue and welcome! Is your son on the GFCF diet? IT seems to help so many people, especially the gluten component - outside of the autism world too. It's great to hear from a mom of an older child. My oldest is almost (gulp) 14!

Kim, Managing Editor


I am new to this site. I have an 18yo with HFA. He is looking forward to voting for the first time. He is learning to cook and likes to eat healthy meals. He would love to win this cookbook.


I really could use this!!!

Meg Naughton

OOOh ooh ooh!!! Pick me! Pick me! LOL!!!

Summer Humphries

GFCF and picky eaters -- not a good combo ;-) Looks like this cookbook could REALLY help me in the kitchen!!

Lisa Thompson

I would love to win this cookbook so I can master some new recipes. Thanks!

Stagmom for VICKI

Vicki - go to our sponsor TACA (click their logo on the left) and you'll find a primer on going GFCF. It's wonderful.

Good luck,



As the parent of a three year old with autism, we are always looking for new resources. Thanks for the contest!


Thank you for creating this cookbook!

Vicki Cuff

I've been wanting to try the Glueten free diet for my daughter but didn't know where to start. The cookbook would be very helpful for me since she only eat's a few things.


This would be a great tool. Good luck everyone!


I have just started GFCF diet for my child in these 2 months time and it has positive prognosis. I am from India, and to find this website is really a prayer answered, as I have never found any support for our decision to do the GFCF plus biomedical treatment here. Getting this book would be a huge help for us. Thank you.

Cathy Jameson


Kim Staten

I could use all the help I can get :)

Sheril Bergman

My little girl would appreciate new recipes!!! Thanks.


Always looking for better GFCF recipes. Sign me up ;O)


The book looks great! It is just in time for the long winter months of cooking and baking.

Janine Adams

Hope to win!


Thanks for all the great contests AoA!

Agnes Shaikh

I would be so happy to make some easy recipe from this book. I do have a son with autism and another one with adhd. I wish I could win one copy. Thank you.

Melissa Gwaltney

I'm looking forward to any help I can get!


My grandson has taken to reading my cookbooks............I couldn't find one of my cookbooks this morning and sure enough, he had it. Up in his room. He was reading on how to make a chocolate cake. I would love for him to have his own and to cook new recipes.........

Michelle Hatfield

My two sons will love to eat all the new GFCF goodies I could make from the recipes in this book! Thanks!


New recipes are always welcome.


Pick me! :)


My sister bought me a copy of this book...it is soooo wonderful!!! I use it just about everyday. Would like to get another copy for a friend who needs help with the diet.


I want it!! :) :)

Chrissy Weber

This would be great. I try to cook as much as possible from scratch - our boy is gfcf minimal soy, autism spectrum and doing great. Fingers crossed!

Suzanne Thomason

Seems like a committment to attempting the GF/CF correlates to the families willingness to committ effort toward "recovery"

Jennifer Johnpoll

Good luck!

Mary Klark

I make my grandson's special foods and would love this cookbook. He has a limited amount of foods he will even accept and I would love to find more things he will eat.


Great cookbook, I want it for a friend!

Jackie P

i could really use this. good luck everyone!


Me me!!

Carrie Elsass

I have a GF cookbook and an SCD cookbook, but a GFCF cookbook would be great!

Sara DiFucci

Perfect for our TACA-Chicago library!

Jennifer Nichols

Heard this is a great resource for starting the diet! Hope to win.


hope I win!!

Ruth Elaine Hane

The free cookbook will go to a young woman with Aspergers who is transitioning to her own apartment and learning to cook glueten free.

Bethanie Kloepfer

Sounds like a necessary cookbook to have. Thanks!

Lisa Clark

Would love one!!!!

Lila White

Would love to have a copy of this valuable resource book.

Lori Edwards

Would LOVE to have this.... good luck, everyone!

nancy smith

I would love to win a copy...I know how important the Special Diets are for our Special Kids!

Stacey Hodge

This would really help a newbie like me!


Thanks for the chance to win...I know the special diets work.

Diane F.

This looks like a great new resource! I'm always looking for new recipe ideas.


Thanks for letting us know about this book!


I'm entering.

maryam hamedi

Lets test our lock


I am a grandmother eager to have a book for my autistic grandaughter and ADHD grandson.

Jalene Suda

I LOVE this book. My friend has one. I hope I win! Thank you so much.

Deb Deal

Thanks for a cookbook that we can actually use!

Maria Buchta

I'm entering.

shannon carpenter

Hope I win. Thanks.

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