Every Child By Two: Parasites, Graves, Wyeth, and Sanofi
Child Warrior: Carson


Christine M

Do you know if anyone has started a petition to reverse this ridiculous law on mandatory flu shots for children? I knew Corzine had signed the law and for that alone I will campaign against him with every breath left in my body, but we really need to get this changed. Mrs. Imus sat down and spoke with him about autism and vaccines so he is fully aware of what parents feel about the vaccine-autism link.

michele i.

Great article Kim! really funny and truthful and informational all at once.
you're awesome!

Robin Nemeth

Kudos to whoever does the pictures.

Theresa Cedillo

Karen is right Kim - you are way ahead of your time. Scary stuff Karen.

Kim - is that the real slogan? "Don't be a turd. Protect the herd"?

Maybe we should hang on to more than our kidneys...


Kim you are so ahead of your time.
I just read an article in the UK that they are attempting to pass a law to harvest stem cells from the mentally incapacitated.
I hope the words Freedom and Choice will not be erased from basic patient rights in the years to come.

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