A Prayer for Amanda Peet
The New Car

Dr. Bernadine Healy: Don’t Make it Personal

Mudslinging_2By David Kirby

Researchers have been arguing with each other since science began, and that is a positive thing. The fights, while often heated, are usually contained to theories, evidence, data quality, confounding factors and the like.

But sometimes, the disputes get personal. Instead of attacking their opponents’ ideas, some researchers resort to attacking their opponents themselves.

Dr. Paul Offit, a prominent and accessible figure in the vaccine-autism debate, this week engaged in some of his own personal criticisms against two people who happen to disagree with his views: Dr. Jon Poling and Dr. Bernadine Healy.

On Tuesday, at the Every Child By Two press conference with Amanda Peet, Dr. Offit criticized Dr. Healy, who is the health editor of US News and World Report, suggesting that she was misinformed on the debate, and not up to speed on recent research which, he said, shows no link between vaccines and autism.

Also this week, Dr. Offit published a letter in the New England Journal of Medicine, (HERE)  in reply to a letter from Dr. Jon Poling, which said that Offit had misrepresented Poling’s position on the debate.

In his letter, Dr. Offit called Poling and Healy “standard-bearers for the poorly conceived hypothesis that children receive too many vaccines too early.” As a result of their actions, he added, “some parents are choosing to delay, withhold, or separate vaccines.”

Finally Dr. Offit, in an apparent attack on Dr. Healy the editor, decried “the failure of the media and the public to distinguish hypotheses from scientific evidence.” (Dr. Healy, has written about her views in US News & World Report).

I called Dr. Healy today to ask her about Dr. Offit’s comments, and to see if she would like to respond.

“He does seem to personalize this issue,” was her initial reaction, but then she went on to address some specific assertions.

She admitted to conducting “none of my own scientific research, specifically, on vaccines,” but noted that, “there’s no reason to be defensive about that.”

Dr. Healy did, however, take exception to Dr. Offit’s assertion that she was not properly informed on all the pertinent research.

“I have never done a scientific paper, nor do I write a column, without doing all the background research needed to make sure that what I am a saying can be validated by legitimate sources,” Dr. Healy told me.

I then asked about Dr. Offit’s statement that she was now the “standard-bearer” of a wrong-headed idea that we vaccinate too early and too often.

“No response,” she said, “other than, ‘Hey, I have been called worse than that.”

Joking aside, Dr. Healy quickly added that, “The bigger issue is that this is a serious scientific discussion – it’s serious for parents, it’s serious for children and it’s serious for physicians, and it need not be turned into something personal.”

Indeed, Dr. Healy declined to offer any personal criticism of Dr. Offit whatsoever.

But she did question this statement in his NEJM letter:

Studies of concomitant use, which are required by the Food and Drug Administration before licensure to show that new vaccines do not affect the safety or immunogenicity of existing vaccines or vice versa, have clearly shown that multiple vaccines can be administered safely.

(I question this statement as well: It does not explain why ACIP recently pulled its recommendation for the PRO-QUAD MMR+Varicella vaccine after it was found to double the risk of seizures. Nor does it explain why the CDC website says that simultaneous multiple vaccination is safe for “children with normal immune systems.” Nor did Dr. Offit provide any references for the studies he mentioned).

Dr. Healy had another take. “By just testing something for safety, but not comparing it to something else, that doesn’t tell us everything we need to know,” she said. “It all depends on what you are defining as ‘safety.’”

For example, she said, “Is it less safe to give hepatitis B vaccine when a child is 8 or 10 years old, than when they are newborn? Has that been looked at?”

And Dr. Healy noted, “No research has been done on the vaccine schedule to say it is the right one, compared to other schedules. As far as I know, there have been no randomized trials comparing different vaccine schedules to what is better medically for children.

“Are we giving children too many vaccines in a very short period of time, so early in their lives? That is the study that has not been done -- looking at the schedule, looking to see if it is better to spread out some vaccines over a longer period of time.”

If we do such comparison, she said, “Are there fewer side effects, fewer fevers? We have very different schedules that should be compared. Have any of them ever been compared with the current one, in terms of the health effects on children?”

“The fact is,” Dr. Healy concluded, (without launching into a single personal attack against any opponent), “there has never been a randomized trial to see what is best for children in terms of their health.”

David Kirby is a journalist, author of Evidence of Harm and contributor to Age of Autism.


Fielding J. Hurst

This thread gives me a headache, but nice debate. I love this blog, but also sometimes like to visit a blog without seeing World War III in progress in some post or another.

I am not saying this is not a good thing, just that as a parent of a child with autism, sometimes I just cannot stand it. Lisa Jo Rudy's About Autism Blog, http://autism.about.com/, gets my vote for the best autism site without a lot of bloodshed. This is especially true since Lisa Jo started cracking the whip. It's great to see so many blogs on every conceivable side of our issues. That is a good thing and I know, just sometimes, I like to put myself in timeout for awhile and ignore the debating. Both sides are good at setting up a Straw Man argument and oversimplifying their "opponent's positions", so they can knock them down. The messengers on both sides of many of these issues are seriously flawed and quote frankly, I am surprised things are not MORE personal than they are now.

Going to take to Tylenol,


I'm glad you are spending time here and asking questions. I do think we all need to slow down picking at each other personally and stick to the real issues. That being said, a parent cannot always separate their emotion from this debate. I'm assuming you do not have kids, and I do not want to take a thing away from you regarding that. I do want to say that having this happen to your child, and having experiences that most of us parents have had with regular doctors, well, it affects us to the core and cannot be explained in words. The most sacred trust we've placed in others (the lives of our children) has been broken. I DO believe that change will only come when people like yourself choose to be leaders rather than follows, and listen to parents, as you seem to be trying to do. For that I thank you.
I'd like to be able to tell you my son's story, but I could never do the whole thing justice here. I will certainly give you the highlights. Noah is 10; when he was born, the medical establishment was still clinging desperately to the notion that autism is genetic. There is absolutely nothing like autism anywhere in either my husband's or my families. My pregnancy was wonderful, his birth was perfect. Noah came into this world healthy; apgars were 9 and 10, no complications whatsoever at birth. At one day old, he was injected with 12.5 micrograms of mercury - a known neurotoxin. He received a total of 62.5 mcg by six months, on four separate days. He developed normally in many ways, then slowly regressed into autism from his one year shots on. There was not such a noticeable difference after any particular round of shots that we clued in immediately; it was more of a slow realization of everything. However, when he was three and had no language whatsoever, was almost like a wild animal at times, we took him to one of the "top autism experts" in the country at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. This man told us Noah was mentally retarded, would never talk, and not to bother with therapy for him. He suggested WE get therapy to learn to deal with what we had. Thankfully, we did not listen, and after testing, chelation, and many other DAN therapies, he is a different child. His IQ is normal and he talks non-stop. He is no longer screaming from pain, anxiety-ridden, or locked away. He is happy and loving, and Thank God and every person who helped us find or implement DAN, still recovering. The money we spent at KKI was outrageous, and may as well have been thrown in the fireplace. Can a doctor heal or help you if she has no idea what you are suffering from? I doubt it. Our DAN doc treated Noah for vaccine injury and was highly successful, when the "top expert" wrote him off as a candidate for an institution. Nothing the traditional medical community has told us has ever been helpful; and THEY are the ones who still insist that vaccines do not cause children harm. If he was your child, what would you think?
Thanks for your time. Please, keep asking questions and be a leader!
Allison Byrd



Not that this is important but yes. I'm a US medical student. I am months away from being an MD. I am neck deep in loans (bringing that up on this site was not well received) and I will not be driving a new car nor will I be financially stable for many years to come but yes, I do consider myself to be part of the medical community. Sorry if that offends you. Many on here have lumped me into the "doctor" category and I corrected them many months back (take a look in the archives if that tickles your fancy). My comments are warranted from previous posts here and previous conversations.

I have taken three sets of medical boards which will give me and MD but the Pediatric boards are still a few years away, if that's what you are referring to. Pediatric boards make you board certified. They don't give you and MD. That is already done. So I will be a doctor soon. I don't have long to go at all actually. I've been through 3rd and am virtually done with 4th year.

Also, with regards to referring to patients as "mine" , you should know, since you seem a med school expert that those are semantics. I know they do not belong to me, nor do I treat them on my own. I think those who read this blog are smart enough to understand that I am referring to the patients I encounter. Nurses in pediatrics often refer to their patients as "my kids", and nobody assumes that they mean their children. It is understood that it is jargon. Hope that answers your questions about the status of my studies and salary and loan situation. Oh and I have a 10 year old beater car that I paid for by working for years before medical school. I come from a middle class family and I have put myself through medical school without any help from anyone. I think that covers all your questions.

Re: Dr. Offit, in a nutshell, it's hard to ignore his involvement with vaccinations and his personal gain from their success. I can't think of much else to say about him at the moment.

just a couple of things...

Dearest Carrie,

I am a little confused. Do you live in the US? Because, If you are a med student, you are NOT a doctor. Why would you call yourself one or refer to your patients? Med students do not even begin to see patients until their 3rd and 4th year of med school and they certainly are not "their" patients but the residents or attendings patients and they are the scut workers.

That being said, perhaps you are a pyschology student? But you did say med student and that implies the field of medicine.

So, are you or are you not a doctor? If you are a med student you have an awful long way to go before you even take any boards...years that is. I have yet to meet a med student who feels comfortable enough to even consider themselves in the same category!

Please correct me if I am wrong. But you talk about your cars as well and med students, unless they com from mega bucks to begin with, really do not have nice cars....just big time student loans! Anyway you just dont really seem to fit the picture of a doc here in the US but please forgive if I am wrong.

John Stone


While I agree that the error seems to have been perpetuated on both sides of the argument Haviranasab's account conforms with what I have been told twice by authoritative communication.


John -
I don't think that my statement was in error. I'm not a toxicologist and I have no expertise in this, but for example Dr. Bryan Jepson, who seems a reliable source, says on p. 123 of his book "Changing the Course of Autism": "Thimerosal consists of two principal compounds: ethylmercury (49.6% of the compound) and thiosalicylate."

The paper "Autism: a Novel Form of Mercury Poisoning" states "The mercury in vaccines derives from thimerosal (TMS), a preservative which is 49.6% ethylmercury (eHg)"

A scientific paper at www.generationrescue.org/pdf/havarinasab.pdfdiscusses "organic mercurials such as methyl mercury (MeHg) and ethyl mercury (EtHg)" and states, "Thimerosal consists of an organic radical, ethyl mercury (EtHg), bound to the sulfur atom of the thiol group of salicylic acid, and contains 49.6% Hg by weight."

As I recall, ethyl mercury is a type of organic mercury, but can be converted to inorganic mercury in the brain (see www.generationrescue.org/pdf/burbacher.pdf).



Sorry for getting you in trouble by asking the Jenny question.

I was just trying to see if it was unfounded suspicion or some legit complaint that I had not heard yet that needed to be addresses.

Some pediatricians have been telling people that her son was never autistic, a charge she has responded to by sending them Evans UCLA evaluations with his autism diagnosis. I wanted to be sure that it was not that unfounded rumor.

Jenny has generated (and given) tons.

But enough about Jenny already.

I will give you as detailed a response as I can on those. But it won't be today

Kelli Ann Davis

"You can either help me help you (a la Jerry Mcguire) or we can try to avoid each other."

For the record, I support debate and trying to educate/help a new doctor on this issue.

What I'm not willing to do is allow someone to come on here and make wild *assumptions* about Jim and Jenny -- which question their character and motivation -- and not challenge them on their statements.

And *that* has nothing to do with *hysteria* or *venting* -- it has to do with speaking up to set the record straight and defend a person's reputation, period.

Bottom Line: Jim and Jenny get *slammed* enough *out there* -- it shouldn't happen here.

John Stone

Twyla makes a common error in stating that Thimerosal is 49.6% ethyl mercury. Correctly this should 49.6% inorganic mercury. The error is also made in the PEDIATRICS study Andrews et al, conducted by the UK Public Health Service Laboratory (now incorporated in to our Health Protection Agency) on behalf of the World Health Organization:


Not only was this not noticed by the six authors, it was also presumably not pointed out by any of the intensely knowledgeable pre-publication reviewers, the secret audiences of the World Health Organization and CDC, or the aseembled Institute of Medicine meeting, to whom Prof Miller presented the paper.


Whoa...I don't even know what Left Brain Right Brain is. Elucidatus , you are gravely mistaken. I have no involvement with that whatsoever. Let's be clear on that. I am sure there are many other "Carries" out there in the internet world. I am merely a med student who has only voiced my opinions on this blog. Period.

I agree that the McCarthy subject is not productive. Let's agree to disagree. For the record, I'm not a big fan of Amanda Peet's either. Maybe I have a beef with celebrities in general. Who knows. I *definitely* have a problem with the media. Like I've said many times, if Jenny gives you guys a voice and if you're happy for having her, then wonderful. Why discuss it any further? We all have our opinions about celebrities and I brought up the salary issue mainly because physician salaries were discussed on this very site a few weeks ago (with contempt). You are all right in saying she is dedicating much time to this cause. I am not disputing this whatsoever. I have not dedicated nearly as much time. I am new to this. Trying to understand it. Trying to make informed decisions. Trying to find my niche. Trying to find a way to help and contribute...In my own way. I don't have the flexibility to dedicate 100 hours a week to this cause because I work over 100 hours a week, try to make a living and have a family of my own to suppport.

But my patients will all notice the car I drive and the hours I work (you all noticed and judged your pediatricians on this blog. Someone mentioned a doctor driving a prius, for instance, another one a BMW). So it is only natural that I notice what McCarthy does and how she does it. It's human nature. I also notice what Amanda Peet does. But I digress again.

The topic of this blog was about personal attacks. Civil conversation is the only way to move forward. Grace: I liked your post, it was well worded and I couldn't have said it better myself. I agree with you whole-heartedly.

Teresa: for the love of gosh, I didn't divert the attention onto Jenny, it was a question that was asked of me and I answered it. I am formulating a response to your other question, give me some time please, I am on the last lap of a 30 hour shift and on no sleep. Everything I say on here is scrutinized so I want to make sure I word things in a way that accurately reflects how I feel so that I don't spend the next eternity defending it (like is the case with my opinion of Jenny!). Also, someone mentioned these celebrities aren't perfect and I couldn't agree more. Nobody is. Including us docs. Like I said above, I am just a newbie trying to orient myself in a sea of misinformation, hurt, pain and sadness. Not to toot my own horn, but at least I'm doing that much, no? And I intend to do more in the future because this is exactly why I got into this field. You can either help me help you (a la Jerry Mcguire) or we can try to avoid each other.

Jack Hep

Read Janine Roberts expose on vaccines "Fear of the Invisible", the industry and those involved in developing and distributing them; horrific corruption ignoring known vaccine-induced causes of mortality and morbidity in our children whilst re-inventing those outcomes as due to 'HIV', 'AIDS', 'autism', and other major epidemics that emerge out of what ought to be recognisable vaccine-induced events.

Viruses are already suspected by many scientists of being cell-generated tools for healthy communication and modification of the bodily environment as opposed to dangerous contaminants of the human body - the science of virology which underpins vaccination is flawed; it fails the basic tests of science and scientific integrity so what of vaccination, a technique designed to target inter and intracellular tools for healthy communication and modification of our healthy environments, by ignorantly disrupting this tool the outcomes can be expected - epidemics of death and diseases once unknown.


Carrie -

I am very happy to hear that "there are many more younger doctors who are more open minded about this issue". That gives me hope.

I agree wholeheartedly that it is best to rise above the personal attacks, which serve no purpose. I wish that people would just email their friends when they feel the need to vent, and stick to discussing information and experiences on this site. I can understand the anger, believe me, but it seems to me that we should be doing our utmost to share good information with those who don’t know about our side of the story, rather than just alienating someone who might have listened if not insulted.

Regarding Jenny McCarthy, when Ginger Taylor asked, "Can I ask what it is you don't trust about Jenny McCarthy?" I thought, "I wish she didn’t ask that! Now we are going to go way off on a tangent!" and sure enough, we did.

It’s absolutely ridiculous, Carrie, for you to say, "Jenny McCarthy has yet to donate a dime to this cause (as far as I know)." And Jim Carrey "has yet to donate any money to research for autism or anything autism related (as far as I know)." How would you know? If you don’t know, why are you even speculating?

And if you did know, how would this be relevant to whether vaccines cause autism? I am quite sure that Jim and Jenny are human with flaws, as are the rest of us. They are not scientists, doctors, nor prophets. Jenny is a mom telling her story. Jim is a rare concerned individual who got involved by chance. I’m glad that Lisa Ackerman stepped in to say how much time and, yes, money they have given to this cause.

Lisa, the Executive Director of TACA, knows Jenny. Jenny turned to TACA when other resources, such as doctors and "experts" were not providing any useful help for her son. Lisa saw Jenny implement treatments which helped her son. Lisa chose Jenny as a spokesperson for TACA because she knew first-hand that Jenny had lived what so many parents have lived. If Jenny were a fraud, Lisa would have known that.

So, get over your distrust of Jenny. And stop talking about Jenny and Jim’s personal finances, which are really none of our business. It seems to me that they are working their butts off for this cause. In the unlikely event that they aren’t, that is totally irrelevant to whether vaccines cause autism.


"Curious Mom" –

Please spare us your "deepest sympathy" -- what a joke, a bad joke.

re: Mark & Davie Geier’s research – I do not have the expertise & credentials to argue that point, but I will say that the vaccine-autism table has many legs, and even if you completely removed the Geier leg, the table would still stand.

You say that Dr. Wakefield’s research has been "completely invalidated…" That BS is constantly repeated, but it is not true. Other researchers have also found measles virus in the colons if kids with autism who also have inflammatory bowel disease. Dr. Wakefield listened to his patients' parents, who said that their children's problems started when they received the MMR. He tried to investigate and treat these kids' pain. For this he was persecuted. See www.cryshame.co.uk. I have seen him speak. He makes sense. The parents of his patients speak highly of him. They are not complaining.

In regard to tuna fish sandwiches, mothers are advised by the FDA to limit consumption of tuna while pregnant. And nobody feeds tuna to their infants.

Regarding ethyl and methyl mercury:

Thimerosal is 49.6% ethyl mercury. Although ethyl mercury has not been studied as much as its cousin methyl mercury, ethyl mercury is also extremely toxic, even in miniscule amounts. Just a few references:

Accidental ethyl mercury poisoning with nervous system, skeletal muscle, and myocardium injury.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1980 February; 43(2): 143–149.
I Cinca, I Dumitrescu, P Onaca, A Serbänescu, and B Nestorescu


In this article, four case reports are presented of patients who ate the meat of a hog which was inadvertently fed seed treated with fungicides containing ethyl mercury chloride. Two of the patients died. The article states that: "The clinical, electrophysiological, and toxicological, and in two of the patients the pathological data, showed that this organic mercury compound has a very high toxicity not only for the brain, but also for the spinal motoneurones, peripheral nerves, skeletal muscles, and myocardium."

Go to www.putchildrenfirst.org/media/6.23.pdf to read an article from the journal Toxicological Sciences about a study from the Dept. of Neurosurgery, Baylor College of Medicine concluding, "Our data indicate that thimerosal is toxic to human neurons and fibroblasts if applied in micromolar concentrations..."

Go to www.putchildrenfirst.org/media/6.18.pdf to read Eli Lilly and Company’s own Material Safety Data Sheet for Thimerosal, which states in part:

Exposure Guidelines: Thimerosal - No known occupational exposure limits established.

Mercury - (Alkyl compounds, as Hg) PEL 0.01 mg/m3 TWA, 0.4 mg/m3 ceiling. (Aryl compounds, as Hg) TLV 0.1 mg/m3 TWA (skin). BEI 35 micrograms total inorganic mercury per gram of creatinine sampled in urine before the shift. BEI 15 micrograms of total inorganic mercury per liter of blood sampled at the end of shift at the end of workweek…

Primary Physical and Health Hazards: Skin Permeable. Toxic. Mutagen. Irritant (eyes). Allergen. Nervous System and Reproductive Effects.

Caution Statement: Thimerosal may enter the body through the skin, is toxic, alters genetic material, may be irritating to the eyes, and causes allergic reactions. Effects of exposure may include numbness of extremities, fetal changes, decreased offspring survival, and lung tissue changes.

Effects of Overexposure: Topical allergic dermatitis has been reported. Thimerosal contains mercury. Mercury poisoning may occur and topical hypersensitivity reactions may be seen. Early signs of mercury poisoning in adults are nervous system effects, including narrowing of the visual field and numbness in the extremities. Exposure to mercury in utero and in children may cause mild to severe mental retardation and mild to severe motor coordination impairment. Based on animal data, may be irritating to the eyes…

Carcinogenicity: No carcinogenicity data found. Not listed by IARC, NTP, ACGIH, or OSHA…

Chronic Exposure
Thimerosol is a mercuric compound. Toxicity data for thimerosal and mercury are presented.
Target Organ Effects:
Thimerosal - Kidney effects (tubule necrosis), lung effects (tissue changes).
Mercury - Nervous system effects (insomnia, tremor, anorexia, weakness, headache), liver effects (jaundice, digestive effects (hypermotility, diarrhea).
Other Effects:
Thimerosal - Decreased weight gain.
Thimerosal - Decreased offspring survival.
Mercury - Changes in sperm production, decreased offspring survival, and offspring nervous system effects including mild to severe mental retardation and motor coordination impairment.
No applicable information found.
Thimerosal - Mutagenic in mammalian cells. Not mutagenic in bacterial cells.


As others have posted, thimerosal is still in most flu shots, which are on the mandated schedule annually starting at six months. Other vaccines still contain "trace" amounts of thimerosal. And exported vaccines contain full doses of thimerosal.


As one who continues to watch both sides of the argument with vested interest, I would like to throw in my .02 on one point.

I believe Carrie is right about holding ourselves to a higher standard & would assert that Dr. Healy's interview here proves it.

I am still on the fence on certain aspects of the debate, but as I read these interviews, I can't help but be influenced by the dispositions & temperaments of the people involved.

I have been active in my support of several controversial & volatile issues in the past. Typically, when one side attacks the person rather than civilly addressing the argument at hand (yes, ye olde ad hominem), it smacks of desperation.

Of course there are other possible reasons for it, but that is the most common one and therefore, the one that people tend to assume most readily.

The one who answers calmly without returning fire in kind projects a sense of control & mastery.

Several of the comments here have good points that are undermined by the insults and foul language one has to wade thru to find them.

Of course our emotions about our children are justifiable, but that is actually part of the problem. If we don't want to be dismissed as hysterical parents, then we need to stop discussing these issues with emotions that sound like loss of self control.


All of you scrutinizing Jenny McCarthy, Jim Carrey, or any other "rich" person...it's just none of your business what they do with their money. The Bible says when we give to do so in secret. Would all of you want a press conference any time you donate any of your money? It's just none of our business, God gave the funds they have to them, it's between God & them how they choose to use it.

For the peds in this world: I do feel sorry for any ped making only $85k/yr. My husband isn't too terribly far from that & doesn't have a bachelor's degree, much less 8 yrs of school + internship. No, they shouldn't be a physician just for the money, but if I went through the $100k student loans, a decade of my life, etc, I would hope to make more than $85k.


Anyone ever notice dr. offit uses references to studies to which he's unwilling to reference? Which ones is he talking about? The Verstraten (sp?) study, the one Dr. Gerberding now says the data was flawed, or the one Dr. Healy references as being deliberately planned to avoid susceptible groups?



I asked this earlier but never got a response. You are a doctor yet you have taken this blog and put the focus on Jenny and what you don't like about her. I asked your thoughts about Dr. Offit as he is also a doctor and kind of "your" spokesperson. So, how do you feel about him?


The blogger that goes by the name of "Carrie" is a regular at the 'Left brain right brain' blog website. .....Its gonna get ugly...

Joe Herr

In my opinion bottle feeding and vaccines underlie (oops 'underlie' is a term favored by medical community) autism.

Please, try the following for something to think about:

Give preventing autism a chance

The Lucile Packard Foundation reports increases in autistic children in schools (Times, 7/17/2008) and a prominent doctor (Discover, April 2007) laments both bouts of diarrhea and many episodes of ear infections in regressive autistic children.

How about preventing autism, or at least provide some relief for the children and their parents? The severity of colitis and Crohn’s is related to the duration of bottle feeding. (Rigas, 1993) Four months of exclusive breast feeding protects against ear infections. (Duncan, 1993) Perhaps those who advocate breast feeding are correct.

Complications of measles, diarrhea and ear infections, are also listed on the vaccine insert as adverse effects of MMR vaccinations. Perhaps the parents who reported regression following vaccination are correct.

Kanner, in addition to being wrong about mothers, also overlooked the role of refrigerators in storing baby bottles and vaccines.
My qualifications: I discovered that treating my obstructive sleep apnea also treated my ulcerative colitis. Others, on a sleep apnea bulletin board, in response to my request for confirmation or refutation, confirmed my experience.

In the October 2003 issue of JADD is my letter to the editor. The topic was the role of sleep apnea in ear infections. (There is no text on the internet.) (At the end of an apnea there is a rapid expulsion of air. This 'puff' of air opens the eustachian tube and blows infectious organisms and products of digestion into the middle ear. Tasker (2002)speaks of gastric juices and glue ear in children. Herr (2001) speaks of sleep apnea opens the esophageal sphincter and allows contents out of the stomach. (I suspect that the diaphragm by trying harder when an obstructions occurs does some squeezing of the stomach occurs. Disclosure: JADD (2003) is also mine.

Once I 'bumped into Wakefield's 1998 paper' I felt the best way to get revenge on sleep apnea was to tackle autism.

For more please try:

Craig Willoughby

Let's look at the other side of the fence, too? What money has Pauly prOffit, pHARMa-scum (tm) MD given to autism research? What about Amanda Peet? Has she given money to Vaccines? Other than being the puppet mouthpiece of the pHARMa-scum (tm), has she given a dime to their cause?

And what does Jenny McCarthy's job have to do with anything? So, she got naked several years ago; it was a job. It was a way to make money. Amanda Peet has flashed her boobs in a movie before, so what's the difference? People grow and they change, and we can certainly see that with Jenny, who sacrificed quite a bit to help her son, and who is continuing to sacrifice to help us out. The fact is, you don't know how much money she contributes to research. Same with Jim Carrey. I guarantee it's more than you do. I'm not trying to be mean, Carrie, but you need to look at things in perspective. The Vaccine-thugs paint Jenny to be this promiscuous, bubble-headed whore who has no business speaking about autism. I beg to differ. She has a son who is autistic. That gives her quite a bit of a reason to speak up. We've been speaking up, shouting at the top of our lungs for years. She shows up and adds her celebrity and considerable wit and humor to our cause, and all of a sudden, finally, people are listening.

Do you honestly think we just picked up vaccines as the cause of our children's autism out of the blue? We are tired of being ignored. Jenny has given us a voice, and even if she never contributed a cent to our cause, just her voice is worth a billion dollars.

John Stone

Just to add, this was not a safe career move for Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey: indeed it was a recklessly courageous one. No one speaks out. If you look at the UK the families of our last two Prime Ministers John Major and Tony Blair have been affected autism (in the latter case at least by heavy rumour), and also that of David Cameron, present Conservative leader, who will be Prime Minister within two years. But no one speaks out. A leading British actress, Juliet Stevenson, was pilloried because she took part in a drama about Andrew Wakefield. Nobody would do what Jenny and Jim have done for easy advantage.


I think you're forgetting all the money Jenny McC has poured into treatments helping her son recover. Is a former Playmate an ideal rep for one's cause? Likely not. But under the present circumstances I'll take Jenny over (the obviously misinformed) Rosalynn Carter any day. She's got cojones, a loud mouth, the truth on her side and a whole sea of people like us to back her up. I like that. It gets press and cracks open the door for people you might more readily approve of, like Drs. Poling and Healey, to step through. Don't question what Jenny's "given" to the cause. She, like many of us, has already given her son. You have absolutely no way of knowing what she and her boyfriend are doing in terms of privately funding research or treatment for people. And even if they didn't give a dime to research -- why should they? Are parents of the cluster of pediatric cancer patients in Michigan obligated to fund research into what chemicals in the water are causing it? Or is that something the frikkin CDC and EPA should be doing while those parents take care of their kids and try to pay the bills?

Kelli Ann Davis

"One of Carrey's movie salaries could probably fund 10 studies. Ten studies that could give us so much more information, instead of hearsay and she said/he said."


NEWSFLASH: It is *NOT* Jim Carrey's responsibility to fund research -- that is the RESPONSIBILITY of the government and the manufacturer who puts a drug out on the market!

Seriously, who are *YOU* to tell someone else how to spend their money??

The gall that some people have absolutely astounds me.

Bottom Line: You are in absolutely NO position to tell Jim Carrey what he should and should not spend his money on. To think otherwise is arrogance -- plain and simple.

JB Handley


You are out of your mind to criticize Jenny. She's given more time & money to this cause than most people on the planet, and she's just getting started.

Lobbing the comments like you are, you may want to take a harder look in the mirror. Perhaps you are projecting your own shit.



CuriousMom: Maybe they've been able to lower the viral load in the vaccines because they've pumped up the levels of aluminum adjuvant to maximize the effects. And NOBODY is minding the store on aluminum right now. But it's as neurotoxic as mercury. Which, as someone pointed out below, is still in the shots. And they've added more and more different viruses to the schedule with no combined testing. It's an utter mess and if I had to do it over again I would skip all of them until someone straightens it out.



For the record, I am the Executive Director of TACA. Jenny McCarthy has donated enourmous amounts of TIME (without charge), gifts to events (for silent auction to raise money - also at no charge) and thousands of dollars to TACA & the families we serve. (By the way families are not charged either for TACA's mission.)

In addition - all of her books to date have benefitted a charity.

If more stars were like Jenny McCarthy we would be better off.


Kelli Ann, I swear to God and everything else: I do NOT envy McCarthy. You are right in saying I am assuming a lot and if she proves me wrong, then I will be the first to apologize, but I was asked why I don't trust her and that is partly why. Doctors were criticized on this very blog for having their large paychecks suffer -- I don't remember the details but basically not helping innocent children when they could... I'm just pointing out the obvious. Here is your biggest supporter. Another mother in a situation where she is more privileged than so many others...She could do SO much. One of Carrey's movie salaries could probably fund 10 studies. Ten studies that could give us so much more information, instead of hearsay and she said/he said.

And if time is money, then I'd say you are all giving a helluva lot more to this cause.


i just started working for a pediatrician who has made me the patient liason for his patients with asd, adhd, bipolar, etc. one of the first things we do is run an organic acid test. all of the patients test so far have come back with yeast issues, and all of the ones with aggression issues (a big percentage) have bacterial issues. just those two issues alone, gone unchecked in a small child can cause unbelievable problems. in just treating these problems, amazing changes can be made in the development and behavior of a child. i cannot believe that most children with asd are not even checked for these problems. it is criminal.
yesterday i called in to a radio show with a pediatrician talking about vaccines and autism. the conversation turned to these scary outbreaks of measles that seem to be happening (really?) since parents are choosing not to vaccinate. i am serious here, let's think about this. mainstream medicine is telling us that out of fear of the 1 in billion (not scientific;) chance that our child might die or be permanently harmed by measles, we should vaccinate. but there are kids being diagnosed with autism EVERYDAY and no one seems to be worried about THAT? are they serious? if as many kids had damage from measles as have autism we would be on USA LOCKDOWN. i am so sickened by the complete and utter wrongness of that argument that i don't sleep at night. the lack of urgency here for what is happening to our kids is beyond belief.

Kelli Ann Davis

“Jenny McCarthy has yet to donate a dime to this cause (as far as I know).”

“…her boyfriend who is now regarded as Evan's second father openly makes an average of 20mill per movie. That is more money than we will all make combined. He has yet to donate any money to research for autism or anything autism related (as far as I know).”


With all due respect, that’s a whole lot of *assumption* on your part and you’re correct – you *don’t know* -- so why would you even try to speculate on it???

Sounds to me like your main *dislike* of Jenny might have something to do with one of the 7 Deadly Sins, no?

FYI: Jim and Jenny just hosted a huge fundraiser for Generation Rescue in their home and I’m guessing they probably shelled out a *penny or two* to entertain their Hollywood guests. And let’s not forget that *time is money* and the *fact* is they both have donated tons of their time to promote our cause.

Bottom Line: Jim and Jenny ROCK!

John Stone


I think that one thing was very instructive about Jon Poling. He didn't believe the parents, he believed the scientific propaganda until it happened to him, and he saw it with his own eyes - he believed it to the extent of allowing Hannah to have 9 vaccines in one go.

This is quite important: there is a professional mindset, which is not at all scientific, and which disregards straightforwardly presented evidence. We don't know about all the mechanisms but on the basis of challenge, de-challenge, re-challenge, vaccines cause autism - whether or not Jenny McCarthy was a bunny girl she should expect to be believed by the medical profession when she tells them something. Why should she be mistrusted, and why should we? It is the medical profession who have broken the basic rules here.

Quite a lot has already been said about about Renee Jenkins, and I hope a lot more will be said, but if there is one point I would like to make: it was not our children that had the defects, it was the products. For that alone she should resign.


Sorry, I meant David, not Dan.


Curious Mom,

I did not eat tuna or any other fish during my pregnancy. In my ninth month of pregnancy, I did have an amalgam filled molar crack and leak for three days before it was fixed. My son had reacted to all his vaccines; fever, high-pitched screaming, bouts of otitis media. But it was his 18 month shots- his 2nd MMR, the DTaP and the oral polio vaccine - which severely affected his development and his body. It doesn’t matter how much the viral load is in a vaccine , what matters is the point at which MY SON becomes overloaded. The same thing goes for mercury. Also my son is (as we found out later) allergic to many of the ingredients used in vaccines: MSG, bovine and porcine gelatin, and eggs to name a few. I don’t need the Geiers or Wakefield to know that my son’s system is out of whack. When I’m exposed to strep, I am cranky with a sore throat. When my son has been exposed to strep he exhibits PANDAS.


One of your better pieces, Dan. Personally I've always suspected that, except for a very few, mercury was not the main issue, although it sure as heck has no place in vaccines or amalgams. I believe the schedule's timing and multiple, stronger delivery systems might very well turbocharge risk for kids with immune system issues. The work of Pardo on inflammation certainly points to an immune connection at birth less/plus several months. Dr. Healy is sensible. Dr. Offit is not.


To Carrie-

If you already posted this, I'm sorry I missed it but can you describe your thoughts and feelings regarding Dr Offit?




Thank you for your comments regarding my previous post and thanks especially to those who shared their stories with me. I appreciate it and I apologize for making you relive such horrible memories. It does help though...Because we do talk about these things and I like to bring up your points of view.

Kim, you are right in saying that this blog shouldn't be held at the same standard as medical professionals discussing this in the public eye. However, discussions on this topic should be held to some sort of standard because were you given the chance, I am sure you would be speaking publicly on behalf of your fellow parents. Actually, you sort of are, aren't you? You have a picture of yourself on here, you aren't hiding behind an alias and just because you aren't a medical professional doesn't mean you can get personal ...I'm not attacking you specifically, I'm just using you as an example, hope you don't mind. This blog is also "in the public eye" to some extent and if you want to have discussions , I'm not quite sure many docs would come back here after the initial blow. I still can't believe I did. Regardless, getting personal sucks either way. That's my only point. Also, to answer your question, friendship is a two way road.

DR: This statement frustrates me: "And since when have bloggers been held to the same standards as preeminent researchers and health authorities? ". If health authorities voice anything about their status, they are called pompous, arrogant and are told to sit down and shut up and are reminded that having a medical degree doesn't mean anything anymore in the eyes of the public. So if that is the case, then why have any standards for them at all? Like I said above, we should all be held to some sort of standard. I agree that a blog is different from a public debate but still, it's hard for me to swallow that it's okay for you to do it here.

Andrea and Jenna. I did not claim that the entire medical community was neutral. I only gave you a bit of information from the community I am involved with. I do not know what goes on at Hopkins, I'm sorry. I'm not quite there yet. What I do know, is that in my community, at my hospital, in my clinic, there is a neutral stance (of course, like I said, some docs are still very against the idea of vaccinations being linked to autism). But more and more docs are not rejecting it (that doesn't mean they are accepting it either), but they are open to alternative schedules, open to reading about it, open to research and definitely DEFINITELY agree that something is up. Hundreds of thousands of parents cannot be crazy or mistaken. Something is up. What? Like some of you said, we have no idea. We need more data, more research. There are discussions about this, where I come from. My only regret at this point is that I don't think there are enough discussions about it. It is something I intend to follow up with after graduation. I'd like to give a talk at some point and invite a few parents to share their stories with us. But I digress.

Tim, I wasn't trying to limit my discussion to fevers. I guess I was just curious because a lot of parents had mentioned fevers when telling their stories, so I was wondering if they felt the fever was the triggering cause. Many DO mention this, right? "My child was fine, got his shots, spiked a fever, cried unconsolably and was never the same afterwards"...Right?

Garbo: I did like this statement: "child being exposed in nature to diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, and varicella on the same day are pretty slim." I can't dispute that.

Ginger Taylor: Here are the articles I was perusing, specifically.

1- Encephalopathy after whole-cell pertussis or measles vaccination: lack of evidence for a causal association in a retrospective case-control study. AU Ray P; Hayward J; Michelson D; Lewis E; Schwalbe J; Black S; Shinefield H; Marcy M; Huff K; Ward J; Mullooly J; Chen R; Davis R SO Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2006 Sep;25(9):768-73.

2- Boostrix (Tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine, adsorbed). Prescribing Information. Glaxo Smith Kline Biologicals, Marburt, Germany, 2005.

3- American Academy of Pediatrics. Pertussis. In: Red Book: 2006 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 27th ed, Pickering, LK (Ed), American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, IL 2006. p.498.

By the way, your son is very cute. About Jenny McCarthy...there is too much to name. But I brought up the issue of money once. I feel as though Pediatricians (who make an average of 85K per year) are constantly scrutinized for their salaries and I recall a post on this blog where a lot of you said "boohoo , the poor pediatricians will have to ride an acura instead of a BMW" or something of that genre because some pediatricians had raised a fuss regarding vaccinations costing too much. Jenny McCarthy has yet to donate a dime to this cause (as far as I know). When I brought that up, somebody said she had to take a mortgage out on her house to write her book and what not. The point is, she has most definitely gained from this exposure. And whether or not she took out a mortgage, the fact is, her boyfriend who is now regarded as Evan's second father openly makes an average of 20mill per movie. That is more money than we will all make combined. He has yet to donate any money to research for autism or anything autism related (as far as I know). So going on Oprah and LKL and being rude is not enough for me to trust that she is in it only for the mothers. I am not belittling her experience. Absolutely not. She was a mom who went through a horrible thing and she serves your community well. I just don't trust her. Can't help it. Oh and the fact that she is famous for being a playboy bunny, sorry but it's not exactly something I admire. But now I'm getting personal and being a hypocrite.

Craig Willoughby

Curious Mom said,
"When you quote research linking autism and thimerisol, are you well aware that Mark and David Geier's research has been completely invalidated methodologically and ethically?"

Who was it discredited by? The CDC. Why? Because it disagreed with their Vaccine Gods. The same could be said of Wakefield. Copernicus was nearly beheaded and burned at the stake for his theory of heliocentricity. Semmelweis was ostracised for telling doctors to wash their hands before a procedure. Most of these scientists spent years trying to get their science validated and were essentially outcasts from the scientific community because their science disagreed with the current paradigm.

Sound familiar?

"When you quote the NOW ELIMINATED "mercury overload" from thimerisol-containing vaccines as many times the federal limit, that those limits are based on METHYL-mercury NOT the ETHYL-mercury of thimerisol."

Let's get this straight. THIMEROSAL HAS NOT BEEN ELIMINATED! IT IS STILL IN THE VACCINES!!! The pharma companies move it around like a shell game. Until last year, the DTaP and HepB vaccines still had 25 mcg of Thimerosal. Most flu shots still have that amount in them. Children are required in some states to get the flu shot yearly. Thimerosal IS STILL IN THE VACCINES!!!! And going into the ethyl vs methyl mercury? Is either of them safe to inject into a baby? Can you find us ONE SINGLE STUDY that shows it is safe to inject mercury, ethyl or methyl, into babies? You bring up the tunafish. There is a HUGE difference between injected and injested. I'd advise you to look that up.


Great article, David! Thanks for continuing the pursuit of the truth. (Love the mud-slinging picture too, Kim!)

This whole issue is turning out to be "all doctors who want the truth vs Paul Offit". It is a theme that included us parents vs him, the NYT, and a host of others but the tide is turning as he is having to explain his actions with often unjustified, unreferenced facts (could that be another word for falsehoods)to his peers aka, medical doctors. Let's hope most MD's prefer not to be his peer as honesty and integrity are not part of his personality.

Holly M.

To Curious Mom: All I know is I took my healthy, happy, 4-month old baby to her pediatrician for 7 shots. She had 8 seizures and was autistic by 5-months old. That's all the proof I need.

Curious Mom

To all parents of developmentally delayed children of all kinds....my deepest sympathy.

I do have a couple of questions regarding the vaccine/autism controversy.

When you quote research linking autism and thimerisol, are you well aware that Mark and David Geier's research has been completely invalidated methodologically and ethically?

When you quote research linking autism and MMR, are you well aware that Wakefield's research has been completely invalidated methodologically and ethically?

When you propose links to viral overload and autism, are you well aware that the CURRENT viral load of all vaccinations combined is only 150 proteins compared to the PAST viral load for the polio vaccine alone was 200 proteins, demonstrating a marked decrease in the proteins children are now exposed to?

When you quote the NOW ELIMINATED "mercury overload" from thimerisol-containing vaccines as many times the federal limit, that those limits are based on METHYL-mercury NOT the ETHYL-mercury of thimerisol. AND that these two chemicals cannot be compared in ANY way regarding exposure limits OR body elimination time? Geier, a "researcher and scientist" used these two interchangeably to reach his UNFOUNDED conclusion about thimerisol exposure.

As for mercury exposure, at what age did you first introduce canned tunafish to your child? How often did you eat the same while you were pregnant? As you know this product contains high levels of METHYL-mercury.

Craig Willoughby

"I am not as noble as Dr. Healy, and cannot resist suggesting that he cannot examine others' intestinal tracts without first extracting his head from his own."

Nancy, high 5 on that one. You said it all, and I could not have said it more eloquently


The NEJM piece yesterday was ridiculous. When adverse reactions are only monitored for 15 days through diary entries (the same kind of anecdotal evidence the scientific community admonishes) - and the vaccine maker performs THEIR OWN safety and purity analyses, Offit can say whatever he wants about FDA approval. It's laughable. Any honest review of commercial vaccine production should alarm even the most liberal of vaccine enthusiasts.


Some parents have made PowerPoint presentations showing how their children's regressions dovetailed with administration of multiple vaccines. One boy I know received 2 MMR's close together due to faulty clinic recordkeeping. His intestinal biopsies show vaccine-strain measles.

Paul Offit needs to stop quoting skewed statistics and start looking at children's biopsy results. I am not as noble as Dr. Healy, and cannot resist suggesting that he cannot examine others' intestinal tracts without first extracting his head from his own.

Tim Kasemodel


Great questions, however it seems by trying to limit the discussion to fevers, it appears you need to do a lot more work to research thimerosal, vaccines and autism. There is a lot more going on than just fevers, regardless of whether they are natural or vaccine induced.

A lot of our kids were given 12.5 mcg of mercury day of birth, 62.5 mcg at 8 weeks(which is 11,023% over EPA daily exposure limit for 12.5 lb. infant for that day), 50 mcg at 4 months and another 62.5 mcg at 6 months - 187.5 mcg of 50,000 ppb mercury by 6 months of age.

100 ppb causes immune system cell death (Pessah)
10 ppb causes immune system inhibition (Pessah)
5 to 6 ppb causes progenitor brain stem cells to stop dividing
3 ppb causes brain neuron cell death (Haley)
0.2 ppb (1/5th of 1 ppb) causes inhibition of enzyme methionine synthetase –the main pathway of mercury excretion in the body (Waly/Deth),
0.2 ppb (1/5th of 1 ppb) causes genotoxic effects in cultured human peripheral lymphocyte cells (Eke D, Celik A)

Low levels such as these also inhibit the production of heme by blocking the porphyrin
pathway; decrease in heme production prevents the normal production of hemoglobin and affects the production of glutathione, an important antioxidant. Decreasing of heme levels makes one susceptible to many other toxins.

We are told that these in vitro / in vivo studies can not prove the same will happen in an infant - It is important you know that it has never been proven that it will not.

We are told that thimerosal is safely absorbed and is out of the blood within 7 days - How reassuring is that? Considering the damage done at concentrations up to 250,000 less than what is sitting in an infants leg or arm for who knows how long, it is not a stretch for us to consider it is causing SOME damage.

And what do you know about the absorbtion rate of the 50,000 ppb of mercury sitting in the arm or leg of an infant, or the routes it takes in the body? Consider this comment:

"IM (intra muscular) absorption of some drugs in infants and young children may be unpredictable due in part to insufficient muscle tone and vascularity of muscle tissue."


Never mind also that we have known for for years that rats fed a milk diet and given antibiotics (think recurring ear infections) increases the time it takes to excrete mercury from about 7 days to 100 days (think over 3 months).

It all sounds real reassuring doesn't it?

So Carrie, it goes far beyond the fever - it concerns what a fever has done to a body that has already been subjected to the ravages of mercury toxicity.


Carrie, regarding your question #1:

We do not fully understand how vaccines can cause autism. But, the bottom line is, so many credible parents report reactions such as those described below. Even the CDC acknowledges that vaccines can cause febrile seizures, but then say that febrile seizures are nothing to worry about.

Is it the thimerosal, the aluminum, the multiple viruses, the protein used to grow the viruses, or a combination of all the ingredients, or maybe individual babies are reacting to different ingredients? We don't know. Most of us are not scientists. We are witnesses to the reactions of our children. We are begging scientists and doctors to pay attention and study these reactions, and study the cumulative effects of our vaccine schedule.

The goal of vaccines is to provoke a reaction from the immune system. It is plausible that we are over-provoking the immune systems of children who are vulnerable for a variety of reasons, such as:

- a propensity towards autoimmune reactions (often there is a family history of auto-immune disorders), or

- a deficiency in detoxification ability (my son was jaundiced at birth. And studies have shown deficiencies in glutathione levels among people with autism.) or

- mitochondrial dysfunction, or

- allergies, or

- immunodeficiency.

Any of these problems and more would not yet be recognized in an infant receiving vaccines.

I don't believe that fever is the cause of autism; rather it is a symptom of the disruption of the immune system. Up until about 25 years ago kids all came down with measles, mumps, etc. Up until just a few years ago kids all came down with chicken pox. 25 and more years ago, before we vaccinated for most of these illnesses, the rate of autism was much much lower than today. There were not a lot of reports of children becoming autistic after being ill with a fever.

As someone else below has mentioned, natural exposure to a virus via the lungs, skin, or GI tract gives the immune system a chance to respond in the way we are designed to respond. Injection of multiple viruses plus various other substances is not the same.

And for those who are looking for reason to criticize, yes vaccines are not intra-venous (IV) they are intra-muscular (IM) but nevertheless the substances reach the blood stream directly, bypassing our normal defense and detox mechanisms.

It should be noted that pet owners and veterinarians are reporting many of the same health issues in over-vaccinated pest as parents are reporting in their autistic children, such as inflammatory bowel disease and seizures. Veterinarian organizations have taken a step back from recommending so many vaccines.

John Stone

It is surprising is that three days on the one thing we do not have is an article about Jenkins's remarkable disclosure. What I take it she is saying is that privately in the circles of pediatricians and health officials they talk about 3 in a hundred chidren being significantly damaged by the vaccine programme. No one has said this publicly before.

Anne Dachel

Thank you for publicizing Dr. Healy's opinion. To be fair and balanced, maybe you should call Dr. Offit and offer him the opportunity to respond.

Anne Dachel
Media editor


My letter asking for clarification of Dr. Jenkins remarks went out in yesterday's mail. I'm glad to hear it won't be alone because I'm afraid mine was a little too inflammatory to get much of a real response.


I appreciate your interest. To answer question #1, I think that the odds of a child being exposed in nature to diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, and varicella on the same day are pretty slim. I think you are probably correct that the combined viral components of the vaccine may be equally to blame, regardless of mercury preservatives. I also think the aluminum adjuvants in these combined shots are at least partially responsible for sending the immune system into hyperdrive until it exhausts itself and ceases to function properly (mitochondrial dysfunction). So a fever might happen if a child contracts one of these viruses naturally without being vaccinated, but that doesn't mean the fever would send them into an autistic state.

To answer question #2, my affectionate NT child had unexplained motor delays starting at 2, got DTaP and Varicella shots at age 4 years and began stuttering, slurring and falling down. Is still affectionate and social but suffers motor incoordination. Has been found to have egg allergy and high levels of aluminum in bloodstream thanks to DAN doc. Pediatrician useless, other than being chipper and having lollipops on her desk.

Craig Willoughby

Carrie, rememering my son before his vaccination and seeing him as he is now is the very definition of bittersweet. My son was highly intelligent at 18 months old. He was walking, had a very respectible vocabulary (30 to 50 words), was very sweet and affectionate (my family still talk about how sweet his hugs were). His last words to me on the day of his DTaP were "Go Bye Bye!" A few hours after his vaccination, he had a very high fever (105), was screaming unconsolably, arching his back. His eyes were glazed and far away, and he didn't want anyone or anything to touch him. We called his pediatrician, who told us that this was normal (!!!). We brought him to the ER, and they did several tests, including a CAT scan. They found that he had an encepalopathy that was brought on by his fever, which was caused by his vaccination. My son didn't speak to me for 5 years after that. He quit walking until he was nearly 2 and a half, when he was diagnosed with ASD and sensory integration disorder (He can't feel hot water, so we have to watch him carefully when he's taking a bath). He wouldn't look us in the eye or smile at all until he was 4. We recently started him on the GFCF and Chelation (with a temporary pause in there while we tested him for Celiac), and on Father's Day he said his 1st word in 5 years ("Daddy!"). Since then, he says "Momma", "Yeah", "No no", and "shit" (heh). I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but when he is silent for 5 years, every word is a treasure (even shit....we don't discourage him from saying it).

Anyway, I wanted to share that with you. I'm happy that you are so willing to learn about our children. Good luck to you.

Ginger Taylor


Where you were here last time you asked me about what I thought about something that someone else wrote, and I didn't have time to get back to you on it then. Can you email me at [email protected] so I can send my comments to you on it when I get time to do it?

All email addresses will be kept confidential if you are worried about that.



Yes - it does seem odd. Please feel free (anyone) to contact Dr. Jenkins for clarification on her 97 plus percent of children don't have these defects. The producer assured me the AAP would be happy to help with information. Maybe you'll get an AAP autism packet!

American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007

Phone: 847-434-4000

Updated AAP info on vaccines:

Carolyn M.

So, a "certain subset of these children simply outgrow their diagnosis", do they? Not that I believe that garbage, but if it were true, then the question becomes where is the study to determine the difference(s) between those who "outgrow" autism, and those who do not? It would seem to be an obvious point of inquiry for an intellectually honest researcher.

Thank you Mr. David Kirby and Age of Autism for all you do to help families dealing with autism.

Ginger Taylor

"They recommend tailored vaccination schedules if need be AND (!!!) one of them had a few paragraphs on vaccine induced encephalopathy which somebody had asked me about before. So it is out there."

YAY!!! That was me!

Can you tell me what the source is on this?

My son had fevers after his Hep B shot at 3 weeks. They were every two or three days and they lasted for three months. (I think that his chance of being exposed to Hep B in childhood and getting fevers from that would have been approaching zero). He was a low key baby, but he hit all his milestones and was happy, social, flirty even (I need to put together video of before an and after.

At his 18 month check up he had 6 words. He was given that same Hep B shot he reacted to along with the rest (he never should have gotten it again after the newborn dose reactions). I can't remember if he spiked a fever after that round of shots, because honestly, if he had, after the fever storm that we had after his birth, I would not have thought anything of it if it was not that high or he was that miserable, because I associated fevers with vaccinating (as peds tell you to expect sometimes). But after that he just got much more quiet and started keeping to himself. He slowly went down hill developmentally over the following six weeks, lost eye contact, stopped answering to his name, stopped calling us mommy and daddy and by his two year appointment only had two words, "uh oh" and "all done" which he didn't really say to us any more, he just said to himself when he spilled or was done eating.

My grandfather died during that six week period, so I was not paying close attention to Chandler, and when I think back I just remember being grateful that he being so quiet and undemanding while we were dealing with all that.

The first time I knew something was wrong was six weeks out on Halloween. It was the first time I had taken him out and made any demands of him and it was a miserable day for mommy and Chandler.

Here is a longer account with some before and after pictures: http://adventuresinautism.blogspot.com/2005/02/introduction-to-chandler-birth-to.html

It is a bit 'sanitized' as on of my girlfriends who was reading the blog at the time was actually the pediatrician who had administered his shots and I was walking a delicate balance in trying to bring her around to what was going on with out freaking her out.

And to address the (wouldn't they have gotten a fever from the disease question... Our kids often regress after their 18 month vaccinations. At that point they are being vaccinated for around 7 diseases at once. There is almost no chance of them catching measles and mumps and rubella and chicken pox and then some, in the real world.

Also, by that time, they usually have already gotten two doses of most of the vaccines they are getting which means that they have more than a 90% chance of already creating the antibodies for the diseases and almost none of our kids even needed the shots that made them regress.

Thanks for asking such good questions!

Can I ask what it is you don't trust about Jenny McCarthy?



I was just telling my babysitter this morning how I wished I had kept a journal when my son was young. I could answer your questions with great accuracy. But I can't. I will tell you my son was born healthy and from 4 months on was in for chronic ear infections, diarrea, had a febrile siezure at 2.5 years old that was severe. From that point on, he'd spike a fever and have to be put in the tub to lower his body temperature. The poor thing had no immune system, it was taken up by the multitude of vaccines injected into him over and over (oh and the doctor even provided tylenol to lower his glutathione levels after each shot thank you very much!).

And I thought I was being a good mom. He was smart, that's why I thought he liked to be alone. I could go on and on but I won't bore you with my details. I will tell you this ... at 5, he was still soiling himself because he couldn't feel it, was made fun of in kindergarten because he wore a pull-up, had no friends, didn't care about the people in the world around him, major meltdowns and was a walking zombie. Diagnosed with high functioning autism by his pediatrician and I was told to get him in a social skills group. I did and he became robotic.

6 months later, I read about the diet - removed diary and he came out of his fog. Gave him cod liver oil and he looked me in the eye for the first time. He was potty trained. Introduced enzymes, monitoried diet other supplements and voila - my guy arrived with a smile. Everyday was a milestone. He's been doing chelation for a year now and incredible gains. Is he recovered? Haven't a clue what he would have been like had he not been hit by the vaccine bus, but you know what? He's happy, has energy, sense of humor, engaged in the world around him and he's animated.

Thank God I didn't listen to the pediatrician who diagnosed him and joined all the crazy internet parents ... but you know what? His former pediatrician is very interested in learning about how well my son is doing and how diet and chelation made a difference. I haven't a clue why there's a debate here. Kids are getting better and everyone should embrace it ... how many kids are not even getting the opportunity to regain their health because we keep debating this? The proof is there ... look at all the kids who have suprisingly miraculously outgrown their autism ...

This is very personal to me.



Good investigating but I think the reps were trying to snow you a bit. The 3% is relating to autism? So now the AMA is saying 1 in 33 kids has autism? That seems a little bit odd doesn't it?


Jenna ... isn't this maddening? Prior to biomedical interventions/chelation, has any child outgrown an autism diagnosis? Insanity. I stopped vaccinating my second son at 2 when I realized the truth, now he's going into public school and I have a medical exemption. A few weeks ago, I thought about possibly vaccinating to avoid 30 days off school for any outbreak of anything, but you know, who the hell can trust these people with our children's well-being anymore? I think offering unknowingly, one child for the greater good is enough sacrafice for me. Thankfully I'm healing him and he's doing great ... he's doing a fine job outgrowing his diagnosis so to speak. Pisses me off for all the kids who are still victims and families tht are broke ...

Jenna Layne Smith

Hi Carrie:

My daughter's old babysitter, who just graduated with her M.D. from Johns Hopkins Medical School, has informed me that the school "unequivocally" takes the position that there is no association between vaccines and autism, and that the science is well settled on this point.

She saw my son at his worst and recently was at our home where she observed his very typical behavior, after having lost his autism diagnosis. I asked her to explain the difference in him and she gave the same explanation offered by my pediatrician--"we're now seeing that a certain subset of these children simply outgrow their diagnosis". She refused to acknowledge that any of the treatment modalities we had utilized had anything to do with his recovery (even all the ABA!)

So if she and my pediatrician exemplify the general consensus in the medical community, and I am not sure that is the case, we still have a lot of work to do.



Daivd thank you for contacting Dr. Healy for her reaction to Dr. Offit's comments. I was hoping someone would.

As a side note to a totally unrelated issue. I myself wanted clarification to the comments that Dr. Renee Jenkins president of the AAP made in the Amanda Peet GMA piece that aired Tuesday. I contacted the producer to see what Dr. Jenkins was talking about when she said that we know that 97 plus percent of children do not have these kinds of defects. I along with many others wondered if she might be talking about mitochondrial dysfunctions. And wondered did the AAP know something they were not telling us. The producer said she was merely talking about kids who have autism, not mitochondrial defects. And then she went on to say that the benefits of vaccines far out weigh the risks. I asked if we would ever be able to see the entire interview with Dr. Jenkins? She said no they do not give out raw footage. She suggested I might like to contact the AAP to ask what Dr. Jenkins had said in the interview- that they (the AAP) were pretty good at getting back to people about stuff.

I just thought others would like to know what Dr. Jenkins was talking about when she made that statement.

Carrie- a few years ago we were introduced to a young doctor fresh out of medical school to assist us with drugging my son to get some blood drawn and get a throat culture and then he was with us when my son needed an MRI. We unfortunately (or fortunately) had met with him on more then one occasion since my son always seemed to have something wrong with his health. We talked at length about vaccines and autism. He was open-minded to what we had to say and listened intently to all the health problems my son had experienced throughout his life and how he regressed into autism and how he was coincidentally suddenly sick all the time. He did tell me that on day one of medical school he and his fellow future pediatricians were told vaccines have nothing to do with autism, period. Doesn't sound like a neutral stance at all, does it?

I've wondered how many of his collegues are out practicing medicine holding that lesson as the final word on vaccines and autism. I hope not many.


Oh, and thanks DK for another wonderul article and the time you take in caring for this topic.


Hi Carrie,

A fever is an immune system’s healthy reaction to a virus or other pathogen. It enables the body to heal itself of invaders. But when that virus is coupled with aluminum or other toxins, toxins that perhaps the body hasn’t been able to rid itself before thanks to environmental exposures and yes, exposures to previous vaccines, well, that’s a whole other situation than a virus alone. Would you agree?

(And keep in mind, when you are exposed to a virus in nature, it enters through a mucous membrane, where an appropriate immune response can begin. Injecting it into the bloodstream directly bypasses that natural mechanism.)

But I think the major point here, and the gist of Dr. Healy’s response, is that we DON’T KNOW the answer to many of these questions because the research hasn't been done. Aren’t our kids worth it?

And since when have bloggers been held to the same standards as preeminent researchers and health authorities?



I'll do my best to be more civil than last time..

1) This is an arguement that comes up from time to time, that if a vaccination can trigger this cascade into autism, why not a normal infection? My answer would be that it is a great folly (and I don't mean that in a disrespectful, but rather philosophical way) to assume that we now know everything there is to know about the immune system. Science grows everyday and I think it is wrong to assume that a virus (live attentuated or dead) injected into the bloodstream of an infant has the same effects as an infection recieved naturally at a later age. What processing of that virus goes on as the virus enters the body via the skin or GI tract by immune system mechansims we don't yet understand and know about? I don't know. Nobody does. Scientists (and I know because I am one and have worked in the biotech. industry for 12 years) have always been guilty of assuming they now have a complete understanding of things, but that has yet to be the case in history. We are always learning more and I fear that when it comes to vaccines our efforts have been ahead of our knowledge. And I think that goes for our assumption of safety on all the chemcials, etc. we've been producting and injesting in the last decades.

#2: If you want I could give lots of details about our twins and their recovery. It is a very real story I'd be happen to share, but it would be long one and it is a continuing battle. For here I'll just say for us it wasn't a lights out kind of thing. They were very premature and always behind although they met age-adjusted milestones. It wasn't til we went back and looked at old videos and saw them looking at each other giggling and crawling around after each other, etc that I really believed they had regressed. From 1 year until we started biomed at 2 1/2 they had no acknowledgement of each other.


Nice post, and yes it does make me happy to hear that there are more open-minded people/doctors for parents to deal with. It is most frustrating when, as a parent, you are trying to make sure that your child is safe and then to get treated poorly by your pediatrician is just an added kick in the teeth.
As for my son and my belief that he is vaccine injured:

My son had a fever and an incredible rash after his first DTaP immunization. A fever, not much more, he was only 2 or 3 months old, and I didn't think much about it. Then came his second dose at 5 months. Before we made it home he was screaming this very high pitched screech and was posturing. This lasted for 3 hours and 45 minutes.
Our pediatrician never returned any of the three crying phone calls I made. I regret not taking him the ER right away. Not that that would have helped, but I feel guilty for not trying to do something more. When his crying stopped, he passed out for 14.5 hours of DEEP sleep. At the tiem, I was very happy for him that he was sleeping, not realizing that the sleep was as bad as the crying a far as being another effect from the vaccine. And that was it. When he woke up, I tried to get in his beautiful little face and make him smile at mommy. No. No eye contact. I thought I had to be nuts, he was little, I was over reacting. Right? Well, we never had eye contact again until he reached two years of age. We had nothing... no more playing with his feet, no more playing with his hands, no more gentle eye contact with a smile that we loved so much. My son is not autistic. My son was diagnosed with Central Nervous System dysfunction, sensory integration disorder, childhood apraxia of speech and dysarthria and pervcasive developmental delay. For the most part I am lucky. We have limited eye contact, but we HAVE it. He is loving and sweet. His hands are almost always curled up, his chect is always our for balance, he falls all the time. The good things are that he no longer obsessess over balls and hair clips and doors needing to be closed. He no longer beats his head on the floor because he cannot communicate, although he still has his many melt downs. He learned to point his finger at 2 1/2 and learned sign language. He is now 3 1/2 and we have speech. Not what it should be, but better than we ever hoped it could be. The fact that our son recognizes that we are in the room with him is huge, and brings tears even as I write this.
Like I said in the beggining , we are a lucky family. His accomplishments are wonderful. He will always be the "odd" kid in class, but we have every hope that he will be able to be in a NT classromm once first grade begins.
I think it is important to tell you that I received no meds while I was pregnant. I ate only organic, and discontinued my coffee. He had an APGAR of 9-10 upon birth, so the whole CP thing was not through traumatic delivery.
There was nothing else in my son's life other than the vaccines. Unlike most families with autistic children that believe vaccines caused their childs autism, there was no delay between receiving the vaccine and the onset of a reaction. My smiling baby turned into a potato that just sat there, right before my eyes. My pediatrician refers to his reaction as "pain at the injection site".
SO there you are, no real medical proof, only a mom that watched her son change before her eyes. Well, if there is any tangible evidence it is that his head size jumped significantly on month following his last vaccine. but that is it. And again, I am very lucky, but I know my son will never be the child God gave me at birth. I know that his life will have challenges that he should not have to have. ANd, like I said before, he will never be the kid in class that fits in easily. For that I am agry, he ddeserved better than what he got.
Thanks for asking.

Tanners Dad

I wish now that we had a video camera. We actually delayed Tanners shots for school until the very last minute possible. Before the regression there were developmental delays but he said about 100 words. At most in five word combinations. He did fixate on "I want to drive". He laughed, showed affection, chewed his food, fed himself, rode his bike, rode his little tikes car. shot the basketball...It is hard to rehash everytime someone wants to have this conversation. All I know is that he was what I would call "present". After the shots he was not. We can debate, attack, scream, and yell but until we find a way to heal and help this debate will continue to cost us emotionally, financially, and spirtually. Ultimately, I believe this may be the path to extinction of the human race. I know it is quite an extrapolation but when one cannot care for themselves and procreate... What happens next?

Stagmom for Carrie

Good morning, Carrie. (Are you our friend Dr. Carrie?)

I wanted to respond to your opinion (to which you are welcome) that folks on this site talking smack about Amanda Peet is in in the same ballpark as medical professionals writing in medical journals. This is a blog. Blogs get down and even a little dirty, though we try to moderate comments to avoid filth. We're much "cleaner" than many other blogs out there, even within the autism community. From this I know, having been called many names and had my life examined, picked apart and so on. That's part of being in the public eye. But when a doctor goes after another doctor in a professional journal, that's another kettle of fish altogether.

As far as your other questions, many of us are willing to have civil conversations, and we do in private via email. I once sent a GFCF food package to a blogger who is a dyed in the wool ND/no cure person after a conversation we had about behavior and this bloggers frustration with the child's status. And many of us, especially the mom bloggers, put aside treatment differences when it comes down to the children. That's what this is all about, the kids/people with autism.

But other bloggers find their content by reading this blog (and similar sites) and then run with the info on their own sites through a prism of distortion. I wouldn't be inclined to prime their pump. I hope you understand.

I've had terrific pediatricians who've worked with me on behalf of my kids' health. That means they give my kids only cursory care, since my kids are rarely ill - but I'll take that. When one of my girls had a terrible seizure disorder I got hand holding and a sense of concern - I stand by my assertion that no pediatrician, no matter how good our relationship, has offered me a single piece of advice or treatment that has advanced my children in any way. That's the hard fact.

Thanks for reading A of A.



About being personal, I think we are all guilty of that and it is no secret. I admit to personally attacking J. McCarthy on several occasions (I still don't trust her but that's another issue) and you all have attacked Amanda Peet personally many many MANY times. That her movies stink, that she's not well known enough, that she's ugly, etc, etc. Same thing was done several months ago to me when I posted my opinion on this site. Unfortunately getting personal has become the name of the game here and I think Dr. Healy handled it as well as it can be handled. Just rise above it.

With that being said, I do have several questions that I would appreciate answers to, for those of you who are willing to have a civil conversation.

#1- Many of you have said that your children spiked a fever after being given the vaccination, correct? Is this what you believe triggered the series of events that lead your child to autism? Because if yes, your child would have spiked the same fever had he/she actually gotten the disease in question, no? I know I am missing something here so explanations are much appreciated. I guess I just wonder how you know it is the vaccine preservatives causing the regression and not the dead virus itself (which, without vaccinations, your child would be susceptible to getting at a much greater scale). Does that make sense?

#2-I have read many recovery stories on your site but they don't go into much detail about what happened exactly after being given the vaccination. I especially want to understand what milestones specifically your children were reaching prior to the vaccination (how many words? and now how many words?). Was your child ever affectionate? Things like that...if your'e willing to share, I would greatly appreciate it.

Anyway, on a more positive note, I wanted to tell you this as well. While there are many docs out there who are still old school and will not tolerate this debate (will ask you to seek another doctor if you bring it up even), there are many more younger doctors who are more open minded about this issue. I see many of them holding off vaccines if they see even the slightest sign that suggests autism. I think this is a good thing.

One last thing, many of you had asked what they teach in medical school about this topic. Well, I was doing some reading yesterday and the latest sources do definitely address this issue and stay neutral in their assessment. They don't support either argument (again, i think it's a good thing). They recommend tailored vaccination schedules if need be AND (!!!) one of them had a few paragraphs on vaccine induced encephalopathy which somebody had asked me about before. So it is out there. Hopefully I made some of you a little happy to know that.

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