CBS Uncovers Third Autism Vaccine Injury Award
By Anne Dachel
CBS EVENING NEWS reporter Sharyl Attkisson again uncovers evidence of just how much the government has known about the damaging side effects of vaccines. This story clearly documents what countless parents have said, namely, their normally progressing children were profoundly affected by vaccinations. Here the government refused to concede that autism resulted from the DPT shot, agreeing only to a causal link to the seizure disorder. It enables them to say that they've never paid out for autism before Hannah Poling.
From the CBS site (read the full piece HERE.)
Now, CBS News has obtained details of a third case of vaccine injury in a child born in 1974. It may be one of the first cases in which the government compensated a child who became mentally retarded and developed autistic behavior after a vaccine injury. In this case, unlike the two others we've looked at, the child did not have a known pre-existing condition. What does this tell us that's relevant to the current debate over vaccines and autism/ADD? Medical experts are likely to differ on that front. Another "anomoly"? Early evidence of a possible vaccine/autism link that the government hasn't publicly discussed? Did the child have a pre-existing susceptibility to vaccines that simply went undiscovered? No matter the interpretation, the case proves the vaccine/autism debate has been going for at least two decades.
Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism.
What treatments have you approached for your son?
Where have you looked for help?
Posted by: Paul Robinson | September 04, 2008 at 02:36 AM
hi my name is Ronnie my son had a reation to the dpt vaccine when he was 6 mouths old in 1991 doctor's told us it could not be from the vaccine.We were ;nt able to file a claim because they said we were to late.Now my son is 17 years old he can not walk or talk lots seizure's we did'nt know about a compensation progrom that is no good tell that story to your reader's thanks Ronnie
Posted by: Ronnie Prine | September 03, 2008 at 08:12 PM
The government is saying that it didn't pay out for autism in the Poling case either, but it has certainly compensated more than three autistic kids for vaccine injuries. For a list, see Kathleen Seidel's March 11, 2008, blog post, "A not so hidden history," at
As I pointed out in my comment to Kathleen's article, Chief Special Master Golkiewicz said in his July 3, 2002 Autism General Order #1 that “[a]utism cases involving Table Injuries have been compensated under the Program,” and that cases like that should not be held up in the omnibus proceeding.
I find the sensationalistic "uncovering" of public information that's already been the subject of reporting on the Neurodiversity site a little odd.
Posted by: Anne | August 20, 2008 at 11:19 PM
Isn't the DPT the one vaccine that had listed as "complications" the last one on the list was 'autism'?
I've only been able to find encephalitis - with an indepth discussion of how the pertussis toxin alters cell signaling and can aid in the break down of the blood brain barrier. In the risk analysis, it came down to doctor and parent have to decide which disease their child should get (big time paraphrasing) encephalitis or whooping cough. My mom has told me terrible stories of her whooping cough days - but I think my autism stories trump her couging til she vomited everyday for 4 months.
Posted by: Cathy R. | August 19, 2008 at 11:06 PM
Keep digging Sheryl!!!!
I bet you have only hit the tip of the iceberg.
Posted by: autism123 | August 19, 2008 at 04:40 PM