PuppiesBy Twyla Ramos

Wisdom from Veterinarians – Vaccinations for Pets, Adverse Reactions, and Reformed Vaccine Schedules

Recently I came across several articles and books about adverse reactions to vaccinations among animals such as dogs, cats, horses and cattle.  The harm caused by over-vaccination is referred to as "vaccinosis".  Interestingly, pet owners and veterinarians report that vaccine-injured animals suffer from many of the same health conditions as people with autism, including inflammatory bowel disorders, seizures, encephalitis, auto-immune issues, hypothyroidism, eczema, susceptibility to infections, chronic ear infections, and behavioral issues. 

Some people believe that autism is caused by defective genes which impair the brain.  If you ask such a person, "But what about the rest of the body – what about the medical conditions which often affect people with autism, such as disorders of the immune system and digestion and biochemistry?" the response may be that:

•     These health conditions are independent of autism, and simply happen to occur in some autistic people, but people without autism also may have these conditions too, or

•     Perhaps the genes which affect the brain also affect other organs and systems in the body.

But, this information on vaccine reactions in animals adds to the plausibility of autism being vaccine induced, because there is so much similarity between the adverse vaccine reactions of pets and the conditions which frequently co-occur with autism.

Over the past few decades there has been considerable controversy among veterinarians regarding vaccinations.  Back in the 1960's, cats and dogs received very few vaccinations.  But (as with humans) more and more vaccines were developed for various diseases.  Since nobody was sure how long the immunity from these vaccines lasted, and since vaccines were assumed to be harmless, it became standard protocol to vaccinate dogs and cats annually for all diseases.  An increasing number of veterinarians and pet owners began to report adverse reactions from this intensive vaccine schedule, for example:

Dr. Chrissie Mason B.R.C.P., Ph.D. - "I am becoming seriously concerned at the increase in the cases of auto-immune disease, and the Canine/Feline vaccination program which I consider to be inextricably linked. Certainly, I do not stand alone in holding these views, as a number of Orthodox Veterinary Practitioners have expressed their concern over the incidence of certain types of illness suddenly appearing after a vaccination has been administered. Often these are severe skin disorders, gastrointestinal disturbances, sickness and colitis symptoms, all of which have been observed and recorded. (1)

Dr. Pat Bradley, DVM  -  "In a general and frightening context, I see the overall health and longevity of animals deteriorating. The bodies of most animals have a tremendous capacity to detoxify poisons, but they do have a limit. I think we often exceed that limit and overwhelm the body's immune system function with toxins from vaccines. The most common problems I see that are directly related to vaccines on a day to day basis are ear or skin conditions, such as chronic discharges and itching. I also see behavior problems such as fearfulness or aggression. Often guardians will report that these begin shortly after vaccination and are exacerbated with every vaccine."  (1)

Dr. Charles E Loops DVM - "The first thing that must change with routine vaccinations is the myth that vaccines are not harmful. Veterinarians and animal guardians have to come to realize that they are not protecting animals from disease by annual vaccinations, but in fact, are destroying the health and immune systems of these same animals they love and care for... Vaccinations represent a major assault on the body's immune system.... Vaccine induced chronic diseases range from life-threatening conditions such as auto-immune crises to conditions destroying the quality of life of an animal as in chronic skin allergies." (1)

Dr. W. Jean Dodds, DVM - "The challenge to produce effective and safe vaccines for the prevalent infectious diseases of humans and animals has become increasingly difficult. In veterinary medicine, evidence implicating vaccines in triggering immune-mediated and other chronic disorders (vaccinosis) is compelling. While some of these problems have been traced to contaminated or poorly attenuated batches of vaccine that revert to virulence, others apparently reflect the host's genetic predisposition to react adversely upon receiving the single (monovalent) or multiple antigen "combo" (polyvalent) products given routinely to animals. Animals of certain susceptible breeds or families appear to be at increased risk for severe and lingering adverse reactions to vaccines.  The onset of adverse reactions to conventional vaccinations… can be an immediate hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reaction, or can occur acutely (24-48 hours afterwards), or later on (10-45 days) in a delayed type immune response often caused by immunecomplex formation." (2)

"Vaccination also can overwhelm the immunocompromised or even healthy host that is repeatedly challenged with other environmental stimuli and is genetically predisposed to react adversely upon viral exposure.  The recently weaned young puppy or kitten entering a new environment is at greater risk here, as its relatively immature immune system can be temporarily or more permanently harmed. Consequences in later life may be the increased susceptibility to chronic debilitating diseases." (2)

Dr. Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD – "For much of my professional career, I perceived vaccines as both beneficial and harmless.  I never considered that they could contribute in any way to more subtle and persistent health problems.  Yet, the casual practice of yearly vaccinations is now seen by some veterinarians, myself included, as a significant contributor to the striking increase of chronic diseases observed during recent decades…  It is difficult for me to understand how such a cavalier attitude could have existed among both veterinarians and the public.  We all know that novel biological techniques can have unforeseen consequences and, indeed, this seems to be a common outcome of new medical procedures… This is not to say that every animal becomes ill after vaccinations.  This is clearly not so.  However, there are some animals – probably predisposed because of a weak immune system – that cannot handle certain vaccines and become chronically ill as a result of their use… Over the years, vaccines have also become more complex.  There are more of them used, many different types, and each may contain numerous viruses and germs – five, six, or more.  The immune systems of some animals may become confused by all this information… It is hardly a natural process for five or six disease agents to end up in an animal's bloodstream simultaneously, but this is what happens when a vaccine injection is given.  Too much, too fast." (3)

Because of the work of veterinarians such as Dr. Dobbs, a modified, less frequent schedule has now been adopted by the American Animal Hospital Association, the American Colleges of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Veterinary Microbiology and the American Association of Veterinary Immunologists. This new schedule divides vaccines into "core" (for common serious diseases), "non-core" (less common and/or less serious) and "not recommended".  Instead of giving annual boosters, titers are tested to see whether an animal is already immune to a disease, before deciding whether a booster is necessary.

The American Animal Hospital Association states:  "Recently, studies have shown that vaccines protect dogs for longer than previously believed... In addition, there is increased awareness and concern that vaccination is not as harmless a procedure as once thought. These factors have led to a growing number of veterinarians who recommend reduced frequency of vaccinations while at the same time tailoring vaccine recommendations to specific risk situations... One of AAHA's key recommendations is that all dogs are different — and thus vaccine decisions should be made on an individual basis for each dog. Issues to consider include the age, breed, health status, environment, lifestyle, and travel habits of the dog... You can work with your veterinarian to tailor an immunization program that best protects your dog based on his risk and lifestyle factors." (4)

Dr. W. Jean Dodds, DVM makes the following recommendations:  "Practitioners should be encouraged during the initial visit with a new puppy owner or breeder to review current information about the breed's known congenital and heritable traits.  For those breeds at increased risk, the potential for adverse reactions to routine vaccinations should be discussed as part of this wellness program… As a minimum, if we are unaware of the particular concern expressed, we can research the matter or ask the client for any relevant scientific or medical documentation. The accumulated evidence indicates that vaccination protocols should no longer be considered as a 'one size fits all' program.

"For these special cases, appropriate alternatives to current vaccine practices include: measuring serum antibody titers; avoidance of unnecessary vaccines or over vaccinating; using caution in vaccinating sick, very old, debilitated, or febrile individuals; and tailoring a specific minimal vaccination protocol for dogs of breeds or families known to be at increased risk for adverse reactions. Considerations include starting the vaccination series later…when the immune system is more able to handle antigenic challenge; alerting the caregiver to pay particular attention to the puppy's behavior and overall health after the second or subsequent boosters; and avoiding revaccination of individuals already experiencing a significant adverse event.  Littermates of affected puppies should be closely monitored after receiving additional vaccines in a puppy series, as they, too, are at higher risk. Altering the puppy vaccination protocol… is also advisable.

"Following these recommendations may be a prudent way for our profession to balance the need for individual patient disease prevention with the age-old physician's adage, forwarded by Hippocrates, of 'to help, or at least do no harm.'" (5)

It is wonderful that veterinarians and pet owners have been able to bring about change.  Evidently they are not facing such huge forces against change such as the CDC; never-the-less it has not been easy.  Dr. Dodds said in an email to me, "Colleagues like Dr. Ron Schultz at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and I have fought the establishment on the issues of over-vaccinating animals for more than 30 years.  Now, at last, people are listening and we no longer need to find space to fit more arrows in our backs!   Our latest project is"  This project is a study to determine how long rabies immunity lasts after a vaccine.  Rabies is the one vaccine mandated in many states, often annually, and it can have severe side effects.

I did not come across any examples of dogs or cats losing speech after receiving vaccines, since they do not speak before vaccines either (at least not in English, except in fictional places such as Narnia).  But I did find some accounts such as the following by Catherine J. M. Diodati:

"Waylon, a brindle Great Dane, received his second vaccinations series at 3 ½ months of age, a combined booster plus rabies vaccines.  Waylon immediately became excessively sleepy, refused to eat, and developed a high temperature.  Other changes, however, did not become evident until the initial reactions subsided.  Prior to vaccination, Waylon was 'a loving little pup who would gaze into [your] eyes and just cuddle and snuggle.'  After vaccination, his eyes had a glazed look, he no longer made eye contact, and would not tolerate physical contact.  Much like the vaccine-induced autism witnessed in children, it was difficult to hold Waylon's attention or to distract him away from repetitive or destructive behaviors.  He began destroying his bedding and a stuffed doll that he used to carry everywhere, cuddle with, and treat gently.  He also started running nonstop until his owner could bribe him to come into the house; then he would dash about in the house as well.  Fortunately, Waylon has improved considerably with the help of a good homeopathic protocol." (3)

I cannot resist quoting Catherine J. M. Diodati some more: "We have been paying well-intentioned people to administer toxic and carcinogenic substances to our pets – sometimes damaging or killing them – hoping to prevent diseases which may never occur.  Sadly, more ignorance than knowledge surrounds vaccination…  We are needlessly over-vaccinating them, repeatedly exposing our canines and felines to multiple pathogens and dangerous chemicals…  Many veterinarians… refuse to use certain vaccines because the disease in question is either so innocuous or rare that the risks associated with vaccination outweigh any promised benefits.  They understand that repeatedly injecting unnecessary vaccines is harming their animal clients.  Some veterinarians have designed reduced vaccination schedules, using only a few monovalent (single) vaccines and insisting on an interval of weeks between administering others.  They have also learned that vaccination must be avoided in sick animals – no matter how mild the illness appears – and in animals who are otherwise stressed, on medication, or have received surgery recently…

"We make the best decisions we can with the information we have.  For far too long, accurate vaccine information has not reached our hands, and our pets are paying dearly.  Many veterinary vaccines are either safe or effective; more often they are neither.  Would you knowingly choose to vaccinate your dog against coronavirus if you knew that the disease is extremely rare, very mild, and that the vaccine elicited questionable immunity yet causes a variety of serious adverse events, including meningitis and death?  Would you knowingly vaccinate your indoor cat, who will not be exposed to many diseases with vaccines known to cause cancer?  Of course not.  Nevertheless, we have been making vaccination decisions with limited access to accurate information." (3)

Would that those involved in vaccinating humans would pay attention to the wisdom developing among these two-legged friends of our four-legged friends.

(2) "Changing Vaccine Protocols" by W. Jean Dodds, DVM – reprinted at
(3) Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats – Catherine J.M. Kiodati, MA, Forward by Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD (pgs 9 – 11, 13 & 18)
(4)  Also see for more on this topic.
(5)  "Vaccination Protocols for Dogs Predisposed to Vaccine Reactions" by W. Jean Dodds, DVM, Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, May 1, 2001 – reprinted at

Twyla Ramos is the mother of three, wife of one, employee of a corporation, and board member of the Foothill Autism Alliance.



If you are willing to buy a house, you would have to get the home loans. Moreover, my brother usually uses a secured loan, which occurs to be the most reliable.

george whitney

Jean Dodds, I recall lookimg for you when you were on one of our programs in CT. I wxpected to see a studious introvert and plane scientist. I could not belive my eyes at the gorgeous woman approaching me. I have never gotten over it and to find such common sense was refreshing. I have a blog about the fact that a mutation such as Schnelly first described hip dysplasia in about 195o would not spread to all breeds in a few years. Before I became a vet we had a huge kennel of dogs my Dad was studying the inherritance of characteristics vs acquired ones and we never had dogs with weak hindquarters. We had many bloodhounds that soon after 1950 became a hopelessly inbvolved as a breed. I believe as I say in one blog that some environmental change was responsible. Checking I find that was the time citric acid became suddenly used as an additive to foods. As with the cow eating the proper weed producing deformed offspring and the history of thalidomide in humans I wonder about citric acid. I should have studied more about the Krebs Cycle. About overdoing of innoculations I used to quiz the pathologists at U. Conn about the incidence of diseases for which our profession injects to prevent. One such requests informed me the U Conn. station had not had a verifiable case of lepto in ten years until a year before two pointers from Miss. were imported ailing and died. As far as canine distemper was concerned there were no cases reported for years. I had an isolation ward with 90 degree temps for suspected contagious problems. I challenged inoculated cats with sick uninoculated ones and not once did a cat with one shot as an adult contract the disease even when exposed later in life. I knew I was going against the tide but I advised to forget the yearly follow up shots and made friends of clients and never did find I was wrong. Before yearly inoculations thyroid problems in cats were rarities but with yearly boosters that changed and I recall you suggesting the question of over shooting pets. Interesting. Great to read yuor blog. My blog is My personal best to you and Love, 90 year old George whitney


I thank God for Dr. Fox. I had a terrier mix female die a very slow, sad death. She lost most of her hair. She had sores on her skin. She smelled terribly even after a bath. She lost most of her weight. The vet said she had allergies. So, he shot her with anti-allergen meds. Her vet gave her immunization shots and allergy shots. She finally died in a very sad, scary way when I found her one morning having dragged herself to the door of the room where I had spent the night. She had soiled the floors and was lying on that mess. She looked at me with such sad eyes. I have never forgotten that. It is etched in my mind, heart and my soul. I still grieve for her.

I now have another dog, a terrier mix. He is a stray, rescued from the streets. No history on him. He must have been around 5-9 mos. old. His scrotum was still "pink", not darker skinned. Took him for the initial shots as we did not know where he came from. We've had him almost 3 years and he will not be getting any more shots. I refuse to slowly kill my beloved doggie with immunizations other than his rabies. Even so, I will be seeking titers when the time comes for the rabies shot. He also gets home cooked meals of ground turkey, vegetables and a little brown rice. He gets some fruit as a treat once in a while. So far, my dog seems very healthy.

We pet owners should thank Dr. Fox. We need more vets like him!


PS - and my parents dog has Lupus. Lupus in a dog? Insanity.


I am the parent of a vaccine-injured child and dog. Our sweet dog has terrible vaccine reactions (we now follow a 3 yr rabies and a 7 yr distemper, required by law, but don't give any others). He was a 'normal' dog then immediatelly after his 1st (and subsequent)vaccines started with GI problems and food allergies (sound familiar?) and his downward slide began. He then became an anti-social black lab. Have you ever heard of such a thing? We have one. Wants to be with other dogs but no longer acts appropriately with them, sits alone all day - its so sad. And yes, now he is gf/cf/soy/corn/chemical-free too.

When will the powers-that-be wake up?


Its not just mere coincidence. My breed (German sheps) now all die 7-9 yrs. If you have a Shep live past 10, its uncommon. Cats are the same way. We have many cats too & forgot to add about the cats that did not get regular vaxes were much healthier.
Couple that with the garbage kibble that is pushed on our pets - wham !!
Kibble is relatively new as a food form. Most people fed their pets leftovers. THEN the big news that leftovers made your pet fat, so feed kibble only.
Little did we know that we were being conned. Our pet food is full of fillers, grains (not a normal cat/dog thing), animal by-products (ground up, diseased animals).
Farm pets were some of the healthiest & longest living.
Now we have seriously over-weight, unhealthy pets - sound familar ?
The bowel problems has skyrocketed in German Sheps to the point that too many vaxes, bad breeding, bad food give them pancreatic enzyme deficiencies & spleen problems.
Very sad !


Here is another pair of veterinarians who also share this view: Robert S. Goldstein and Susan J. Goldstein, authors of The Goldstein's Wellness and Longevity Program: Natural Care for Dogs and Cats. In this book, (c2005) they state that they realized the dangers of over-vaccinating nearly 30 years ago based on what they were seeing in their practice, and at that time they estimated just giving vaccines generated about 60 percent of their business. They wrote, "There is increasing evidence that repeated vaccinations may contribute to a weakened immune system, which can trigger disorders as varied as arthritis, skin disease, diabetes, epilepsy, and even cancer. The potential for long term reaction (vaccinosis) may be the underlying cause for many autoimmune diseases (lupus, anemia, seizures, allergic dermatitis, hypo- and hyperthyroid condition) leading to heart, liver, or kidney failure." p. 43.

I can also add my own anecdotal observation: Out of a litter of 5 kittens, we kept two and very rarely took them to the vet. They had initial vaccines only as kittens, then (at most) rabies vaccine 2 more times due to requirements for travel and needed up-to-date vaccine proof. (They were indoor cats so I saw little point in paying for vaccines against things they were never going to be exposed to--so I avoided the vets and turned down several vaccines that were offered when we did take them in.) One of these cats lived to 11.5 years, the other until 14.5 years--its health declined and it died just a few months after getting revaccinated for rabies, per the law, and against my better judgement. (A previous cat I owned which never got any kitten vaccines, and only a few rabies shots, lived to 23 years.)

In contrast, the three kittens we gave away went to loving homes where they were taken for annual vet visits and got all the recommended vaccinations. All three of them died (or were put down) young (due to kidney failure/other health problems)--at ages 5,7, and 8 years, if I recall correctly.

Just another anecdote....

Perhaps a vaccinated versus never-vaccinated study of cats and/or dogs would be easily doable, and results fairly quickly apparent and measurable? Maybe it has been done somewhere by some veterinarian already?


thanks for this!!!

I think I have found the pet equivalent of "Age of Autism"


This is a GREAT STORY!!!! I am relieved that my Dog will get the best care from her vet, but why does the Vet keep insisting that she get a load of yearly vaccines? Our vet has mentioned that if she does not get all of the recommended vaccines that she will not be able to come back. You know my Son's pediatrician said the same thing. I am posting on this website so you know the outcome. Its a shame, it really is....


1st - I trust my pets' Vets with MY health more than I do my human Drs.
2nd - I've had & currently have vax damaged pets but didn't 2 & 2 together until the last several yrs.
3rd - I watched my current German Shep cascade into a mess of allergies, skin problems & foul bowel problems.
she had not rec'd the 5-in-1/bordatella for 5 yrs. I gave her 1 since it was required to be boarded for a trip we were going on. She was never the same.
4th - 2 of my elder Sheps dies within 2 yrs of starting regular timed vaxes

See, for yrs, I never had enough money to get vaxes other than the required rabies and even that was not all the time. I was a struggling single mom trying to keep afloat.
Then I finally get to a better point money-wise so I think I'm doing the "right thing by getting them all their vaxes regularly. 1 dog was a mess of auto-immune & thyroid problems & dies from spleen/pancreas problems. 1 dog died from sudden seizures at an advanced age. My various Vets were stumped about 2 of the healthiest K9s they had ever seen get these illnesses so rapidly & protocol did not fit for dogs their age, health, etc.

I'm not


I've appreciated the syndicated Animal Doctor advice column -- written by veterinarian Dr. Michael Fox.

He has really improved public awareness of vaccinosis, injection-site cancers, allergic reactions, etc.

Help for lyme

"A friend has been trying to get agressive treatment (not to mention diagnosis) of her lyme disease. She is unable and is searching for a new doc."

There is a "lyme induced autism" website because these buggers (i.e., mainstream medicine) have so screwed up peoples' immune systems from vaccines that these folks are now susceptible to a bunch of other infections from the environment, and are unable to shake them off. She can get information on lyme doctors from this resource that they have put together.

BTW at the last conference the lyme docs were complaining that mainstream media and academic researchers were not really listening to them!! What's with mainstream medicine anyway??? Why is it so "good-for-nothing" for chronic disease? Could it be that they don't want to acknowledge it because they can't treat it? What good does THAT do if I might ask? For the 30% of the people that are suffering from chronic disease. Are they not important? Are they doomed to suffer with no help in sight? We desperately need change.


Not only are our pets getting better care in the vaccine arena - but also the lyme disease arena. A friend has been trying to get agressive treatment (not to mention diagnosis) of her lyme disease. She is unable and is searching for a new doc. She had a chance encounter with a neighbor whose DOG has been diagnosed with lyme. The dog is on a very aggressive treatment schedule for his lyme and is recovering nicely.
Draw your own conclusions.

Lets send this to...

"Would that those involved in vaccinating humans would pay attention to the wisdom developing among these two-legged friends of our four-legged friends."

Twyla, this is a great article.

Maybe you could send it to the "grand empress," the NYT (Gardiner Harris). I would like for them to do an investigative piece on it and open it up for comments. Do you think they would dare to do that?

And lets send it to our "10,000 vaccines all together and nothing will happen" advocate called Offit.

And then lets send this to "this is a unique rare case" Gerberding at the CDC.

And then let's send it to "we will send one (or two) representative to the DAN conference" APP. (Don't bother, we don't really need you to do anything, we have alternative medicine. Just stop giving people autism!!)

And lets send it to "vaccines are save nevermind fibers sticking out of vials" Big Pharma executives at Merck.

And lets send it to "vaccines are safe and save people from serious diseases and you should keep vaccinating" Nancy Snyderman at NBC.

And lets send it to "manifestly not up to date on the vaccines thing" man Brit Hume at Fox.

And lets send it to "lets do a story, opps can't do the story and lets disappear" Dan Childs at ABC.

Okay, this is a long list and this will take forever, and so with that, I am going to stop right here.


This is all very disturbing. Can I get my son's autism diagnosis changed to vaccinosis? Maybe I should start taking him to the vet?

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