Camels_backTime Magazine has an interesting article (HERE) on the Poling case this week. We were particularly struck by this passage from the Time article:

"It's difficult to draw any clear lessons from the case of Hannah Poling, other than the dire need for more research. One plausible conclusion is that pediatricians should avoid giving small children a large number of vaccines at once, even if they are thimerosal-free. Young children have an immature immune system that's ill-equipped to handle an overload, says Dr. Judy Van de Water, an immunologist who works with Pessah at U.C. Davis.

"Some vaccines, such as those aimed at viral infections, are designed to ramp up the immune system at warp speed," she says. "They are designed to mimic the infection. So you can imagine getting nine at one time, how sick you could be." In addition, she says, there's some evidence, that children who develop autism may have immune systems that are particularly slow to mature."

We thought this was pretty responsible reporting. It's interesting to compare that to a statement made by Paul Offit, who often serves as a spokesperson for the Vaccine Lobby:

"A more practical way to determine the diversity of the immune response would be to estimate the number of vaccines to which a child could respond at one time...then each infant would have the theoretical capacity to respond to about 10,000 vaccines at any one time."

So, Dr. Van de Water, an immunologist, feels that giving nine vaccines at one time could make a child very sick. We wonder how she would feel about the additional 9,991 vaccines Dr. Offit, a "vaccinologist", feels would also be safe. Why do reporters talk to his guy?



"measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae" here is the list of diseases Hannah was vaccinated for at her 19 month old check-up (5 separate shots)...the Times article is claiming this resulted in her receiving an unusually large amount of mercury. Who is paying attention here? The MMR and the varicella shot do not contain mercury and never have. She received three shots that day containing mercury - Polio, DPT and Haemophilus influenza. Most newborns in 2000 received DTP, Polio and Hep B at the 2,4 and 6 month check-ups - all contained mercury. Hannah did NOT receive an unusual amount of mercury that day. I too am writing the editor - so many half-truths and misleading statements in this article.

Kelli Ann Davis

“But there are circumstances that make Hannah's case a bit unusual. For one thing, she received an unusually large number of vaccines in 2000 (when thimerosal was still in use).”

I hate it when these reporters FORGET about the fact that there are tens of thousands of injured children who were born before 2000 who rec’d a BOATLOAD of mercury in their vaccines!

What about them??

Just because we are “fixing the problem” by phasing out thimerosal doesn’t eradicate what happened to children BEFORE that phase out!!!

Unfortunately, most of them are not able to file a claim in Vaccine Court because they missed the statue of limitations due to the fact their parents didn’t know THEN what parents know NOW.

Unusual? No. Just unable to obtain justice through the legal system – at least for now.

Sandy Gottstein

Here is the letter I wrote to Time Magazine ([email protected]):

"While I commend Claudia Wallis for a mostly excellent review of the Poling case, there are two points she made that are incorrect:

1) While some researchers have repeatedly failed to find a link between vaccines and autism, others have repeatedly found one. Those who have found such a link are ridiculed or ignored, in spite of the fact that they come from prestigious universities. Ms. Wallis, by accepting that statement at face value, has unwittingly perpetuated this gross mischaracterization of the facts. (For more on this, read David Kirby's excellent book, "Evidence of Harm" and go to http://www.vaccinationnews.com/Scandals/2008/Mar_11_08/Scandal88.htm )

2) Gerberding either is ignorant of the facts or lying when she says thimerosal was removed. Neither case recommends her for the position she currently holds. Here are links to the CDC and FDA concerning thimerosal content in vaccines. ( CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf ; FDA: http://www.fda.gov/cber/vaccine/thimerosal.htm ) Also, please bear in mind that there are no studies demonstrating that alleged "trace" amounts of thimerosal are safe for susceptible children. Please also note that even the CDC and FDA do not know how much thimerosal really is still in vaccines. (http://www.ageofautism.com/2007/12/emails-from-cdc.html )

All the best,

Sandy Gottstein

President, Vaccination News, A Non-Profit Corporation


Sheila Dye

Just my two cents worth. It always bugs me when I read that pharm. co.'s stopped manufacturing vaccines with thimerosal as of 2001. I rec'd a copy of my 5 year olds vaccine log and called the companies myself.
Smith-Kline rep told me that they did not start making thimerosal free Hep B vaccines until Jan 2007. I had him repeat this to me twice. Those vaccines will stay on the shelf until they are all used up. I don't understand why the public is unaware of this. Sheila

Sandy Gottstein

By the way, Dr. Van de Water is a brave and principled person and her comment a WOW moment for me. Thank you Dr. Van de Water from the bottom of my heart.

Sandy Gottstein

I wrote about Paul Offit's 10,000 vaccines comment in my column, "Scandals - 08/30/02 - Tiptoeing Through The Minefield of Possible Vaccine Reactions - Mainstream Media's Sins Of Omission". Here's the link: http://www.vaccinationnews.com/scandals/Aug_30_02/Scandal31.htm



The story is #12 on Most Popular (meaning read) and #1 on Most Emailed. Hourly updates.

What is the mechanism by which you get to be a popular "email" story without being a popular "read" story?


"Gerberding and other health authorities point out that the benefits of vaccines far exceed their risks. They also note that thimerosal was eliminated from routinely administered childhood vaccines manufactured after 2001, and yet autism rates have continued to climb. The current CDC estimate is that 1 of 150 American children has an autism spectrum disorder."

I would like to understand why, even magazines such as Time, think that the best way to write a story is to quote several individuals/ organisations verbatim without analyzing and questioning the contradictions a bit further. Is it fair to leave readers more confused than what they were before they read the story? Or is that the intent?


My letter to the Times Editor:

Dear Time Editor,

Claudia Wallis recent vaccine autism story contains errors.

The three erroneous statements:

1 - Gerberding and other health authorities point out that the benefits of vaccines far exceed their risks. They also note that thimerosal was eliminated from routinely administered childhood vaccines manufactured after 2001, and yet autism rates have continued to climb.

2 - But there are circumstances that make Hannah's case a bit unusual. For one thing, she received an unusually large number of vaccines in 2000 (when thimerosal was still in use).

3 - One plausible conclusion is that pediatricians should avoid giving small children a large number of vaccines at once, even if they are thimerosal-free.

Editor of Time Magazine and Claudia Wallis: Thimerosal has not been removed from all childhood vaccines. Please click on FDA link below and scroll the the bottom of the page to see the vaccines which contain Thimerosal.


And although legislation was passed in California in 2001, banning Thimerosal for pregnant women and children, Thimerosal containing vaccines were given to pregnant women and children in California through 2006. Please see the California Health and Human Services pages below. Please note that the flu shot contains the full amount of Thimerosal and studies show that 94% of flu shots are not Thimerosal free.


I am shocked and so disappointed that Time Magazine is among the media outlets perpetuating these myths which dangerously mislead the public about the safety of vaccines and the truth about little Hannah Poling's hugely important case.


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