Davidkirby_2Managing Editor's Note: Atlanta is the home of the CDC.  If she reads the piece at the breakfast table, CDC Director Julie Gerberding might not be able to swallow that puppy she devours each day before toddling off to work with a happy heart, eager to tell the world there is no autism epidemic and even if there was, it isn't caused by vaccines. As always, thank you, David.


By now, many parents in America have heard of the Hannah Poling court case. They know the government has acknowledged that vaccines contributed to autism in at least one little girl from Georgia. Understandably, they are worried, and they want answers.

But instead of frank talk from leading health officials, their concerns are being met with stonewalling, denial and misinformation. By refusing to address what really happened to Hannah - by commanding parents to settle down and adhere to the nation’s rigid immunization regime - officials will only drive people away from vaccines in anxiety-ridden droves.

Read the entire piece in The Atlanta Journal Constitution.



I just want to thank you for standing at the front lines for all of us who cannot! There are alot of people who are very thankful. And i'm sure, alot of babies who would be thankful if they knew!

Cindy Stolten

Bravo David! Thanks so much! This paragraph alone should send shivers down parents spines.

"But the real bombshell was this: Hannah's autism was caused by vaccine-induced fever and overstimulation of her immune system, according to court documents. Her low cellular energy and reduced metabolic reserves, due to mitochondrial dysfunction, were overstressed by the contents of nine vaccines (including mercury) at once."

Craig Willoughby

Again, David, you speak what needs to be spoken. It is no longer a government for the people, by the people; the Holy Dollar now rules the Government, and it no longer matters to them who gets hurt. Thank you for keeping up the fight. I pray every day that we (the parents of vaccine injured children) will see an end to this charade.

Nancy, sadly the CDC didn't learn anything from our children because they don't care. I remember being told a couple of years ago that I needed to institutionalize my son. I was furious! I told the doctor that since it was the medical community that caused my son's disability, how could I ever trust them to care for him for the rest of his life? Hypocratic oath? Nope....hypocritic oath, methinks.....

Teresa Conrick

Wow! As Dan said, she may choke on her breakfast (not of champions but of liars and deniers).

An excellent summation! Thanks!


Thank you once again, David Kirby, for posing reasonable questions every citizen should ask. As the parent of a vaccine-injured child, I wonder why the CDC has learned nothing from all the children like my son.

Why not put some time and money into figuring out how to prevent more children from being injured by vaccines?

What is the harm in administering vaccines one at a time, and starting when children's bodies are more fully developed to tolerate the injections?

Isn't it worth the cost of a Happy Meal to get a flu shot without mercury in it?

When did the CDC decide that its bureaucracy was more important than the people whose health it is charged with protecting?

How can anyone trust people who doggedly refuse to acknowledge the truth?


"It's a difficult, but not impossible, proposition. And I believe doing so would reduce the rate of autism, seizure disorders and even asthma in some children."

It is so rare to get an acknowledgement of the issues your child faces - from anyone, anywhere - just to see it in print out there for everyone, is heart-warming and reassuring. Thank you David Kirby for taking the time to do this, over and over and over again.

Also, your dedication to the "science" of regressive autism is unexpected, and extremely gratifying, since its usually just the parents in the trenches trying to make sense of it all.


David Kirby, I think I love you.

JB Handley

Man, that is a serious ass-whoopin'!

Sargent L. Goodchild, Jr.

It is unfortuante that the CDC has forsaken the population it was created to protect in order to serve its own needs. I am grateful for this article by David Kirby as well as all the contributors of AoA for speaking so clearly about this important issue. The momentum is beginning to shift and it is in large part because of fine individuals like those found at this website. I eagerly await Julie Gerberding's resignation.

Sargent L. Goodchild, Jr.
Exec. Director
Active Healing, Inc.


I often wonder how the folks at the CDC can go to work every day singing 'Zippity Doo Da' knowing they are partly responsible for this mess. Tip O' the hat to ya David.

Dan Olmsted

David, It is so perfect that the person who put this on the radar is now shooting down the plane. Your reporting and analysis on the Poling case are simply brilliant. Hats off! Dan


David you are THE BEST!!!
Your amazing talent always brings the core issues to the forefront in a way that makes everyone look and listen. You are truly a strong voice for all AS children.


When I was travelling around Italy, I noticed that you always hear the best Pope stories and Pope jokes in Rome, usually from the most devout. Things get more sanctimonious the farther away from the Vatican you get. I guess they print the best CDC stuff only in Atlanta.


David - again you have taken a very complex topic and made it simple for the unaffected folks (people without an ASD child) to understand the enormous ramifications. Now if only the CDC would listen...


I think this piece is particularly appropriate during Holy Week for Christians. Of course, it would work for Passover too. If only our children had been passed over by autism.

Thank you, David.

Sandy Gottstein

Thank God and goodness for you, David Kirby.


Way to go David!! Congrats on the article. You spell out all the myths to parents. This is exactly what they need to hear.

This veil of secrecy CDC has is appalling.

I hope Julie Gerberding reads it and realizes IT AIN'T OVER BABY!!!!

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