Squidward By J.B. Handley

I haven’t seen Bob Wright speak in public in some time. Perhaps he can’t get out of bed what with his missing spine and all…I don’t know.

When I first heard the CEO of NBC had an autistic grandson and was launching a new organization I thought, “Finally, someone with the courage, intellect, and independence to do the right thing!”

What I should have said was: Oh crap, a guy who survived the bureaucracy and back-stabbing of GE for more than 30 years by striving for consensus, deferring to perceived experts, delegating major decisions, and ensuring that he can seek cover and blame someone else for any mistakes along the way. It turns out a corporate survivor and changing the course of autism are a very poor match, indeed.

What’s it take to change the course of autism?

It takes Andy Wakefield’s integrity.

And Jenny McCarthy’s guts.

And Lyn Redwood’s sense of duty.

And Mark Blaxill’s uncompromising demand for truth.

And Lujene Clark’s refusal to give up.

And Bernie Rimland’s generosity of spirit and willingness to challenge orthodoxy.

And Katie Wright’s –- ironically –- singular commitment to her son’s welfare.

And thousands of other parents, willing to risk being ostracized by friends, doctors, teachers, and relatives, willing to accept the whispers behind their back and the stares across the school parking lot, to pursue the truth, and to put the welfare of our kids above all else.

Since February 2005, when Autism Speaks opened its doors, we have witnessed an explosion of truth about autism: that it is an epidemic, that it is triggered by the environment, that vaccines are a major part of the problem, and that children are indeed recovering through biomedical intervention.

And, yet, on these core “four truths”, Autism Speaks remains mum. Mystifyingly, the organization that Bob Wright started remains convinced that autism’s origins are a mystery, its prevalence a matter of debate, and genetics the most promising route for funding. Recovery? Just watch Autism Every Day: the autism of Autism Speaks is only suffering and challenges. No hope. No recovery.

When Autism Speaks neighboring state, New Jersey, seeks to mandate vaccines for preschool children, do they speak up to help? No, it’s left to A-CHAMP and Deirdre Imus to speak for our kids and our community.

The departure from Autism Speaks of Katie Wright earlier this year, so pathetically public and poorly handled, grows more astonishing with time: Bob and Suzanne Wright really did choose to put an organization they started in their grandson’s honor ahead of their grandson and daughter.

2007 was the year of great change in autism, thanks largely to Jenny McCarthy, standing on the shoulders of the giants who came before her and shouting with all her might to shock parents into re-thinking what they may have believed about autism. We are not too far from the day of truth and the day of reckoning on autism, where people will be remembered by where they stood when this growing controversy finally exploded into the health scandal earthquake of our time.

Maintaining his current trajectory, Bob Wright will be standing on the side of the crumbling land descending quickly into the sea, unwilling to rise above the din of the yes-men and establishment scientists with one hand in the cookie jar scurrying about and still debating whether or not autism cases are actually rising.

Here’s hoping he finds his spine in 2008.

JB Handley is co-founder of Generation Rescue and Editor at Large for Age of Autism.


Karen Beauvais

At least Bob managed to produce a daughter who is a full on, biomedical, advocate.

Spines seem to be missing wholesale these days.
It could be a new epidemic on the rise. Pediatricians, ACIP panel members, Congressman. All without spines!
I still hold out hope that the polio generation will see that the environmental disease model will never, ever, fit the infectious disease model.
With infectious disease the causation lies with a bug. Unfortunately with environmental illness... man is to blame.
At some point (let's pray the ratio goes no lower)the "genetics only" theory must get thrown out the window.
Autism Speaks, like other orgs before it, will quickly become irrelevant if it does not offer parents solid biomedical answers.
Recovered kids or more services? You decide.
Bob may want to ask himself that question... before social security runs out and a generation of children graduate with acute Mercury poisoning.

Erik Nanstiel

You're tellin' it straight-up, JB. Thanks.

I still hold out hope for Katie's parents, perhaps naively... only time will tell. In the meantime, we won't be dazzled by their crowd. We'll keep doing what we do... churning up the truth while uprooting and folding these people under to make way for the seeds we want to plant. Their money won't keep them relevant for very long. Only their commitment to the truth can.


Handley fanclub

Gosh JB, I'm shocked that a timid guy like you would want to call Bob out (grin). Somehow, I think the invitation list to Bob's next big 'ol fundraiser won't have your name on it??(sniffle). P.S. Go JB Go!

Anne Dachel

JB gives us the four major talking points regarding autism: EPIDEMIC, ENVIRONMENT, VACCINES, and RECOVERY. Autism Speaks doesn’t address these and neither does the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I'm sure the CDC couldn't have found a better group to continue their lies of better diagnosing, genetic autism, no evidence of harm, and no cure.

AS and the CDC offer us nothing and the public is increasingly looking for answers.

Raymond Gallup

If you see who are the board members are like Eric London, Emanuel DiCicco-Bloom and Jonathan Shestack
along with Andy Shih of the leadership
then you can understand why Autism Speaks has been neutered by the drug/vaccine companies.

So has Bob Wright been neutered.

Ray Gallup
[email protected]

Harry Tembenis

How Bill Frist and the Drug Lobby Covertly Bagged a Liability Shield
(a MUST read for any parent of an autistic child)

Feel free to forward on to other parents

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