By Kim Stagliano
Yes, the headline was a stretch. And if you're under 35 you have no idea what we're talking about. WKRP in Cincinnati was an old TV show... Oh, nevermind.
Just read an interesting story out of Cincy HERE about chelating a child for LEAD and watching his autism disappear.
"Chelation treatments, used to remove metals from the body, have reduced noah's lead levels and have made a huge impact.
"It was really powerful and amazing for us to watch. It was literally watching a miracle right in front of our eyes," said noah's father, Rob Breakiron.
"We have a child here who is virtually indistinguishable from his peers and that's certainly not what he was a year or two years ago," added Pediatrician David Berger, MD."
I trust the pediatrician David Berger, MD will do the right thing and publishing a case report. I won't hold my breath.
Posted by: Mr. Anonymous | January 07, 2008 at 05:26 PM