Burns By Barbara Loe Fisher

The AAP leadership is just not going to give up insisting that it is a very, very good thing to inject mercury into infants and children. They are going to twist themselves into pretzels trying to defend the indefensible premise that a known neurotoxin belongs in childhood vaccines, as evidenced by today's early release of a methodologically questionable "study" by Michael Pichichero, M.D. purporting to exonerate the mercury-based vaccine preservative, thimerosal, from any responsibility for children developing vaccine- associated autism. HERE.

The study, originally scheduled to be published Feb. 4 in the AAP journal, Pediatrics, was released "early" in an effort to blunt the impact of tonight's broadcast of a fictional drama on ABC-TV that highlights the ordeal of a family whose son developed autism after receiving mercury-containing vaccines. HERE.

Here is what all the fuss is about (for today at least): Pichichero claims his study of about 200 babies and children, who were injected with vaccines containing ethyl mercury (thimerosal), showed that measurable mercury levels in the blood of the children were gone within 3.7 days. This, says Pichichero, is much quicker than the average 44 days it takes for methyl mercury (found in fish) to be undetectable in the blood. Ergo, he says, exposure to thimerosal does not cause brain damage or autism!

Not so fast, says Thomas Burbacher, M.D., a scientist who studies the biological effects of ethyl mercury on primates. "Just because it came out of the blood doesn't mean it is excreted from the body. It could have gone to the brain. In primates, you actually get more mercury in the brain after exposure to ethyl mercury than with methyl mercury - it has an easier time crossing the blood brain barrier." HERE.

Now, whether you think that all or part of the autism epidemic has been caused by children getting too many mercury containing vaccines or whether you think that a subset of children suffering with autism have been affected by mercury containing vaccines or you believe mercury containing vaccines do not play any role at all in the autism epidemic:


News Flash for the AAP and pediatricians everywhere: there is no mother on this planet who would, willingly, ask you to inject her baby with mercury. It does not matter if ethyl mercury has been "proven" or "not proven" to be the cause of the autism epidemic. It is simple from a parent's perspective:


The AAP leadership and doctors inside and outside of government, who have become apologists for unsafe vaccines and one-size-fits-all vaccine policies, are dancing like clowns as they threaten freedom of the press and attempt to cover-up vaccine injuries and deaths not only potentially caused by thimerosal - but also potentially caused by many other biological mechanisms involved in vaccine induced brain and immune system dysfunction, including autism. The dance would be almost comical if their stubborn defense of mercury in vaccines did not reveal so much more about a cavalier disregard for scientific truth and human life.


"The latest chapter in the debate over whether childhood vaccines can cause autism was written Wednesday with release of a study that showed the controversial mercury-containing preservative thimerosal is rapidly excreted from babies' bodies and can't build up to toxic levels....."Though it's reassuring to affirm that these immunizations have always been safe, our findings really have greater implications for world health," Pichichero said. "Replacing the thimerosal in vaccines globally would put these vaccines beyond what the world community could afford for its children." The study findings were to be released Monday in the February issue of the journal Pediatrics. But they were released early by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which is requesting that the ABC network cancel the premiere episode of a new show Thursday dealing with the thimerosal-autism controversy...... Still, at least one vaccine critic worries that inoculations are making children prone to autism, a developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, communication problems, and unusual, repetitive, or severely limited activities and interests. And if it's not thimerosal, then it must be some other vaccine-related interaction, said Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center. "There are many biological mechanisms involved in vaccine-induced brain and immune system changes that could quite well lead to autism," she said. "Mercury doesn't belong in any product," Fisher added. "Mercury doesn't belong in vaccines whether it's proven or not proven that mercury is a problem in vaccines." - Forbes (HealthDay News) January 30, 2008

"One of the few researchers who studies the effects of ethyl mercury is Thomas Burbacher, PhD, professor of environmental and occupational health sciences and director of the infant primate research lab at the National Primate Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle. Burbacher's studies of ethyl mercury and thimerosal in primates are cited by both sides of the thimerosal debate. Burbacher says that just because ethyl mercury is gone from an infant's blood soon after it receives a dose of thimerosal -- a half-life of just 3.7 days in the Pichichero study -- doesn't mean it's gone from the body. "Just because it came out of the blood doesn't mean it is excreted from the body. It could have gone to the brain," Burbacher tells WebMD. "In primates, you actually get more mercury in the brain after exposure to ethyl mercury than with methyl mercury -- it has an easier time crossing the blood-brain barrier." Sallie Bernard is co-founder and executive director of SafeMinds, an organization that advocates "sensible action for ending mercury-induced neurological disorders." Bernard says the Pichichero study is valuable because it makes it clear that the body handles ethyl mercury very differently from the way it handles methyl mercury. "That is why we need real safety studies to look at the effects of ethyl mercury," Bernard tells WebMD. "We need not look at blood levels and excretion times, but at what goes on in the brain and what any ethyl mercury-induced changes in the brain are doing to children." - Daniel DeNoon, Web MD (January 30, 2008) HERE.

Mercury in Childhood Vaccines Excreted Quickly
Forbes (HealthDay News)
January 30, 2008

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 30 (HealthDay News) -- The latest chapter in the debate over whether childhood vaccines can cause autism was written Wednesday with release of a study that showed the controversial mercury-containing preservative thimerosal is rapidly excreted from babies' bodies and can't build up to toxic levels.

"Thimerosal has been used for decades, but the surge in vaccinations caused fear that possible accumulations of ethyl mercury, the kind in thimerosal, might exceed safe levels -- at least, when based on the stringent risk guidelines applied to its better- understood chemical cousin, methyl mercury, which is associated with eating fish," lead researcher Dr. Michael Pichichero, professor of microbiology/immunology, pediatrics and medicine at the University of Rochester, said in a prepared statement.

"One of the unanswered questions when this first popped up as a controversy was, when you got thimerosal as an injection, how long would it stay in your blood," co-author Dr. John Treanor, a professor of medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center, said in an interview.

The new research, he added, showed that "the levels of thimerosal don't go very high and they go down right away. By the time it's time for the next dose of vaccine, the levels are right back to where they were at the beginning."

For their study, Pichichero's team tracked 216 infants from R. Gutierrez Children's Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where thimerosal is still routinely used in vaccines. Use of thimerosal in childhood vaccines was discontinued in the United States after a joint decision in 1999 by U.S. health officials, pediatricians and vaccine manufacturers.

The infants in the study were put into three age groups and their blood-mercury levels were tested both before and after vaccinations were given to newborns, and at their two- and six-month checkups.

Pichichero's group found that for all three age groups, the half-life of ethyl mercury in the blood -- the time it takes for the body to get rid of half the mercury, and then another half, and so on -- was 3.7 days.

That's significantly less than the half-life of methyl mercury, the kind found in fish, at 44 days.

"Until recently, that longer half-life was assumed to be the rule for both types of mercury. Now it's obvious that ethyl mercury's short half-life prevents toxic build-up from occurring. It's just gone too fast," Pichichero said.

"If you thought thimerosal was responsible for autism, you would be looking at mercury levels that were far below anything anyone's previously thought as being toxic," Treanor added.

"Though it's reassuring to affirm that these immunizations have always been safe, our findings really have greater implications for world health," Pichichero said. "Replacing the thimerosal in vaccines globally would put these vaccines beyond what the world community could afford for its children." "

The study findings were to be released Monday in the February issue of the journal Pediatrics. But they were released early by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which is requesting that the ABC network cancel the premiere episode of a new show Thursday dealing with the thimerosal-autism controversy. The new findings also follow a recent report from the California Department of Health that rates of autism continue to climb there even after thimerosal was removed from childhood vaccines.

And they follow a series of studies, including a large-scale U.S. Institute of Medicine review in 2004, that failed to uncover a link between childhood vaccines and autism. The first report of a possible connection appeared in British study in the late 1990s and has since been discredited.

Current estimates by the U.S. National Institutes of Health say that one American child in 150 has been diagnosed with autism, although experts wonder if that increase owes to better diagnoses and a broader definition of the disorder.

Still, at least one vaccine critic worries that inoculations are making children prone to autism, a developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, communication problems, and unusual, repetitive, or severely limited activities and interests. And if it's not thimerosal, then it must be some other vaccine-related interaction, said Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center.

"There are many biological mechanisms involved in vaccine-induced brain and immune system changes that could quite well lead to autism," she said.

"Mercury doesn't belong in any product," Fisher added. "Mercury doesn't belong in vaccines whether it's proven or not proven that mercury is a problem in vaccines."

In ABC's new TV series Eli Stone, the premiere Thursday focuses on a lawyer arguing that a vaccine caused a child's autism. While the show includes statements that science has refuted a link between autism and vaccines, the program reinforces the connection as the jury awards the mother $5.2 million, according to the AAP.

"If parents watch this program and choose to deny their children immunizations, ABC will share in the responsibility for the suffering and deaths that occur as a result. The consequences of a decline in immunization rates could be devastating to the health of our nation's children," AAP President Dr. Renee R. Jenkins said in a prepared statement.

Mercury in Vaccines Leaves Blood Fast

Study Shows Ethyl Mercury in Thimerosal Leaves Blood Quickly
WebMD Medical News
January 30, 2008

by Daniel J. DeNoon

Ethyl mercury from the vaccine preservative thimerosal leaves the blood 10 times faster than methyl mercury, on which current risk assessments are based. Only trace levels of thimerosal can be found in U.S. vaccines, except in multi-dose vials of flu vaccine (single-dose flu vaccine has no thimerosal). But the inexpensive vaccines that allow poorer nations to afford to immunize their children still use thimerosal to prevent bacterial contamination.

Major studies of children who received thimerosal-preserved vaccines fail to find a link between these vaccines and health problems. But because thimerosal's active ingredient is a kind of mercury -- and because mercury can be highly toxic -- there is a belief among many parents of autistic children that thimerosal caused their children's disease.

Nearly everything known about the toxic effects of mercury is based on studies of a form of mercury called methyl mercury. That's the kind of mercury found in large ocean fish -- and the kind that causes developmental problems in children exposed to mercury through environmental disasters. But astonishingly little is known about the real risks of ethyl mercury itself.

A new study by University of Rochester researcher Michael E. Pichichero, MD, and colleagues now sheds some light on this mystery. Pichichero's team studied ethyl mercury levels in the blood, urine, and stools of Argentinean newborns and infants before and after they received multiple childhood immunizations with thimerosal-preserved vaccines.

"While our study is not a direct evaluation of neurological disorders and autism, it shows that mercury levels in infants' blood after vaccination with thimerosal-containing vaccines are 10 times lower -- and go away 10 times faster -- than if they'd received the same amount of methyl mercury," Pichichero tells WebMD.

One of the few researchers who studies the effects of ethyl mercury is Thomas Burbacher, PhD, professor of environmental and occupational health sciences and director of the infant primate research lab at the National Primate Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle. Burbacher's studies of ethyl mercury and thimerosal in primates are cited by both sides of the thimerosal debate.

Burbacher says that just because ethyl mercury is gone from an infant's blood soon after it receives a dose of thimerosal -- a half-life of just 3.7 days in the Pichichero study -- doesn't mean it's gone from the body.

"Just because it came out of the blood doesn't mean it is excreted from the body. It could have gone to the brain," Burbacher tells WebMD. "In primates, you actually get more mercury in the brain after exposure to ethyl mercury than with methyl mercury -- it has an easier time crossing the blood-brain barrier."

Pichichero agrees with Burbacher on this but he says the current findings are relevant to thimerosal risk.

"There is a direct relationship between the amount of mercury in the blood -- and how long it stays in the blood -- and the ability of mercury to get into the brain to produce developmental problems," he says. "We did not prove there was not deposition of mercury in other parts of the body, but we prove that the half-life of ethyl mercury from thimerosal is low, excretion is high, and the kidneys -- an organ very sensitive to the effects of mercury -- were not damaged."

Sallie Bernard is co-founder and executive director of SafeMinds, an organization that advocates "sensible action for ending mercury- induced neurological disorders."

Bernard says the Pichichero study is valuable because it makes it clear that the body handles ethyl mercury very differently from the way it handles methyl mercury.

"That is why we need real safety studies to look at the effects of ethyl mercury," Bernard tells WebMD. "We need not look at blood levels and excretion times, but at what goes on in the brain and what any ethyl mercury-induced changes in the brain are doing to children."

The Pichichero study appears in the February online edition of the journal Pediatrics.

NVIC is funded through the financial support of its members and does not receive any government subsidies. Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co- founder.

Learn more about vaccines, diseases and how to protect your informed consent rights NVIC.



Um.. was that last post directed at me? Maybe I should have put a smiley after I said that, since you didn't really catch the sarcasm. I know you mean well and all though. Just try and ready though the whole post though next time.



In re the comment -- "This study essentially tells us that ethyl mercury leaves the blood quickly and goes into some unknown tissues, but not the kidneys, and some of it ends up in stool right afterwards. That's reassuring."

That's not reassuring, it's wishful thinking. There is so much more to know than can be included in any one study; especially a study like this.

Mercury of any kind -- unless it's an extremely high dose (like some of the multi-vaccine 'doctor visits') -- only develops its problems over time. Sometimes, a long period of time.

And where did the idea come from that it doesn't "go into the kidneys"? Of course it does. The kidneys are one of two importants routes for getting rid of mercury, any kind of mercury.

The mercury that gets into "unknown tissues" can stay for a very, very long time. Some of those tissues and organs include:

brain, generally
fat (body fat of all kinds)
motor axons

Below are various citations and snips from abstracts to illustrate some of these organs and tissues. They are in date order, newest first.

What they should be studying is long-term CHRONIC exposure. Years of exposure. And effects years later, even if exposure ended.

What they should be studying is INJECTED mercury, accompanied by various other toxic substances. Injected ethylmercury a/k/a thimerosal.

And what they should also be studying is INGESTED mercury. There are lots of stories of pregnant women who craved, and ate, tuna; sometimes a can a day.

And further, what they should be studying is INHALED mercury -- (from fireplace smoke, forest fires, cigarette smoke, household paints up until the late 80's, and other sources). A mother exposed to inhaled mercury before getting pregnant, can pass some of that along to a fetus.

Therefore - what should also be studied is CHRONIC exposure to mercury from any and all sources. Plus chronic exposure to a whole MIXTURE of toxic substances.

An example of known multiple exposures is the cancer cluster in Fallon, Nevada. Of more than 100 suspected cancer clusters, this is one of the few that the CDC actually acknowledged to be just that . . . a cancer cluster.

Usually the CDC gerrymanders the 'district' or excludes possible 'cases' in order to make a declaration of No Cluster. (Within the agency, apparently, they call themselves Cluster Busters. They see it as their mission to deny, or repudiate, the idea of clusters.)

Residents of Fallon were exposed to very high levels of arsenic in their drinking water. Tungsten in the air. Mercury in the environment, from Gold Rush gold-mining days. Mercury in the air, any time there was a forest fire. And jet fuel exhaust from the military base next door.

Arsenic, tungsten, benzene, mercury -- put them all together, and what do you get?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The following are the snips, snippets, brief comments from abstracts:


Sci Total Environ. 2007 May 15;377(2-3):173-8. Epub 2007 Mar 26.
Human accumulation of mercury in Greenland.
Johansen P, et al.

The highest total mercury levels were found in kidney, followed by liver and spleen.

Methylmercury followed the same pattern, but levels were much lower, constituting only 19% of the total mercury concentration in liver and spleen and as little as 3% in kidney.


Biomed Environ Sci. 2005 Apr;18(2):96-102.
Rice from mercury-contaminated areas in Guizhou Province induces c-jun expression in rat brain.
Cheng JP

CONCLUSION: c-jun participates in the toxicity process of brain injury by mercury-polluted rice, the expression of c-jun mRNA in brain, and c-jun protein in rat cortex and hippocampus can predict neurotoxicity of mercury-polluted rice.


Mutat Res. 2004 Oct 10;563(2):97-106.
Disturbed microtubule function and induction of micronuclei by chelate complexes of mercury(II).
Stoiber T, et al.

The abstract begins: "Interactions of mercury(II) with the microtubule network of cells may lead to genotoxicity."

-- and --

Arch Toxicol. 2004 Oct;78(10):575-83. Epub 2004 Jun 15.
Genotoxicity of inorganic mercury salts based on disturbed microtubule function.
Bonacker D, et al.

This study investigated the hypothesis that the chromosomal genotoxicity of inorganic mercury results from interaction(s) with cytoskeletal proteins . . . . Hg2+ inhibits microtubule assembly at concentrations above 1 microM, and inhibition is complete at about 10 microM.


Neurotoxicology. 2001 Oct;22(5):577-92.
Astroglia as metal depots: molecular mechanisms for metal accumulation, storage and release.
Tiffany-Castiglion E, Qian Y.

The brain is an organ that concentrates metals, and these metals are often localized to astroglia.

[Even] essential metals may become toxic by accumulating at levels that exceed the normal metal buffering capacity of the cell.

This review considers the uptake, accumulation, storage, and release of two xenobiotic metals, Pb and Hg, as well as two essential nutrient metals that are neurotoxic in high amounts, Mn and Cu. Evidence that each metal accumulates in astroglia is evaluated, together with the mechanisms the host cell may invoke to protect itself from cytoxicity.


Pharmacol Rev. 2000 Mar;52(1):113-43.
Molecular interactions with mercury in the kidney.
Zalups RK.

All forms of mercury have toxic effects in a number of organs, especially in the kidneys . . . . the susceptibility of target cells in the kidneys to the injurious effects of mercury is modified by a number of intracellular and extracellular factors


American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology. 20(4):369-373, December 1999.
Membranous Fat Necrosis Due to Subcutaneous Elemental Mercury Injections.
Ramdial PK; Jogessar V; Dada MA

Membranous fat necrosis (MFN) is a distinct abnormality in systemic and subcutaneous fatty tissue. Although ischemia and trauma have been implicated in its causation, the exact pathogenesis of MFN remains unknown . . . . We report subcutaneous MFN, a hitherto-unrecognized histopathologic phenomenon at sites of mercury deposition, in a 21-year-old soccer player who had deliberate subcutaneous and intramuscular elemental mercury injections to improve his sporting performance.


J Am Coll Cardiol. 1999 May;33(6):1578-83.
Comment in:
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000 Mar 1;35(3):819-20.
Marked elevation of myocardial trace elements in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy compared with secondary cardiac dysfunction.
Frustaci A,

A large increase (>10,000 times for mercury and antimony) of trace elements concentration has been observed in myocardial but not in muscular samples in all pts with IDCM.

Patients with secondary cardiac dysfunction had mild increase (< or = 5 times) of myocardial TE and normal muscular TE.

In particular, in patients with IDCM, mean

mercury concentration was 22,000 times (178,400 ng/g vs. 8 ng/g),

antimony 12,000 times (19,260 ng/g vs. 1.5 ng/g),

gold 11 times (26 ng/g vs. 2.3 ng/g),

chromium 13 times (2,300 ng/g vs. 177 ng/g) and

cobalt 4 times (86,5 ng/g vs. 20 ng/g)

higher than in control subjects.


J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1998 Apr;57(4):360-6.
Shrinkage of motor axons following systemic exposure to inorganic mercury.
Pamphlett R, Png FY.

" . . . inorganic mercury remains within mouse neurons for prolonged periods and causes a reduction in the size of myelinated axons in the anterior root and to a lesser extent the posterior spinal root. Inorganic mercury within motor neurons therefore appears to behave as a slowly-acting neurotoxin that shrinks motor axons."


Archives of Toxicology, Dec 1980
Toxicokinetics of methyl mercury in pigs
Gyrd-Hansen N

Toxicokinetics of methyl mercury were studied in pigs [after I.V. administration] . . . . Highest mercury levels were found in kidney and liver, with lower contents in muscle and brain, and very little in adipose tissue.


"There is a direct relationship between the amount of mercury in the blood -- and how long it stays in the blood -- and the ability of mercury to get into the brain to produce developmental problems," he says. "We did not prove there was not deposition of mercury in other parts of the body, but we prove that the half-life of ethyl mercury from thimerosal is low, excretion is high, and the kidneys -- an organ very sensitive to the effects of mercury -- were not damaged."

This study essentially tells us that ethyl mercury leaves the blood quickly and goes into some unknown tissues, but not the kidneys, and some of it ends up in stool right afterwards. That's reassuring. I'm sure the public will buy the argument that ethyl mercury is "good" and methyl is "bad". Can't wait to see a pediatrician try and tell this to a parent.

What might be good for this site and others is to create a little PDF file that has bullet points and links to papers that take apart studies like this. We all know the papers by now, as they are routinely in posts on this board and on safeminds. Something simple and on one page that could be handed out to a pediatrician and discussed when they bring up the subject of "good" mercury. Does this already exist?

Watch out


Please note that this is what we are angry about. And the AAP and the CDC and the FDA and Big Pharma and whoever else is behind this mad scramble to save their butts and are wasting millions of dollars in doing so, need to realize. If you do not STOP and do not stop NOW, we are going to hound you for the rest of your lives. The longer you indulge in these petty trifles, the bigger will be the price to pay for injecting a lethal and dangerous poison into children. The penalty and the price to pay for this injustice that you have perpetrated on mankind will be immense. Mend your ways and watch your actions. We are very CLOSELY watching yours. Consider this a fair warning!!

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